Thursday, January 13, 2022

Thankful Thursday January 13, 2022, and Winter Decor from the past........

He put a new song in my mouth, 
a hymn of praise to our God. Many will see
 and fear the LORD and put their trust in him.
 Psalms 40:3 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends

Welcome to Thankful Thursday,

I am gonna be short in my opening today

as you will see why on # 10..........

Pics to are of Winter Decor from the past.

Sorry some of these are so blurry but had

 a dickens of a time pulling them out

 of my google pic storage, and just

 didn't have the energy to find others.


Thankful for dinner out with hubby

to Outback Steak house,  we were fianlly

able to get in this week,  no wait.

Dinner was lovely.....


Thankful hubby found a Ree Drummond

Cookbook at Sams.  In case you don't know

who she is....She is " Pioneer Woman" and

I used to love watching her show,  but 

guess they took it off the air,  but she

was a judge on the Christmas cookie

Challenge show we watched, and she is

a very kind lady which made us want

to buy her book,  lots of family photos

were included, so can't wait to spend

some time looking at it.  We did look 

at the first chapter on breakfast, and

 it was good, made us decide to make

some sweet potato pancakes, my recipe,

but inspiring none the less. We loved

 all the pics she has of her family

 throughout the book,  charming!


Thankful for a really lovely day with

lil darling.  Got to hear about her

version of the camping trip, and also

about a field trip this week to Legoland.

Also, we had her fav breakfast, played

Sorry and a new game hubby found

at Marshalls called Tree-opoly.  It is like

Monopoly in some ways,  but she was

bored with it ( and was trying to put my

hair up with clips) in less than 20 mins.

 and honestly so was   She painted

some sun catchers for her parents so

we are gonna put them up as a gift

for Valentines Day,  then we watched

a couple of holiday dessert challenges,

took some wagon rides, while singing

Christmas songs, and then played

restaurant.  We are the customers

and she is gonna make one great

server when she grows up.  lol

Every time we play that she adds

some new thing she learned.  This

week it was "I will text you when 

your table is ready".. lol  She is

such a hoot, and it was so great

to see her as it had been almost 

two weeks.  


Thankful that I finally got the bug to start

taking my Christmas Decorations down.

I am not taking it all down just the stuff

that looks really Cristmasy, am leaving

anything that might look like Winter.


Thankful that my hubby now makes us

breakfast a few times a week.  Love it.

He makes scrambled eggs and bacon

when we have lil darling cause she loves

his scrambled eggs, and he makes break

fast sandwiches for us, on cheesy bagels,

It's all yummy and especially yummy

 since I don't have to do  


Thankful for the "Jesus Calling" devotional

book by Sarah Young.  I have read it a

number of times, and it always speaks to we decided to do it together for

the year!  


Thankful for Chicken Salad.....I made

some today and it has been since Summer

since I have made it, and was delish

as always, one of my favorite sandwiches.

I put it on toasted Ciabatti bread. Um Um!

Want to see the recipe  Click Here


Thankful I am feeling much better the

last few days. On Sunday hubby and I

both started to feel like we were getting

colds again.  He is still  feeling about

the same but not coughing as much, so

far today.

#9 and 10

Thankful that I am feeling way better

than the last few days since I wrote

#8,  I started running a fever on Tues.

and Wed. and had a bad headache and

body aches, but my fever finally broke

during the night, so am feeling way better 

today,  just still weak and tired but that

is way better than with the fever and all

that goes with it, So much for thinking

 I had escaped it.  On the Plus side

I lost 2  Hubby has lost

about 6pds, just hasn't had a lot of

appetite since he was sick, but he has

been feeling better since about Tuesday.

Thankful that we weren't both sick at

 the same time so we could take care

 of each other.........


Thankful for My Daughter, Neighbor

and young lady from church who

offered to help us if we needed any

thing. My Daughter text us and said

Mom if you need anything from Publix

cough drops, cough syrup or soup

or anything I will send it to you. She

lives in SC and has insta-cart and we 

do too,  but thought her offer was so

 sweet and thoughtful. She's a gem!


Thankful for all those who are praying

for us, and some who are checking on us 

daily thru texting to see how we are 

coming along. That means so much.


Well, that's it for Cozy Place today.....

Have a Wonderful rest of the week.

Love, Hugs and 

Healthy  Blessings to You!!


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Shabby Art Boutique

April J Harris

Imparting Grace

A Stoll thru Life

Between Naps on the Porch

Karins Kottage


  1. Glad you are feeling better. Did you have Covid? You certainly had all the symptoms of the new strain. That is going heavy around by me and so many are positive with those same symptoms. Whether Covid or not I am glad you are doing better. Have a good weekend. xoxo Kris

  2. Thanks Kris,
    I really don't think so, I think it was the flu, cause the symptoms are very similar, plus we didn't lose our taste or smell. The first 36 hrs. was the worst due to the fever and headache, for me, but neither of us ran a high temp which typically my hubby is a high fever runner,
    I am a low grade fever runner and can be dying and not hardly have a fever. lol He never had a headache either. So who knows, if we are sick we just stay away from people and keep checking our oximeter to make sure our breathing is and we take lots of vits from the protocol for covid in case. Doing better, have a lil more energy today,
    Thanks hon, I know lots of people around here are catching stuff too, but it is also flu
    season, but since covid arrived it's like flu season just disappeared.
    You have a great weekend too hon.
    Thanks for coming by........Blessings, Nellie


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a Lovely Sunday. Hugs,  Nellie