Thursday, February 24, 2022

Thankful Thursday February 24, 2022, A Spring vignette from the past

David praised the LORD in the presence of the whole assembly, saying, “Praise be to you, LORD, the God of our father Israel, from everlasting to everlasting.

1 Chronicles 29:10 NIV

Good Morning Sweet Friends,

How are you this fine day!  Looks like

it is gonna be a beautiful sunny day

out there. We are feeling like Spring

already/Summer.....going to 85 today. 

Too early for those temps for me,

  but hoping maybe it will warm up 

some for you sweet folks up north

 who are freezing or just plain 

sick of the cold weather.

Pictures today are from a Spring 

Vignette from the past. Planned

to show you Our Winter decor,

but never got to take any pictures

as it has been and will continue

to be a very busy week here.

We are in birthday mode over

here. 3 birthdays within a week.

So on with my Thankfuls..................


Thankful that we found what we hope is a fix

for our Corian Acrylic kitchen sink.  We have

loved it cause it has always been so easy to

clean and always look nice,  but in the past

weeks, I find that the bottom of the sink, just

 gets so stained up and doesn't come very clean

 when I fill it with water and dish soap and

 let it sit awhile like they tell you to.  So did

a little research online, and read where the

best sink polish for it was something called

"Nu" car polish, so cleaned it good and put

on the polish and it mostly looks good but

the bottom where it gets dirtiest is dull, so

I put 4 coats of polish on the bottom only,

Even tho it is duller than it used to be it

looks great and is so clean,  so hoping this

keeps it looking nice for awhile at least.

Worst case scenario we get a new sink

if it doesn't work.....figured it was worth a

try anyway..................

Note: It's been about 4 days and the

sink is still functioning and looking 

like new again


Thankful for a quick yet lovely time with

our Daughter most of the day, and with 

our Son who was able to join us in the 

evening. Was sad to see her go this

morning, but definitely grateful that we

 got to see her even if for a lil while.


Thankful that she had a great time

too, with some of her friends the day



Thankful that our Daughter made the

 trip here and back home to SC

safe and sound.


Thankful for another reprieve from

injury, as something fell on my hand

and it really hurt, but Praise the Lord

for no broken bones. 


Thankful that I finished my Grand-

daughter's birthday card, as her birthday

 is just around the corner.  Now gotta

figure out what to get her!  lol

Note: thankful that is all taken care

 of now too.  Yay!!


Thankful for God's quick answer

to prayer. We had a lil medical scare

 with my hubby on Sunday, but praise

 the Lord, by the next day he was fine,

and has been every since.

#8, 9, 10, 11 and 12

Thankful that we were able to complete

 the renewal of our drivers licenses. The

line was tremendously long, we were

thinking it would probably be 2-3 hrs.

It was 2 hrs. once we got to the check

in window, and we had their letter

which tells you what to bring and we

thought we had everything, but because

my drivers license has my first, then

maiden name and then married name,

(Which the DMV wrote it that way,

51 yrs. ago, when I got married)

I had to have my marriage certificate,

and they wanted proof of my residency,

and my passport. I was just in disbelief.......

We have been married for 51 yrs. and 

this is only the 2nd time I have been

 asked for our marriage certificate, in

 all these years, and that was only

 4 yrs. ago when hubbies Company

 had to have it for Insurance purposes,

.which was shocking then.

Anywho, I had to go home to get our

marriage certificate, my passport(which

is really old), and some paperwork that

showed my residency. 

I am thankful that the lovely lady at

the check-in allowed me to do that, 

as I had visions of having to stand

in that line all over again on another

day, and thankful for how the Lord

goes before us and prepares things.

Had hubbies Ins. not asked for that

marriage certificate we would never

have realized we didn't have one,

evidently we never got one and

didn't even know we were supposed

to get one, I guess,  so we had to

send off for it, 4 yrs. ago, so if that

had not happened I would not have

had one for yesterday, also wasn't

sure if I even still had my passport

cause it was so old, and thankful

 the Lord helped me find it, and also

 there was something else I wouldn't

 have know if hubby and I hadn't talked

about it the night before, so just amazing

 how the Lord had prepared the way.

 Both of the DMV employees were so

 nice which was really so appreciated,  

and Thankful that 4 hrs. later we 

walked out as licensed Florida

 Driver's once again. Have to say,

 I am not looking forward to going

 back in 8 years. It was quite a day!

However, I do love how the Lord lets

 us go through things, so He can teach

us things, I was reminded once again

 of God's watch care over me, and of

 how He is able to go before us, help

us find things, and just how much 

He really does have my back and

how He can take care of us. These

things just help to make our faith

in Him more solid.

Just realized this situation really goes

 along with the verse in the vignette below!


Well, that's it for Cozy Place this week.

Thanks for coming by,

Hope you have a Wonderful rest

 of the week.

Love, Hugs, and 

end of February Blessings,


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Shabby Art Boutique

South House Designs

A Stroll thru Life

Between Naps on the Porch

Sunday, February 20, 2022

Scripture Sunday

Good Sunday Morning

Sweet friends,

Here is the verse for the day!

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge,

 but fools despise wisdom and discipline. 

Proverbs 1:7

Note: Just in case someone might

wonder what "fear" means. it is a

 profound reverence and awe

 towards God

Have a Blessed day



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Between Naps on the Porch

A Stroll thru Life

Karins Kottage

Shabby Art Boutique

South House Designs

Thursday, February 17, 2022

Thankful Thursday February 17, 2022, A Valentines table for 2 from the past

For what you have done I will always praise you

       in the presence of your faithful people and        I will hope in your name, for your name is good.

Psalm 52:9

Greetings Sweet Friends,
Hope this finds you having a good week
and that you are staying warm!!
Ours has been good and busy, Worked on
our Shop a lot this week and accomplished
a lot of things, which needed to be done.
Will be picking up lil darling from school
today, so we are looking forward to seeing
her for a few hours. Today we are starting
into a trend of the 70 and 80's temps.
here in Florida for the next 10 days.
Can't say that I am thrilled about that
either. I have really been enjoying our
cold weather, Course, I am talking about
50 and 60's.....very enjoyable for this
hot flash queen!!  lol

Pictures today are a Valentine's Table for Two
from some years back.  We had a nice dinner
but I didn't go all out this year on a Valentine's
 table but did put my flowers you will see below
 on the table.  It was just too busy this week.

So On with my Thankfuls.............


Thankful hubby figured out how to do an
instagram account for our Card Business..
So feel free to follow us on Instagram
Just Click Here or go to
If you so desire.

Thankful for a good day at church and
 a nice lunch out with my hubby to 
Long Horn Steak House. We celebrated
 dinner out today for Valentine's, cause 
it is race week and they have activities
all week and will be mobbed for 
Valentine's day.

Thankful we got to have lil darling for
 awhile on Valentines day.

Thankful for my one and only Valentine, 
My Hubby, and 
for my Forever Valentine, Jesus!

Thankful to have had the opportunity to
 make some children happy, that really
needed to know someone cared about them.

Thankful for a nice Valentine's Day
 dinner at home on Monday.  We made
 a very good and very easy dinner. but
 we got a Dulce De Leche cheesecake for 
dessert, from our Publix grocery store.
 and it was yummmmeee!

Thankful for a sweet card and bouguet
of roses from my honey. 

Thankful for a 16 yr. old step-cousin
who lil darling adores but only gets
to see at her school once in awhile.
She is the sweetest and prettiest
lil gal, and really blessed lil darling
on Valentine's day with a gift bag
with goodies and a teddy Bear.
Lil darling was over the moon, and
it was the first thing she told any
 of us about.
Love You and Thank You Kessa.....

Thankful that my blogging, picture taking
 and decorating skills are being put to good
 use with our card business.
The Lord never wastes anything!!

#10  and 11
Thankful for all that I have personally
learned from blogging these last almost
12 years, and  
Thankful for all the tips, techniques and
 ideas I have gleaned from all of you,
and for all the Beauty, eye candy, and
friendships as well.  Blogging has been
a blessing to me in so many ways.
So Thankful for each of you!  and
for all those who follow or read my
blog.................You Girls Rock!!

Thankful we are gonna get to see our Daughter
 tomorrow. It's only for 24 hrs. but we will
 take it.....we haven't seen her since Thanksgiving. 
 So very excited to see her!

Well, that's it for Cozy Place this week.  
This is the Valentine's edition!

Happy you could come by and hope
you have a good rest of the week.

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Monday, February 14, 2022

Happy Valentine's Day


Happy Valentine's Day
Sweet Friends,

Hope you all have
A Very Sweet & Special Day
with those you Love.


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Sunday, February 13, 2022

Scripture Sunday


Good Sunday

 Sweet Friends,

Here are the verses for today!

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true,
 whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything
 is excellent or praiseworthy— think about such things,
 Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me,  or seen in me ( Me - refers to the Apostle Paul)
 put it into practice. And the God of peace 
will be with you.

Actually these verses are a continuation

 from the verses from last week. 

(Click here, if you want to see them.) 

They are part of the recipe for Peace, as well.

Now that we know what to do to stop

the worrying, what do we do to keep

the worry away.  We practice thinking

about things that are true, pure, lovely,

admirable, excellent or praiseworthy.

Pass these along in our minds, and

in our conversation.  Look for all those

things, search for them if you have to

.as they will not just help your worry

but also lead you to a life of gratitude

 as well.  It's all a matter of focus,

where do we focus are attention, even

tho bad things happen and we all have

them or know about them, we can

choose to focus on the good things we

know are happening around us, and

on the good things God tells us about

in scripture.  I truly believe God tells

us to do these things because since He 

created us, HE knows exactly what will

help us, so think it is more than just because

 HE wants us to do them, cause HE says so.

So I would say give it a try, you want be

instantly worry less, but with each thing

you try you will be less worried and it

just gets better and better.  Hopefully,

this will turn out to be a Valentine's

Gift from God to someone!

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Friday, February 11, 2022

Thankful Thursday February 10, 2022, Livingroom/Valentine's decor for 2022

Enter his gates with thanksgiving
 and his courts with praise; 
give thanks to him and praise his name.
Psalm 100:4 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds you well and Warm!!
Are you preparing for a fun Valentines
day for or with those you love the most??
I have a lot done but have a little more
to do, not that I am doing a
But we just consider it a Fun day and
we are all about celebrating anything
that is worthy of celebration!!

Pictures today are from our 2022
living room all gussied up for Valentine's
Day,  haven't done it for a few years,
so decided to have a red and pink
Valentine's living room, and our dining
 room and family room are decorated for 
Winter in Blue, creams and green which
 I will probably show you next week.
Sounds crazy, but I don't care, it's been
fun for us, and who doesn't need any
fun they can get these days!!  lol



                          So on with my Thankfuls


Thankful for more cards I finished

for our shop. Still working on 2 for 

the family, then I am taking a break.


Thankful that I saw a little brown bunny

early this morning running across our

backyard and stopping to eat some

asparagus fern.  Not sure if he is "Coco"

or not,  but hoping it is, cause we haven't

seen him for 3-4 months,  and thought

maybe a cat got him or something.

Lil darling will be thrilled!

Note: She was, and actually got to

see him today (Friday) while she

was here.


Thankful for a lovely day at church,

I think the break from preaching in Jan.

 was really good for our Pastor cause he

 was so funny today.  I told him when he

retires he might want to become a comic.


Thankful for lunch out with our friends

 to Cracker Barrel.  It was so good to see 

them as it has been quite a long while

 since we have seen them, as they were sick,

 then we were sick......Crazzzzzy!


Thankful that the Lord protected

me from a fall while in the grocery

store. It was like I just slide and

thought I would fall but I stopped

 without even losing my balance. 

Looked at my the bottom of my shoes,

which were heels, and have no idea what

 caused it, but sure know who stopped it.


Thankful for Cuban food that I made

for dinner.  Yummy Picadillo and yellow

rice and black beans. Been awhile and

it was so good if I do say so myself.

Picadillo Recipe here

Black Beans and Yellow rice recipe here

In case you would like to try it.


Thankful that I happened on some

information about 2 search engines

where you don't have to worry about

anything being deleted, hidden or

removed because it doesn't meet with

 their community standards.

  They are "Duck Duck Go" and "Brave",

and they are Free cost wise.  Haven't

tried the Brave yet tho.


Thankful that one of my Daughters

friends whose 80+ yr. old Mom has

Covid and wound up having to go to

the hospital and is in ICU is showing

good signs of progress, so hoping to

hear more good news today. She has

had many people praying for her.

Note:  She is still in ICU but they

are weaning her off the oxygen, so

definitely headed in the right direction.

Note:  Just heard from my Daughter, 

her friend's Mom is doing much

better and will be moving to rehab 

on Monday.


Thankful for a nice clean house, we have

 sort of been doing a little Spring cleaning,

 and getting some things put away that

have needed to be done since Christmas,

but with being sick and all just didn't

 happen, so thankful for having

 that done finally. 


Thankful that we were able to get 

lil darling from school and have a

 sleepover since her Dad was out of

 town for work. We played awhile

then went to Olive Garden for din

din. Then went to Publix and got

 some dessert. Hubby got a pc. of Red 

Velvet cake and we got a Fun Fetti 

bar cake and it was so good. When we

 got  home we got into our jamies and

got comfy and watched a few episodes

 of the Christmas cookie challenge, while

we ate our cake, then it was off to

beddie bye land!!  lol

Note: I kept one small  pc. of cake and 

sent the rest home with lil darling. Trying 

not to get back into bads habits. lol


Thankful for a fun Friday with lil

darling.  We did school work, but

managed to have some time to play

as well before Dad came to get her

earlier than normal. 


Thankful that our Son had an uneventful

and safe business trip going and coming!


Well, That's it for Cozy Place this week.

Thanks for stopping in......

Always nice to know you came by.

Have a Super Duper Weekend!

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Scripture Sunday - There are 6 things the Lord hates

  According to God's word  God says we are to hate the things He hates  and love the things He loves. Romans 12:9, Proverbs 8:13, and ...