For great is the LORD and most worthy of praise;
he is to be feared above all gods.
1 Chronicles 16:25 NIV
Greetings Sweet Friends,
.Hope you all had a great Mother's day,
and feel more loved and special than before....
Our week has been good... the first part of
the week was busy, but the last part, we have
been a bit on the tired side, cause we have
had so many busy weeks lately. So just been
taking it easy since Monday to catch up
on our energy levels and rest.
Pictures today are from our family room
change over from Easter to Spring. I was
a bit lazy this year and just removed the
Easter things and found a replacement
for what I removed. Made it quicker
and easier than normal.
To Spring
So on with my Thankfuls.............
Thankful for some interesting and hopeful signs of life as we once knew it. I started getting emails from New York & Company, where I used to buy clothes many moons ago, and the clothing was almost shocking in a good way.....very vivid bright colors and many fabrics and styles that I have lived thru in my life time of 70 years. Quite entertaining I have to say! Click here. if you would like to check it out.
Also, we went to our Kohl's store this week, and they were totally re-doing our store ( I haven't seen any stores re-do anything in years) and they were putting in a Sephora area (which was all blocked off so we couldn't see it -Penneys has that, so I think it is all about makeup.) They also had all sort of bright colored clothing for Spring this year. So refreshin,g, as I haven't seen much change in fashions either in years! So it was a bit of a happy shock!! lol
Thankful for my tender hearted lil granddaughter.
We saw some crows trying to carry off some-
thing out in the street, but guess it was too
heavy so they left, and at first, we thought
it was a big snake, turned out it was a small
squirrel that had been grazed by a car I guess.
Anyway, he was dead but not smashed at
least, anyway, she right away said Grammy
we should bury him, and of course, we did
just that with Grampy's help. She said a
sweet prayer for him, over his grave!
Thankful for a sweet and fun day with lil darling.
Today was her first day out of school for the
Summer, so we just had a fun day.
Thankful that our Son could have dinner with us
and play games for awhile when he came to pick
her up. That will tied me over for a few weeks
until we can all be together to celebrate. Our
Daughter and Son-in_love will be coming in
about 10 days so I decided I would rather wait
and celebrate while we could all be together.
The top is the same, but I did change
the bottom up.
I left a few of my bunnies out that
didn't look like Easter, cause bunnies
do come out a lot in the Spring.
Oops can you find the photo bomb
in the picture below??? lol
Thankful to have everything ready for our
Mother's Day dinner Surprise for my friend.
Just have to pop stuff in the oven, and hubby
will grill the London Broil.
Looking forward to it, but have to say I am
tired, been a long day, but a good day.
Thankful for what a lovely Mother's Dad
we had with our friends. She said she and
hubby were encouraged by it.........So our
mission was accomplished, and happily so.
It did seem strange not to see our kiddos,
but did hear from them, and it is fun,
knowing I have that to look forward to
in another week or so.
Notice anything different from the
picture above #5 ???
Thankful for my new Nutribullet, a gift
from my hubby and daughter. My magic
bullet has'nt been working too well and
making a smoothie has been taking a lot
of time taking the lid off and putting it
back on to check to see if my frozen bananas
are being chopped up all of a sudden. This
has been going on a few weeks now, and
my husband sees it of course, and my
daughter has been on the phone while I
was trying to make one. So both of them
got me a new smoothie machine. Dee
had hers sent to hubby for me, before I
decided to postpone Mother's Day, and
then hubby decided to get me one with-
out knowing Dee has already gotten
me one. He got a ninga because it had
more power, but then the nutri bullet
wound up having more power, so we
kept it and my Daughter is gonna take
the ninja cause she needs one too.
So it all worked out.....made my first
smoothie today, and it took more time
to fill it with the ingredients and
about 2-3 seconds to whirl made
of a nice quick smoothie....
So I just love it.........Perfect Gift cause
I make quite a few smoothies.

Easter to Spring
Thankful for "24 Hour Salad", it is such
a great salad, and I make it in advance
and just mix it up when ready to eat,
Delicious and perfect for holidays so
you don't have to be in the kitchen any
more than you have to....
love make ahead recipes.
Click here if you would like to see
the recipe.
Thankful that hubby and I are feeling better today,
think we picked up a 24 hr. stomach bug.
Thankful that hubby was able to help tutor
a young lady we know several times this week
He said they taught each other......cause it has
been a long time since he had geometry.
Hopefully she will be able to pass her test
with a higher grade than before.
Thankful for a fun day with lil darling,
We got to have her all day now that
she is out of school for the Summer.
Thankful that I was able to find a replacement
gift for my friend, cause it was the wrong size,
but the original one I got was now Out of Stock.
Think she is probably gonna like this one
better anyway,
Well, this is it for Cozy Place this week!!
Thanks for coming by
Hope you have a lovely week.

Keep your light shining brightly
Love, Hugs and
Mid-May Blessings,
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Shabby Art Boutique
A Stroll thru Life
Between Naps on the Porch
Grammy's Grid