Thursday, June 30, 2022

Thankful Thursday June 30, 2022, Our family room Spring to Summer

 You are my strength, I sing praise to you; 
you, God, are my fortress, my God on whom I can rely.

Psalm 59:17 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds you well and happy and enjoying Summer. I have just been changing a few things around and adding some coastal touches to look a little bit more summery since we rearranged our family room recently, and since the coastal stuff was out from doing our Father's day table, figured why not??  So it's been fun!!

Pictures today are of our Spring to Summer Family room. I love how just making a few simple changes can really give a room a fresh  and different look. 

Starting with our Spring mantle

Summer Mantle

Can you see the seabird on the left??

Time for my Thankfuls..............


Thankful for a long facetime chat with my

Daughter this morning.  Such a blessing to 

be able to see each other as we talk.  


Thankful that we figured out a way to

rearrange the furniture in the guest

bedroom, to accomodate our dresser

from our bedroom (that we recently

replaced).  We were gonna get rid of

it, but I got to thinking it would really 

be good for more storage, but I didn't

 want to get rid of the other furniture

that is in the room, to do it.  So that

is our next project to work on.

                            This was Spring



Thankful for some much needed rain,

our yard is parched in some areas 

even tho we are watering.


Thankful that both our cell phones

are up and running again, been

very strange not having them,

but can't complain about how 

quiet it was tho........




 Thankful for the Supreme court

and the courage of our Justices

to take a stand for what they

believed was right, in light of all

the threats and opposition that

they were plagued with.


Thankful for 5 great decisions that

the Supreme court made this week.


Thankful to be able to see, hear,

smell, touch, and taste. 



#8 and 9

Thankful for Christian music to listen and

 sing to, and sometimes to dance and exercise

 with.  Also Thankful for our Christian radio

 station Z-88.3.  It is so encouraging and

 spirit lifting!

            From the mantle to the basket

#10 and 11

Thankful I can read....and by the way, the

book I told you we started reading last

week is really good.  So we are thankful

for this book.  We are 7 chapters

in now, so the name of the book is

"The Richest Man Who Ever Lived"

It's about King Soloman's secrets to

success, wealth and happiness taken

from the book or Proverbs.  

The author is Steven K. Scott, we

saw him on a show recently and his

book sounded intriguing so we ordered

it as a Father's Day gift for hubby

 and our Son.  We are really enjoying it.




Thankful for our new look in the family room.

Just finished on Wednesday.  Now I can

pack it up, and hopefully start working on

our guest bedroom.

Well, that's it for Cozy Place

this week...........

Thanks for dropping by

Have a Terrific Rest of the week!

Love, Hugs, and

End of June Blessings!!


Sharing with:

Shabby Art Boutique

Karins Kottage

Between Naps on the Porch

A Stroll thru Life

South House Designs

Grammys Grid - Coastal

Sunday, June 26, 2022

Scripture Sunday

Have a Wonderful Sunday,

Hugs and Blessings,

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                                                       A Stroll thru Life

Thursday, June 23, 2022

Thankful Thursday June 23, 2022, Our Father's Day Table 2022


 I will sing the LORD’s praise, 
for he has been good to me.
Psalm 13:6 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds you all doing well and 

enjoying Summer!  Boy, I can definitely 

tell it is officially Summer,  it was 

101 degrees on our porch today!!  Shew!

We have about 4 months of this to go,

can't say I am thrilled about that.....

But, it is what it is....

Pictures today are from this years

Father's Day Table. For some reason I am 

so into this shade of blue right now.

I think it is just screaming 

Summer to me!!  lol

 So....That's the good part of Summer lol

Time for my Thankfuls......


Thankful that the rest of my prep for Father's Day went quickly and easily on Saturday.


Thankful for a lovely Father's Day for our Dads in the family.  Dinner was great (if I do say so myself)  and we played some wii bowling and some cards. 

Fun evening!!


Thankful for my Sweet Hubby, who is a great Dad and Grampy and for the Beautiful lifwe are living all because of our relationship with Jesus.


Thankful for my Sweet Son, and for what a great Dad he is to lil darling, as well.

#5 and 6

Thankful that we think hubby/ and our cell phone Co. got our phones squared away on Monday, just waiting on Sim cards to come now.  For some reason my phone just wouldn't do anything at all on Saturday, and then through trying to take care of the situation hubby lost his service as well. We can text but we can't call out and no one can call in........Thankful that we have home phones and we just got an Ipad that came in the day before, so we can face time with my Daughter and lil darling now.  That is such a blessing to be able to see my Daughters face while talking with her. we have skyped before but it is sort of a rigamorole to get it set up and stuff, plus you can't move around while you are talking either.  Hopefully soon we can get set up to face time with lil darling as well.


Thankful for all we got done in our shop this week.


Thankful for a new book we are reading that we

heard about on the show "Take Aways".  So far,

it is really good.


Thankful we made a few people feel happy

this week, by sending them cards or flipcards.

#10 and 11

Thankful for this royal blue color.....for some

reason I have just really been enjoying it

so much lately.  Every time I see it just

makes me smile.  I have a lot of it in

my kitchen right now.

Also Thankful for a beautiful little bowl I 

happened on at Dollar tree that looks like 

Blue Chinoiseries Bowl. Who would think!


Thankful for the word of God, the Bible and how reading the word of truth, just lifts your spirit so quickly.


That's it for Cozy Place this week.

Glad you could stop by 


Hope you have a  Fabulous Friday 

and A Wonderful Weekend

Keep your light shining brightly!!

Love, Hugs and 

Late June Blessings,


Sharing with:

South House Designs

Between Naps on the Porch

Create with Joy

A Stroll thru Life

Karins Kottage

Shabby Art Boutique

Friday, June 17, 2022

Thankful Thursday June 16th, 2022, and Coastal Summer Table Tops from the past

Daniel answered and said,
 Blessed be the name of God
 for ever and ever: 
for wisdom and might are his:
Daniel 2:20 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope you are doing well,  and enjoying life
 as much as possible these days!!
Been a fairly busy week here, as I, like you,
I would expect are preparing for Father's
Day, and we had lil darling on Thurs. 
and Friday as well.  Been a very good
week, but have to say I am whipped,
a good whipped tho!!
I am just finished this up and then I
am gonna crash on the sofa and watch
some TV before I turn in for the night.

Pictures today are Coastal Summer
 Table Tops from  Cozy Place Past.

Time for my Thankfuls...........

Thankful for a fun day with lil darling on Thursday.  ( a week ago)

Thankful for a fun night out with hubby.  Went to Tj Maxx and Ross then out to dinner to our fav Mexican Restaurant, and then topped it off by going to "Jeremiah's" for ice cream.

Thankful for a fun day at church, they did previews of what they are gonna do this week for Vacation Bible School, and it was great.  We all had a fun and meaningful time.

Thankful for a fun time out with our friends going to Olive Garden afterwards. The food
was great, fellowship fun, and we had a
great young man as our server, who did
a great job, and liked old people!!  lol

Thankful that I have been coming up with
some ideas for a table for Father's Day,
can't believe it is next Sunday already.
Also, know what I am making too!
(Which gets a  major thing of my plate)

Thankful for a show on TBN called
"take aways" with Kirk Cameron, he
always has some really interesting people.
This week he had Dave Ramsey's Daughter (can't remember her name now) and
 another man named "Steven Scott,(hubby
remembered his name) lol.  Anyway, they
both had a lot of great advice.


Thankful we tried plain bagels with Blueberry

cream cheese and fresh blueberries this week.

Just as yummy as the strawberries ones.

#8 and 9

So thankful for one of our Pastors and his wife from the past, who made such an impact on all of us, his name was Pastor Roland and his wife Joan. We heard on Sunday that he went home to be with Jesus. They left our church to move back to Ohio near their family at his Son's insistence 15 Yrs. ago, which was truly a divine prompting from his Son, who is also a Pastor. They used to come down to visit every Winter for years, and we even had them stay in our home twice. Which was pure joy, as they were great house guests. His wife passed before he did, so we know he is happy to be home with his Lord, his wife of 65 years, and one of his sons, that passed away many years ago from a motorcycle accident. They will long be remembered, as they so modeled a life well lived for Christ.

Thankful too,that someone sent us his obituary and a video of pictures from their lives, that we could watch.


Thankful for a good day with lil darling.

She is so funny, she is already thinking about

her Halloween costume.....she wants to be

lil Red Ridinghood.  Her Aunt Dee was lil

Red Ridinghood one year when she was little,

 and I still had her cape I had made her, so we

 hunted it up, and tried it on, put on a lil make

 up and she looks great,  just has to find a  

 dress to put under it, and make or buy some

 goodies to carry in her basket.   lol


Thankful that I finished all my Father's

Day cards for the family and started

setting the table for Father's Day and

wrapping the gifts.  Saturday I will

finish up the table and start on dinner

Lasagna, salad and garlic bread.


Thankful for how imaginative, innovative

and creative our lil granddaughter who is

now 9 yrs. old is....and best of all her sweet

heart for God.  She just never ceases to

 amaze me.


Well, there you have it...............

Our week at Cozy Place.

Thanks for stopping by and hope you have

 had a Fabulous Friday and you will have

an even better weekend.

Love, Hugs and

Mid June Blessings,


        Sharing with:

Shabby Art Boutique 

A Stroll thru Life

Between Naps on the Porch

Karins Kottage

South House Designs

Sunday, June 12, 2022

Scripture Sunday


                       Isn't that such a blessing know!                                          

Have a great Sunday,

Hugs, Nellie

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Thursday, June 9, 2022

Thankful Thursday June 9, 2022, and a Coastal themed Father's day table from the past.

Give praise to the LORD, proclaim his name; 
make known among the nations what he has done.
1 Chronicles 16:8 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

How's YOU!!!

Hope you are doing well............

Hasn't been a lot going on here this week, 

other than we moved our furniture around 

in the family room,  and we had lil darling

today  and had a good time.

Pictures today are from a past

Father's day table with a Coastal theme.

So on with my Thankfuls........


 Thankful we got to have lil darling on Friday too

this week.  Had a Sweet time with here as always.

#2 and 3

Thankful that we got out for awhile,  went to a store

 called "ollies" and looked around.  Found a cute lil

 treasure for  99 cents -  A cute lil navy blue

 restaurant style cream picture.  She is liking it in

 our kitchen!!  lol

Also thankful for a lovely dinner out, at Olive

Garden, after Ollie's, the food was delicious

as always, and we had a really nice young

man as our server, who turned out to be a 

believer, and is going to school to hopefully

be a  Officer/pilot in the Air Force.

#4 and 5

Thankful for the Son/and friends of ours

whose Son just graduated from Annapolis

Naval Academy, and who has already

been commissioned to a Naval Destroyer

named after a POW/MIA Viet Nam

Veteran, and this young man ofVietnamese

heritage himself, so how fitting!

His Dad (David)was sent out of Viet Nam

 as a 10 yr. old boy (alone) and lived in a 

refugee camp until is uncle who lived in

 the states could bring him to live with

his family.  David put himself thru

school and got a Computer Science

Degree, (He worked with my hubby

for years), he also became a believer, 

then got married to a lovely Vietnamese 

girl,  and has 2 children who have 

excelled greatly in school.  We are so

Thankful and proud of him and his

family and for all the Lord has done

 in his life.  He and his wife are just 

the most precious, grateful, respectful, 

caring and kind people.


Thankful for how the Lord goes before us.

I just looked up the beach house listing

where we went to see if my Daughter

had written a review yet, and I came

across the review in April  from the 

people that were evidently there just

before we were, and it was a pretty

bad review only 2 stars and he told

of all the stuff that happened,  and

we could tell that they had done/fixed

some of the things he told about.

The guy said he didn't enjoy his 

vacation because he was constantly

having to text, call or email the

rental agency and then people

were having to come out to do

things, and  the water got turned

off, and the pool  had to be shocked

cause it was yellow.  So God was

very good to us!  Praise His Name!


Thankful for a good day in church,

and a lovely time out to lunch with

our friends.  


Thankful that I finally got up the

energy to rearrange our family room,

I have wanted to do that since we got

back from Vacation.  


Thankful for a beautiful dieffenbachia

plant my Son gave me for Mother's

Day.  I have wanted something to go

outside by my front door,  and it wound 

up being absolutely perfect for there,

and looks so pretty.  He had been 

taking good care of it for awhile

since we postponed my Mother's Day

till we went to the beach.


Thankful to have finally finished the last 4 

Thank you's for all those who sent letters and

notes for my Memory Box (for my 70th

Birthday) the end of March.  Took me 

a whilas there were lots of them, and

lots of breaks due to other distractions

at times.  


Thankful to have finished a Father's Day card

for a Grandpa.


Thankful for my new Spring/summer

breakfast.  Plain bagels and strawberry

cream cheese and fresh strawberries

with Ham roll-ups.  So Yummy!

Well, that's it for Cozy Place this week.

Thanks for your visit


Hope you have a Wonderful Weekend.

Love, Hugs, and

Early June Blessings,


Sharing with:

Shabby Art Boutique

South House Designs

Scripture Sunday - There are 6 things the Lord hates

  According to God's word  God says we are to hate the things He hates  and love the things He loves. Romans 12:9, Proverbs 8:13, and ...