Thursday, June 23, 2022

Thankful Thursday June 23, 2022, Our Father's Day Table 2022


 I will sing the LORD’s praise, 
for he has been good to me.
Psalm 13:6 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds you all doing well and 

enjoying Summer!  Boy, I can definitely 

tell it is officially Summer,  it was 

101 degrees on our porch today!!  Shew!

We have about 4 months of this to go,

can't say I am thrilled about that.....

But, it is what it is....

Pictures today are from this years

Father's Day Table. For some reason I am 

so into this shade of blue right now.

I think it is just screaming 

Summer to me!!  lol

 So....That's the good part of Summer lol

Time for my Thankfuls......


Thankful that the rest of my prep for Father's Day went quickly and easily on Saturday.


Thankful for a lovely Father's Day for our Dads in the family.  Dinner was great (if I do say so myself)  and we played some wii bowling and some cards. 

Fun evening!!


Thankful for my Sweet Hubby, who is a great Dad and Grampy and for the Beautiful lifwe are living all because of our relationship with Jesus.


Thankful for my Sweet Son, and for what a great Dad he is to lil darling, as well.

#5 and 6

Thankful that we think hubby/ and our cell phone Co. got our phones squared away on Monday, just waiting on Sim cards to come now.  For some reason my phone just wouldn't do anything at all on Saturday, and then through trying to take care of the situation hubby lost his service as well. We can text but we can't call out and no one can call in........Thankful that we have home phones and we just got an Ipad that came in the day before, so we can face time with my Daughter and lil darling now.  That is such a blessing to be able to see my Daughters face while talking with her. we have skyped before but it is sort of a rigamorole to get it set up and stuff, plus you can't move around while you are talking either.  Hopefully soon we can get set up to face time with lil darling as well.


Thankful for all we got done in our shop this week.


Thankful for a new book we are reading that we

heard about on the show "Take Aways".  So far,

it is really good.


Thankful we made a few people feel happy

this week, by sending them cards or flipcards.

#10 and 11

Thankful for this royal blue color.....for some

reason I have just really been enjoying it

so much lately.  Every time I see it just

makes me smile.  I have a lot of it in

my kitchen right now.

Also Thankful for a beautiful little bowl I 

happened on at Dollar tree that looks like 

Blue Chinoiseries Bowl. Who would think!


Thankful for the word of God, the Bible and how reading the word of truth, just lifts your spirit so quickly.


That's it for Cozy Place this week.

Glad you could stop by 


Hope you have a  Fabulous Friday 

and A Wonderful Weekend

Keep your light shining brightly!!

Love, Hugs and 

Late June Blessings,


Sharing with:

South House Designs

Between Naps on the Porch

Create with Joy

A Stroll thru Life

Karins Kottage

Shabby Art Boutique


  1. Hi Nellie,
    Glad you had a great Father's Day with all your dads in the family. Your table looked beautiful and there is nothing better than a meal shared and games later with family. We are blessed to have our families close to have these special times together. Have a great weekend. xoxo Kris

  2. Hi Kris,
    So nice to hear from you hon, and thanks for all your sweet comments, I have to agree we love sharing a good meal and playing games and yes we are both very blessed to have our loved ones so close by so we can get together often. I have a few friends that do not have that luxury and it breaks my heart for them, especially when they rarely get to see their grandchildren.
    Have a great weekend and a great trip, can't wait to hear about it when you get back.
    Love and blessings,

  3. #1. Good for you and your beautiful decorating!
    #2. The LORD surely blesses us with His fellowship together!
    #3. Yes indeed! Praise the LORD for His Loving relationship with your marriage!!!
    #4. Yes, he had a great example in Jim to be the great father he is to sweet pea!
    #5 & #6. Yes, thank the LORD for home phones! However, the hang up calls have been numerous this month! So far I have had 35!!!!! Most of them from "unknown" sources (usually solicitors that hang up when my answer machine picks up.)
    #7. Great to get things done!
    #8. It's great that good books are still being written!
    #9. How nice, I'm sure they really enjoyed the cards!
    #10 & #11. Blue has always been my favorite color.
    #12. Praise His Holy Name for His WORD! I spend 2-3 hours every morning in His WORD and He is surely a comforter and encourager through His WORD!
    Love you, Susan


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a Lovely Sunday. Hugs,  Nellie