Friday, June 3, 2022

Thankful Thursday June 2, 2022, and A Unique Father's Day table from the past

The LORD lives! Praise be to my Rock! Exalted be God my Savior!
Psalm 18:46 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Morning......Hope this finds you doing
well and enjoying the first days of
June. Still finding it a shock that we
are in June already. It has been a
quiet week around here, I have just
been feeling exhausted every since
our trip, so haven't accomplished
much of anything other than un-
packing and things that had to be
done, which wasn't much thank

Pictures today are from a Father's Day table from the Past.....Figured Father's
Day will be here before we know it,
so thought you, like me, are probably
looking for ideas.............

I hung this over the table from
the light fixture.

So, on with my Thankfuls........


Thankful that I maintained my weight while we were away, think It was all the running up and down stairs that I was not used to doing, and the pool as well. I definitely lost inches, but was hoping for a pd. or 2 maybe!!  lol


Thankful for a great movie we watched, Called "Tulsa" was such a heart warming movie, sad at the end, but didn't leave you that way for long......

Made a take off of a Dad's Rootbeer label

for the cups.


Thankful for Tijuana Flats Chicken bowls, that was our dinner on Thursday night. We had lil darling today, and think we are all catching up on our rest from our trip still.  lol


Thankful to be back in my own bed again. Being away is fun, but nothing like sleeping in your own bed, I have to say!!

Hubby fortunately had a rather new/clean tool box I could use, and just looked around the garage for things to strew on the table.


Thankful that I got 4 new magazines in ourmail today, that came in this passed week. 3 were from Subscriptions hubby got me for my birthday. One was a Magnolia market, and 2 Southern living magazines. So looking forward to enjoying those, once I finish unpacking.  lol


Thankful to have all our unpacking

done, and for getting to read my

Spring issue of Southern Living Magazine.

Bought the wire cutters for the Dad's since they would be useful gift, and the box cutters for the ladies, since They were very cost effective, and the kit kat bars which were the perfect color.


Thankful to be back in church today, 

 and to hear another good message.

Just hubby and I went out to lunch 

today, and did a quick run to Sam's

club.  Was actually able to get a

Rotisserie chicken today,  it has

been awhile since they have had them.


Thankful that most all of the pictures

our Son took while we were on

vacation turned out well.  So we

will have pics to remember it by.


Thankful for brownie Sundays. 

 They were our Memorial Day treat,

and so delightful I might add !!


Thankful that I didn't have anything

much I had to get done in the past

week, as I have just been so exhausted,

and good for nothing!!  lol  Think I 

must be fighting something off....

but thankful I don't really feel 

bad,  just super tired.

Overview of the Centerpiece. Made for a fun table the guys could enjoy


Thankful for a fun day with lil

darling yesterday.  She has also

been very tired since our trip.

We all took a pretty long nap

yesterday afternoon which is

very unusual for her, but it was

good cause we got up feeling

much better, and I am sure

she had much more energy for

she and Daddy's Taek won do

class (that's probably not the

correct spelling)  lol


Thankful that a young lady that

contacted me on Wednesday

evening that was so depressed

was much better yesterday. So

 glad she wrote cause the Lord

sure answered our prayers and

I was able to write her too, and 

we will be keeping in touch

daily for awhile. She is grieving

the loss of her Mom and it just

takes it's toll after awhile.

Thankful for these opportunities 

to encourage and come along side 

someone who is having a rough

 time, cause we all have them at times.


That's it for Cozy Place this week.

The non-exciting post vacation 

edition!!   lol

Thanks for dropping in


Hope you have a

 Super Lovely Weekend.

Love, Hugs and 

Early June Blessings,


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  1. What a great and, yes, unique tablescape! You are so clever! I think using those tools is just terrific, Nellie!

    Have a great weekend!


  2. Thank you so much Nancy.
    Thanks for coming by and taking the time to leave a sweet comment,
    Hope you have a lovely weekend,
    Blessings, nellie

  3. #1. My weight maintains, thank the LORD!
    #2. Movies with sad endings always makes me think of the blessings GOD has given to me!
    #3. I've been eating much chicken lately, not much beef.
    #4. Amen! Praise the LORD for His rest to us in out own homes!
    #5. I don't read much anymore other than about 2 hours a day study in my Bible.
    #6. I know you're glad the unpacking is done with!!!
    #7. I surely enjoy the LORD's messages through our pastor!
    #8. Wonderful memories on film!
    #9. Yummy! I haven't made any in a long time! I spread the batter out on a cookie sheet. It makes great cookies!
    #10. You REST and get your energy back!
    #11. I find the more I do the longer it takes me to get over it, ha!
    #12. I'm so glad we can bring all our concerns to the LORD, for He cares for us. Thank you for your encouragement to her!
    Love you, Susan

  4. Love your father's day tablescape. Thank you for sharing.


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday February 13, 2025, and Valentine's decorations from the past

    For God so love d  the world that he gave  his one and only Son,   that whoever believes  in him shall not perish but have eternal life....