Thursday, July 28, 2022

Thankful Thursday July 28, 2022, and Summer Table on the porch from the past


For I am convinced that neither death nor life,
 neither angels nor demons, neither the present
 nor the future, nor any powers, neither height
 nor depth, nor anything else in all creation,
 will be able to separate us from the love of God
 that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Romans 8:38-39 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope you are having as wonderful a Summer
as you can. I know a lot of states are really
experiencing such hot weather and that puts
a damper on things.  It is very hot here in
Florida too, per usual for this time of year.

Since we are talking about Summer......
Pictures today are from a Summer Porch Table
from the past.

So on with my Thankfuls.................

# 1

Thankful for some delicious Pork Fried Rice

I made us for dinner. I typically do not like

Pork fried rice when we buy it from a Chinese

 restaurant, but this recipe is just so wonderful.  

I think too, it is because I use buttered Jasmine

 rice with cilantro. This was only my 2nd time

 making it, but it was just so good.. if I do

 say so myself.... and hubby really loved it 

too.  lol

Click here if you want to try it.


Thankful that hubby was able to get the lawn

 mowed finally......we had a lot of rain lately.


Thankful Mr. Bunny came by for a visit, on

Saturday afternoon. Funny the last few times

 hubby mowed the lawn, he came out,  I think

he really likes the smell of freshly mowed 

grass evidently, and it's probably easier to 

eat as well.  lol


Thankful that I made myself get up and

do a Leslie Sansonne video a few times this

week even tho I didn't feel like it, cause

 I actually feel better when I do.

 I have had a lack of energy lately, but 

realized if I don't get moving I am never

 gonna have any energy.  I just did a

 one mile video that took about 15 mins.

 but at least it is a


Thankful hubby got a good report

from his dental cleaning, always 

nice to hear.


Thankful for house flippers.  I know they 

do it to make a living, but they also do

 a great service to their communities

as well.  We also, enjoy watching their

shows!  lol


Thankful for our church and a great sermon

 series we are hearing that will last for

a while, it's on forgiveness.

#8 and 9

Thankful for lunch out with some other

friends and their teenage daughter.

(As our usual lunch mates had friends

visiting from out of town). We went

to Texas Roadhouse for a change, and

they even bought our lunch, which was

 a sweet and unexpected surprise.

It was quite funny because we were

 seated at a table right in front of our 

other friends/lunchmates, so we were

thankful we got to meet their out of

town friends as well, cause we feel

like we know them we have heard so

much about them. Lovely Folks!


Thankful for a new delicious ice cream

 treat we found at our local Publix grocer

yesterday.  A buy one, get on free deal

and so glad we decided to try them.

They are made by "Mayfield" in case

you can't read it on the package. lol


Thankful for another answered prayer

for a dear lady in our church. She lost

her wallet and asked for prayer, cause 

with it she lost her pictures, and of course,

would have all the hassles of replacing

things that go along with that, and

praise the Lord she got  her wallet back.

It pays to pray!!


Thankful that we can still do yard work

at our age, as some can't.  We have decided

to make every Wednesday our gardening

day unless we are gone or some other

activity comes up. Made more progress

this week..............

Well, that's it for Cozy Place This week,

Thankful you could come by today,
and hope you have a Lovely rest
of the week.

Love, Hugs, and End of July

Sharing with:

Grammys Grid

South House Design

A Stroll thru Life

Friday, July 22, 2022

Thankful Thursday July 22, 2022, and Random Floral Images


Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good. 

His love endures forever.

Psalm 136:1 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

How's your week been??  Hope it has been

a good one. Our was good, have had a lot

of rain this week, which is good.  Had a

minor disappointment - remember I told

you we had ordered some night stands for

our guest room.  Well, the good news is they

came on time,  the bad news is they were

both damaged. So had to go back to Target,

guess that's it for ordering online.  We did

go out last night to look around but didn't

come up with anything we liked. We will

just keep looking as we aren't in a hurry! lol

Pictures today are of random floral images

compliments of Unsplash.

So, on with my Thankfuls..............


Thankful for a fun day with lil darling on Friday.

We played Starbucks on Thursday and Publix

grocery store on Friday and we all had dinner

together which was take out from Tijuana flats.

Too pooped to cook!!  All very casual...........

Then played some games for awhile.

#2 and 3

Thankful that we are progressing on our guest

bedroom.  Hubby found a way to fix the dresser

drawers and we got the dresser moved into

the bedroom, and Thankful we are  now  awaiting

 2 new White night stands I found online at Target

 that I hope will look great in there.


Thankful our Daughter and Son-in-love had an

opportunity to have a 3 days get away to Asheville

this past weekend.  They used to live there about

6 years ago. Happy to report they got back

home safe and sound and had a great time.


Thankful hubby got the parts he needed today

and was able to fix the drawers on our dresser,

so I started putting some things in the drawers.

So another step done.


Thankful for a good day at church and

lunch out with our friends to Cracker

Barrel.  Good time!


Thankful that our Lead Pastor and his

wife did a special evening service (like

a fireside chat) where they talked about

parenting, and they had a list of questions

that people asked.  It was really good,

and really funny at times too. After-

wards we went out for Bar-be-cue 

with some other friends from our church 

that we have known for years. Nice

to have a chance to catch up with them.


Thankful for an answer to prayer for a

 friend of ours Daughter, who is expecting

a baby in September. She was told her

baby has a huge hole in it's heart and

that they will induce her and take the

baby right to surgery.  Last visit they

told her the hole had closed up so much

that they could now wait until 4-6 mos.

after she is now we are all 

continuing to pray that the hole closes

 all the way, and the baby is perfect in

 everyway, as they were also told the

 baby might have "Downs syndrome"


Thankful for Peach season.  Have really

been enjoying the fresh peaches.  Had

a peach shortcake for breakfast!!


Thankful for more work done in our

backyard, and hubby finished the

trees near the house in the side yard.

Now have some small ones needing to

be trimmed under our power lines

connecting to our house on the

 other side.


Thankful for a good report on 2 of my 

long time friends. One had hip replace-

ment surgery yesterday, and it went 

very well, and will come home today,

the other one, that had the 2 broken

legs a year and a half ago, was having

pain when walking on her bad leg, all

of a sudden, and she was afraid maybe

she might have a hairline fracture, so

went to the Dr. and they did a bunch

of x-rays, anyway, they found nothing

but said she has a lot of arthritis, and

felt that was the problem.

So the Lord answered all of the 

prayers of so many, that went up

 for both of them.


Thankful that we were finally able to have

 our sweet lil neighbor girl over on Thursday.

We have been trying for over a month to 

have her come play with lil darling, but 

she has been away visiting her cousins. 

So she and lil darling were in heaven,

 they had so much fun playing.


Well, that's if for Cozy Place this week.

Glad you graced us with your presence


Hope you have a splendid rest of the week,

Love, hugs, and Mid July



Sharing with:

Shabby Art Boutique

Between Naps on the Porch

A Stroll thru Life

Karins Kottage

Grammys Grid

South House Design

Friday, July 15, 2022

Thankful Thursday July 14, 2022, and a Simple Summer table from the past


    He put a new song in my mouth,  

                          a hymn of praise to our God.
                      Many will see and fear the LORD 
                              and put their trust in him.

                             Psalm 40:3 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

How are ya???  Doing well, I hope.

Been a good week here,  Productive but quick,

these days just click off so fast anymore, Can not

believe it is Friday already.  

Pictures today are of a Summer Supper Table

from the past.  We tend to use more paper goods

during the Summer,  as we are laid back casual,

but doesn't mean it can't be pretty or inviting!!

And on with my Thankfuls.......


Thankful for a really long and good heart to heart talk

with my lovely Daughter on Friday.  We both needed

that,  as we are missing each other since it has been

6 weeks since we last saw each other.


Thankful for a lovely and easy dinner we made Friday night.

If you remember our Daughter had  taught me a great recipe 

for Salmon (Click here), then I found out from my neighbor 

that Publix Grocery store also has Salmon marinated in

 Bourbon and Brown Sugar, and she said it was really

great too.  So we got some of the Brown sugar Salmon

 last night, I thought the bourbon was mixed with the 

Brown Sugar, but they are 2 different types,  the

Bourbon was $2 more per filet, so we went with the

Brown Sugar, and weren't sure if we would like the

bourbon anyway!


We put it in the aluminum foil and added a tablespoon of

 water to each filet and he added a tablespoon of maple syrup 

on top of each one, then wrapped it up and put it in the oven

for 10-12 mins. at 425 degrees.  Oh My,  it was really

great, and I don't typically like Salmon but am so happy

to have found a way to make it that I like, since it is so 

good for us.  I made buttered Jasmine rice with cilantro, 

and a salad with spring mix, strawberries, blueberries and

 blackberries, then threw on a lil bit of coconut and some pecans

on it, and used  Lite Raspberry vinaigrette made by

Kens steak house dressing.

We were both so pleased cause it was like a gourmet meal.


Thankful to have the opportunity to go to the birthday

party of our friends Father.  He turned 100 years

old, and he has been a Pastor for most of his life and

is also, a WW2 Veteran as well. It was such

 a lovely party and they did so many neat things to honor

 him.  The police and firemen of their town did a motor-

cade, and presented him with a hat and badge from

the Sherriff's Dept,, and a few of the officers even

were able to come in have some food, and they later

came back and gave him an American Flag and

some sort of Police Coin. Also, his kids honored

him by singing a song about him, and telling what

a wonderful Father he was and is. He truly

is an amazing man, because of his relationship

with the Lord. He was just so overwhelmed and 

overjoyed by all the people that came to celebrate 

with him. They also had a young lady from our 

church playing the violin at times, Tons of food

 and a big cake and other desserts as well, and

 the house was beautifully decorated for the 4th

 of July too.  They thought of everything......

it was probably the one of the nicest events we

 have been to in a long while.


Thankful also, to finally get to meet our friends

family members that we have heard so much about

over the years.  They were all lovely.


Thankful for our friends and what great children

they are to their Father, and all the hard work

they put in to honor him. It was truly awesome.


Thankful that we got more done on our guest 

bedroom today. (Monday) We like how

it is coming along.  Now hubby is trying to

find a way to fix a couple of our drawers in

our old dresser, and if that doesn't work we

will have to find a different path, but knowing

my hubby he will find a way. He can fix

just about anything.


Thankful that we were able to work out in our

 backyard again today, Thursday is our yard

trash pickup, so Wed. is the best day to do the

 work out there and I love that we can just

put it out there on the curb and it is gone the next

 day. Also, really enjoy watching the improvement

each time we work out there. 


Thankful for a fun breakfast treat I saw on

 someone's instagram page a few days ago.

It is yogurt with fresh peaches, coconut and

 pecans on top.  I used coconut yogurt and

it was really a healthy yet  yummy treat.


Thankful for things that make us laugh.

Like this Rooster.......Click here

or type it in for yourself. It is hilarious,

but make sure to watch all the way to the end.


Thankful for the song "Your a good good Father".

It has been swirling in my head all week.

Click here to hear this Chris Tomlin song.


Thankful for a nice but shorter day with lil darling.

Dad was able to come earlier so he could do 

something with her.  Nice!  and we will get

to see her tomorrow as well.


Thankful to hear our granddaughter singing

Christian songs and putting them on her 

play list on her ipod.


That's it for Cozy Place this week.

Glad you came by

Have a Fabulous Friday and 

Wonderful Weekend!

Love  Hugs and Mid July Blessings,


Sharing with:

Shabby Art Boutique

A Stroll thru Life

Create with JOY

Karins Kottage

Between Naps on the Porch

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you are finding rest for your soul today!! Hugs, Nellie