Friday, July 15, 2022

Thankful Thursday July 14, 2022, and a Simple Summer table from the past


    He put a new song in my mouth,  

                          a hymn of praise to our God.
                      Many will see and fear the LORD 
                              and put their trust in him.

                             Psalm 40:3 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

How are ya???  Doing well, I hope.

Been a good week here,  Productive but quick,

these days just click off so fast anymore, Can not

believe it is Friday already.  

Pictures today are of a Summer Supper Table

from the past.  We tend to use more paper goods

during the Summer,  as we are laid back casual,

but doesn't mean it can't be pretty or inviting!!

And on with my Thankfuls.......


Thankful for a really long and good heart to heart talk

with my lovely Daughter on Friday.  We both needed

that,  as we are missing each other since it has been

6 weeks since we last saw each other.


Thankful for a lovely and easy dinner we made Friday night.

If you remember our Daughter had  taught me a great recipe 

for Salmon (Click here), then I found out from my neighbor 

that Publix Grocery store also has Salmon marinated in

 Bourbon and Brown Sugar, and she said it was really

great too.  So we got some of the Brown sugar Salmon

 last night, I thought the bourbon was mixed with the 

Brown Sugar, but they are 2 different types,  the

Bourbon was $2 more per filet, so we went with the

Brown Sugar, and weren't sure if we would like the

bourbon anyway!


We put it in the aluminum foil and added a tablespoon of

 water to each filet and he added a tablespoon of maple syrup 

on top of each one, then wrapped it up and put it in the oven

for 10-12 mins. at 425 degrees.  Oh My,  it was really

great, and I don't typically like Salmon but am so happy

to have found a way to make it that I like, since it is so 

good for us.  I made buttered Jasmine rice with cilantro, 

and a salad with spring mix, strawberries, blueberries and

 blackberries, then threw on a lil bit of coconut and some pecans

on it, and used  Lite Raspberry vinaigrette made by

Kens steak house dressing.

We were both so pleased cause it was like a gourmet meal.


Thankful to have the opportunity to go to the birthday

party of our friends Father.  He turned 100 years

old, and he has been a Pastor for most of his life and

is also, a WW2 Veteran as well. It was such

 a lovely party and they did so many neat things to honor

 him.  The police and firemen of their town did a motor-

cade, and presented him with a hat and badge from

the Sherriff's Dept,, and a few of the officers even

were able to come in have some food, and they later

came back and gave him an American Flag and

some sort of Police Coin. Also, his kids honored

him by singing a song about him, and telling what

a wonderful Father he was and is. He truly

is an amazing man, because of his relationship

with the Lord. He was just so overwhelmed and 

overjoyed by all the people that came to celebrate 

with him. They also had a young lady from our 

church playing the violin at times, Tons of food

 and a big cake and other desserts as well, and

 the house was beautifully decorated for the 4th

 of July too.  They thought of everything......

it was probably the one of the nicest events we

 have been to in a long while.


Thankful also, to finally get to meet our friends

family members that we have heard so much about

over the years.  They were all lovely.


Thankful for our friends and what great children

they are to their Father, and all the hard work

they put in to honor him. It was truly awesome.


Thankful that we got more done on our guest 

bedroom today. (Monday) We like how

it is coming along.  Now hubby is trying to

find a way to fix a couple of our drawers in

our old dresser, and if that doesn't work we

will have to find a different path, but knowing

my hubby he will find a way. He can fix

just about anything.


Thankful that we were able to work out in our

 backyard again today, Thursday is our yard

trash pickup, so Wed. is the best day to do the

 work out there and I love that we can just

put it out there on the curb and it is gone the next

 day. Also, really enjoy watching the improvement

each time we work out there. 


Thankful for a fun breakfast treat I saw on

 someone's instagram page a few days ago.

It is yogurt with fresh peaches, coconut and

 pecans on top.  I used coconut yogurt and

it was really a healthy yet  yummy treat.


Thankful for things that make us laugh.

Like this Rooster.......Click here

or type it in for yourself. It is hilarious,

but make sure to watch all the way to the end.


Thankful for the song "Your a good good Father".

It has been swirling in my head all week.

Click here to hear this Chris Tomlin song.


Thankful for a nice but shorter day with lil darling.

Dad was able to come earlier so he could do 

something with her.  Nice!  and we will get

to see her tomorrow as well.


Thankful to hear our granddaughter singing

Christian songs and putting them on her 

play list on her ipod.


That's it for Cozy Place this week.

Glad you came by

Have a Fabulous Friday and 

Wonderful Weekend!

Love  Hugs and Mid July Blessings,


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Shabby Art Boutique

A Stroll thru Life

Create with JOY

Karins Kottage

Between Naps on the Porch


  1. You are truly blessed Nellie and have so many wonderful thankful in your life. Happy Weekend. Enjoy.

  2. #1. What is that saying, "Absence makes the heart grow fonder!" I know the joy you each have when you get to see each other, praise our LORD!
    #2. Oh the joy the LORD has given to us in the taste buds we have to delight in the food we eat!
    #3. Oh! What a joyful occasion and blessing from GOD for his 100 years!
    #4. Another joyful time!
    #5. Children are a blessing from the LORD as so their parents are to them!!!
    #6. There's never a ceasing moment of fixing up the things that break down! Praise the LORD in His perfect heaven we will never have to do those things again, ha!
    #7. Yes, I am needing to get someone to come in and trim WAY BACK the tree next to the garage. I noticed a low long thick hanging branch as I looked out the bird's room window!!!
    #8. I love yogurt! I eat one everyday!
    #9. Shucks, I couldn't watch it! I'm not on Facebook.
    #10. The LORD has been doing that to me as well! I don't know how many songs of praise have been coming up on my lips every day!!!
    #11. She is growing up so fast!
    #12. Praise our LORD! I pray every day the LORD will be strong in leading her life for Him!
    Love you, Susan


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday October 17, 2024, and More Fall decorating Part 4

Praise the Lord, for   He has shown me the wonders of His unfailing love.  Psalm 31:21 NIV Greetings Sweet Friends, well, we were in the 60&...