Monday, November 14, 2022

Welcome to Thankful Thursday November 17, 2022, Another Thanksgiving table from the past, and a few wonderful sunset pictures


For great is the LORD and most worthy of praise;
he is to be feared above all gods.
1 Chronicles 16:26 NIV

Welcome to Thankful Thursday
Sweet Friends,
Hope this finds you happily preparing for 
Thanksgiving. Can't believe it is just a week
away. I have done some shopping for our
dinner, but need to recheck my list and see
what else we need to get as many items as we only need a quick trip to
the store to get the last minute items.
Also checking on our Christmas shopping
and what else we to get as
much of that done before Thanksgiving as 
possible, then we can just focus on decorating,
and having fun as much as possible.  lol

Don't you just love this time of the year??
It does entail some work, but it's good work,
happy work, filled with the anticipation of
seeing your loved ones near and far.  So 
enjoy every minute of it....

Pictures today are of another Thanksgiving Table

 from the past, here at Cozy Place, and a few

shots of a wonderful Sunset.

So let's check out the Thankfuls...........


Thankful we got our porch all back together

AGAIN!  Fortunately, it wasn't to bad to clean

this time.  Yea!!


Thankful we decided to get a portable  treadmill,

because we both like walking and then we can

do it while we are watching TV, instead for sitting

the whole time.  Hoping it will help strengthen my

back maybe.  Works for me!


Thankful for the most glorious sunset and sky

 I have seen in a long time, and it came 2 days

 after tropical storm Nicole.

 It was like a big smile from the Lord.

I was able to capture these pictures just in time,
 because within 5 mins. it had all turned gray 
with just a tich of salmon color on the edges.



Thankful for a number of friends that called to check

 on us after Tropcial storm Nicole..... always nice to

know someone cares about you.


Thankful for the way the Lord reaffirms us at times

in ways, that He has led us, that we just never even

thought about...... He showed me one this week.

  Love that!


Thankful for a lovely Sunday......great worship service,

 lunch out with our friends, and a chance to catch up with

 each others happenings, delicious food at Texas Road

House, a quick run Sams, and the grocery store  then home to rest and relax for the rest of the day.


Thankful that our poinsettia plants are starting to

turn red, so we might just have all red ones by

December.  At least I am hoping so....


Thankful for what we thought was a hilarious

video.  If you need a laugh....I think this will

give you one, it sure did for us.  lol

Click here to watch

It's called Alexa for Seniors


Thankful for a unique encounter we had with a young

man at our grocery store. We have had him check

our groceries out before and exchanged pleasantries

with him.  This time he was on the way in to the

store as we were walking in, and he said hello,

then he turned around and asked us, how long have

yall been together, and we told him we had been

married for 52 years, and he said Wow, you just

don't hear that anymore. Anyway we chatted more

on the way into the store and he asked us what

we thought the secret was to our being together

so long, and we said, all the praise goes to the

Lord, cause Jesus is the reason, so we were able

 to impart some information to him that we would

 have never had the opportunity to before, and then

 we were in his check out lane and he asked us some

 more questions.  Such a neat kid.....he is probably

 a high school or a young college student.

Very impressed with his heart!


Thankful that TBN made the "Better Together"

show now an hour rather than just 30 mins.

It really gives them a chance to be more indepth

with things their conversations.

 We are really enjoying it.

It truly is one of the best shows on TV.

If you can't find it on TV you can go to and your computer.


Thankful for my red lettered bible, where every

thing Jesus said is in red.  We have been reading

thru the gospels again, and I just love knowing

when I am reading things that Jesus actually said.,


Thankful that I am feeling better, as I was

feeling terrible on Tuesday and running a

 fever and thought I was coming down with

some virus or something. Took some Vit C,

and B-complex, to boost my immune system,

 and Alleve (for the body aches) and went to

bed and slept for about 4 hrs. or so, and

felt good every since I got up yesterday.

So happy about that since I do have things

 to get done in this next week, and as I

am still babying my back some.  lol


That's it for this week at Cozy Place.

Glad you could drop by


Keep your light shining brightly

Love, Hugs and 

Mid-November Blessings,


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  1. #1. I know you are glad the cleaning is done (for awhile!)
    #2. That is good for those like me who don't like to leave the house, ha!
    #3. Yes, Father GOD does remind us of His goodness to us!
    #4. Indeed we have good friends, the best of all is our Friend in Jesus!
    #5. It's wonderful that GOD has a plan He directs in our lives!
    #6. GOD's days for us are special, each and everyone of them!
    #7. They are so beautiful. My bougainvillea is red and blooming too! If the cold doesn't get it now!
    #8. How funny, but true in many cases, lol!
    #9. I pray the LORD's leading him to know the LORD in his life.
    #10. I am thankful for TBN's Christian shows!
    #11. I'm in Ezekiel. It's amazing the things mentioned that pertain to today!
    #12. Prayers are being lifted for you for the LORD's healing in your back!!!
    Love you, Susan

  2. Hi Nellie.

    I love all the beautiful colors on your table. Thank you for posting the verses about thankfulness. We have so much to be grateful for. I found you on the Unlimited Link Party.
    HAPPY Thanksgiving

    Walking With the King,



Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

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