Thursday, November 24, 2022

Thankful Thursday November 24, 2022, and our Thanksgiving Table 2022

Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name.

Psalm 100:4 NIV

Happy Happy Thanksgiving

Sweet Friends,

Hope your day is filled with the Joy of family

and/or friends, Giving thanks and Praise to our 

Wonderful Heavenly Father,, and some really

yummy vittles and desserts.

Pictures today are of our Thanksgivng

Table for 2022.  

So on with my Thankfuls..............


Thankful we were able to get most of our Thanksgiving

day food purchased  a week ahead, and will only need

a few last minute items.

# 2

Thankful for a fun night out looking around in Marshalls store,  they have so many cute Christmas things,  didn't buy any, cause I need more Christmas things like I need a big hole in my head. lol  but have to say it was fun looking..............and then din din out at Carrabbas.....we pretended it was our real Anniversary dinner!!  lol


Thankful for a cute sight that made us laugh

in the grocery store.  There was a song playing 

from our era, (don't even know the name of it,

 but it was quite familiar) and I saw this guy

 making his way thru the veggie aisle making

 his own fun......he was pushing the cart and doing

some fancy steps and singing under his breathe,

just couldn't resist the beat of that music, and

must confess I couldn't resist it either, so was

doing a lil rhythm of my own.  Maybe that's

why it was so funny to me, cause I sometimes

do that myself, but never saw anybody else

do it.......and he looked quite happy!!  lol

So was fun to watch!!  Especially since

everyone seems so down lately.


Thankful for a great day with lil darling

working on school work, and swinging on the

new swing every break she takes...........She loves

it even more than we thought she would.


Thankful our new treadmill arrived Friday.

It's our Anniversary present!!

Now just have to get used to it, my first time

on since I have hardly exercised for 6 wks.

cause of my back..... Within 3 mins. my legs

and hip joints were really hurting so bad I

had to get off and I was really winded.

 So today I did 6 mins. and just my hip joints 

hurt, then about hour later I did 9 mins. and 

hip joints felt fine and I wasn't near as

 winded as last night, but breathing heavy,

 so just think it needs to be a gradual thing.

I also didn't feel like I was walking normally

either, so think I got that down better by

the 3rd time.  lol  So not anticipating any

problems the next time hopefully.


Thankful that are family can all be

together for Thanksgiving and hopefully

Christmas too.


Thankful that even tho our power went

out again this morning,  it was back

on by 10:30 a.m.  This is the 2nd time

since Hurricane Ian.  The reason was

animals on the line.  We are thinking

squirrels probably.  Poor lil guys,

  May they rest in Peace!!


Thankful for a different Sunday Service.

We had a man named "Marquis Laughlin"

come and recite and act out the about 7 or 8

 chapters of "Acts", from the Bible.

 He has come before and done other books

of the bible, and he just really makes the 

bible come alive.  We really enjoyed it,

and are amazed at his ability to memorize

all of that.


Thankful for lunch out with our friends

to Applebee's.  Haven't been there in a long

time, and really enjoyed the food and the

company most of all.


Thankful for all the things we take for

granted,  like relationships, a roof over

our heada comfortable bed, food in our

 pantry and fridge, income, and God's

goodness to us every single day.


Thankful that I have our Thanksgiving

table finished.


Thankful that everything that can be

prepared ahead of time is done, and all

I need to do is pop it in the oven today.

Thanksgiving Day!


Well, that's it for Cozy Place this week,

This is the Thanksgiving Edition!

Have a Wonderful Day with your Family

and/or Friends

Love, Hugs and

Thanksgiving Blessings,


Sharing with:

Shabby Art Boutique

Between Naps on the Porch

A Stroll thru life

Karins Kottage

Grammys Grid

Penneys Passion


  1. #1. Praise our LORD for His blessings on us all!
    #2. Roaming the stores are a great way to get exercise, although I wouldn't last long, ha!
    #3. I love the song, "There's Within My Heart a Melody!"
    #4. I can't believe how tall she is getting!
    #5. My age surely tells on me. It's all I can do to walk from one room to the next, lol!
    #6. Yes, our LORD is Good to us all!
    #7. I have been blessed to very rarely lose power. It was the best thing to have our power run underground when we had the house built! One reason is the house is so far back off the cul-de-sac.
    #8. He must have a photostatic memory!
    #9. It's great to not have to cook for yourself as well as sharing with others and being waited on by others!
    #10. I praise our Father GOD every day for all of His wonderful provisions!
    #11. What a beautiful table it was!
    #12. I'm so glad you were able to get it done ahead of time! Thank you for a delicious meal and fellowship with the family!
    Love you, Susan

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Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Let's praise the God of Heaven Every day! Blessings,  Nellie