Thursday, November 10, 2022

Thankful Thursday November 10, 2022, Thanksgiving Table from the Past

With praise and thanksgiving they sang to the LORD: “He is good; his love toward Israel endures forever.” And all the people gave a great shout of praise to the LORD, because the foundation of the house of the LORD was laid.
Ezra 3:11 NIV

Hello Sweet Friend,


Welcome to Thankful Thursday,

Well, we are happy to report we made it through

Tropical storm Nicole with no problems and with our 

power intact, as well.  We however, were shocked that the

beach house we stayed at in May (for my 70th Birthday)

 must of had a lot of beach erosion from Hurriane Ian, so they

 had put up a seawall, Thankfully, because the 2 houses on each

side of them were completely demolished during Tropical storm

 Nicole from terrible beach erosion that also occurred during

 Hurricane Ian.

  Very Sobering and Sad to see the drone footage of it.

One of the homes that got demolished... we got to talk to the

 people who lived there all the time, and they were very nice folks, 

and they were also part owner of the place we stayed at, so we all

feel so badly for them. I just can't quit thinking about it,  

think I am still a bit in shock.  So just can't imagine how 

they must well as so many others....

Well, it has been an eventful week here, most of it good,

other than the sad story, I wrote about above and

more hurricane

Hope you are having a good week and looking forward

to your weekend.

Pictures today are of a Thanksgiving Table from the past.

Thought you might be like me and looking for ideas for your

Thanksgiving table this year!  

So on with my Thankfuls............


Thankful for our Son, Scott who just had his 45th birthday.

We went out to dinner at Longhorn and made a night of it

cause it was pretty busy so we had a wait, but the food and

service was great and then we came back and had cheesecake

 and hung out.  It was a nice evening!


Thankful that we were able to fix a problem with my blog

as some comments went missing and no one could leave

comments either.  Google must have been messing around

again!   lol


Thankful for my wonderful and sweet Husband.

Monday, we celebrated 52 years of marriage.


Thankful for a lesson we learned or really relearned

about doing something new or different as far as

restaurants are concerned.  " New or Different

can be highly over-rated!!  lol

We decided to go to a restaurant that has been around for years

 called "Bahama Breeze" for our Anniversary!

 My back was still acting up so wasn't sure if we

were gonna go out or not, so we just hung around the house,

and had a nice brunch and spent time together reading and

praying, and then just went to dinner, and then came home and 

watched that show I told yall about this week, "Restoring

 America".  It was very good.

Well the lesson relearned was.....stick to where you know

you will get good food on a Special Occasion.  We have

been to this restaruant about 6-7 times over about a 30 yrs.

period, and we have never been happy with it,  but you know,

we always think it's been a long time, so probably things

have changed!!  It wasn't horrible but our favorite

part was the dessert.....and think it will now be on our

forever "No Go" list, along with a few others. lol

Live and Learn............


Thankful that they finally came today and picked up all our

neighbors hurricane debri.  Cause they were worried about

it since we have the new storm coming.  It was a huge

long pile of debri.  They had told my neighbor that the

trucks GPS said our street had already been picked up,

so she called again and some of us other neighbors

called too.  Fortunately, ours was picked up right after

the storm cause we had smaller debri and had bagged it,

so our normal yard trash people were able to take it.


Thankful that we got to keep our Governor DeSantis

and our Senator Marco Rubio here in Florida.  Also,

thankful that the state of S. Carolina stayed or went

Red too, as well, as many other states.


Thankful we just got our porch emptied out again

cause of hurricane or tropical storm Nicole.  Don't

remember ever having a hurricane or storm come

ashore this late in the season.

Note: I saw somewhere that it said it is the first

time in 37 yrs. we have had a hurricane hit the

mainland of the U.S in November.


Thankful for the gift of voting for our elected officials.

I feel it is our sacred privilege and responsibility to

get our there and vote for our values.


Thankful that we and our family and neighbors had no problems

 during Tropical Storm Nicole.  We slept thru most of it, and

 didn't really have too much wind, did get some hefty wind gusts at 

times, and we have power this time, so we are praising the Lord

 for all of that!


Thankful that we happened to see during the last part of the storm

 that a skinny tree in our back side yard had fallen over and there was

 a branch on the corner of the back of our house, so hubby was able

 to take the lopers and go trim that limb easily, so it didn't damage

 our roof.  That tree really needed to come down anyway, so

we were happy about that.


Thankful that we get to have lil darling for the day,

since she was out of school due to the Hurricane.

we will be doing some school work and having fun.

Was a good day!


Thankful my back seems to be back to normal

again, so trying to be good and not do anything

to mess it up again.!!  Which is hard to know

what that is.......since I don't really know what

started it to begin


Well, That's it for this week at cozy place.

This is the Birthday, Anniversary and 

Hurricane Nicole Edition.  lol

Hope you have a Wonderful Weekend

Love, Hugs and early

November Blessings,


Sharing with:

Shabby Art Boutique

South House Dessigns

April J Harris

Sweet Tea and Jesus

Grammy's Grid

Penneys Passion


  1. Always love your Thankful Thursday. Hope you are doing well. Happy Sunday. Have a good week. xoxo Kris

  2. #1. The LORD always makes our celebrations a time of joy!
    #2. Great! Mine has been okay, praise the LORD!
    #3. Yea! Praise the LORD for your 52 years!
    #4. Yes, we learn as we live!
    #5. I'm so glad all the debris along the highway was not scattered! Much has been waiting to be picked up since Ian, much less Nicole!
    #6. Amen! Praise the LORD for His leading these people to be re-elected!
    #7. I pray there are no more!
    #8. Amen! I'm so thankful for write in ballots. I prayed GOD's protection over them all.
    #9. Praise the LORD for His protection!!!
    #10. Thank you for cutting back my tree limbs before the storms!!!
    #11. I'm sure she enjoyed being with you!!!
    #12. It's not my back, but my left knee! I have to pay attention to not let it relax when I'm walking. The "joys" of getting older, ha!
    Love you, Susan

  3. I love your Thanksgiving Table. So lovely. I was happy to hear you all were safe and sound from the hurricane. What blessed things to be thankful for.
    Thank you bunches for sharing this with Sweet Tea & Friends this month sweet friend.

  4. Hi Paula,
    Thank you for coming by and for encouragement and sweet comments.
    Thank you for hosting Sweet Tea and Friends. It was nice to come across
    your lovely blog as well.


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

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