Hello Sweet Friends,
Just wanted to let you know about a show that is going
to be on Trinity Broadcasting Network tomorrow
night, Monday, November 7th at 8 PM, eastern time,
It is about restoring America and it will have our
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, and Franklin Graham and others.
If you care about America, and I am sure you do....
I think you might want to see this program, it
sounds like it will be good.
Don't forget to Think, Pray and
Vote Your Values.....if you haven't
already, It is our sacred privilege
and responsibility, and America
needs your vote !
Love and Blessings,
I've been praying every day that the LORD would direct people to vote for His choices and not their own. I've been praying also that the LORD would protect the mail-in ballots as well as keep safe the places for voting safe from evil people. His will be done. Love you, Susan