Sunday, February 26, 2023

Scripture Sunday


Love the thought of living together with Him.

Talk about a perfect life, that will be it for sure.

Just ponder that thought!!

Hugs and Blessings,


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Between Naps on the Porch

Shabby Art Boutique

Create with Joy

Karins Kottage

Thursday, February 23, 2023

Thankful Thursday February 23, 2023, and a few pics from Cozy place


Praise be to the LORD, the God of Israel, from everlasting to everlasting. Then all the people said “Amen” and “Praise the LORD.”

1 Chronicles 16:36 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope you have had a less heartbreaking

week that we have had.  We know so many

folks we love who are going through so

 many hard things, that at a certain point

 on Wednesday, I just thought Lord please,

 I can't stand to hear anymore bad news,

but God.......We took the time to pray as

we were sitting in the car waiting for lil

darling to finish her dance class, and that

made all the difference in our hearts, minds

 and spirits, and our hope was vey quickly 

restored. Thankful once again for the

gift of is one of the best

things we can do and one of the best

gifts we can give others and ourselves.

So if you happened to be feeling over

whelmed or heavy hearted for those you

love and care about.......Talk and pour out

you heart to the Lord on their behalf.

I promise you will be glad you did.

Pictures today are sort of a hodge podge

from around our home. The white roses

were my Valentine gift, and they are the

closest thing to Spring at our house


So on with my Thankful Post.....


Thankful that my friends little 5 mo. old

Granddaughter came thru open heart surgery,

but they weren't able to do the left side of her

heart, so they didn't actually close her up thinking

 they might have to go back in, then they had

 a scare last night they might have to put her 

on life support as her Blood pressure was low, 

her heart very weak, and something else and

 we were all concerned when we went to bed Friday 

night, as to what Sat. might bring, but she had

 an amazing turnaround during the night. Her

 Blood pressure normalized, her blood work perfect,

and other things that were good. Now just  a

 breathing tube and they felt like she was so stable 

enough they could close her incision.  So we are

 all praising the Lord for His answers to prayer

 once again.

Note: This poor lil baby now has a partially

collapsed lung and a lung infection, so if you

feel so led, please pray for baby Lila and

her Sweet parents.


Thankful to hear that a child that was on an amber

 alert the other night was found. Love hearing


Our simple Valentines Table


Thankful for another answer to prayer for our friends

Son, he has bad back problems but all of a sudden

he was in more pain that he had ever experienced

before and could not walk.  As of now his back

pain has lessened quite a bit,  so hoping to hear

that he is up and walking soon.


Thankful to have gotten my kitchen floor done,

we have laminate in there, and it just needed

a good going over, you know like a Spring cleaning

type of cleaning.  lol


Thankful to have had a few nice days this week

to sit out in the sun.  Feels Wonderful....


Thankful for a great day at church and

the young Pastor I told you about last week

did the preaching today.  His Father-in-love

happens to be our old Pastor from our first

25 yrs. at our church. He was in town and

came to visit, it was really great to see him.

Been a long time.

The next 3 pictures are the last of our
 Christmas to Winter decor...........


Thankful for a Special Service we had at our church this passed Sunday evening. It was a Music and Scripture reading service. All the music had scripture in it, an then lots of different people read different scriptures from the bible. It was such a blessing, and we all felt just bathed in the word of God.


Thankful that we met a new couple at church recently that is our age, and we went out for dessert with them on Sunday Evening.  It was a delightful time, and they are definitely kindred spirits. They have been through a lot
of very hard things in the last years but have the most
gracious and grateful spirits.  So Refreshing.


Thankful that we got to talk to a young woman

who was pretty inebriated, but saw us talking

outside the restaurant and came up and spoke

to us. Clearly a divine appointment. Been

praying for her all week, and hoping she

might show up for church next week.


Thankful we got to have lil darling all day on Wed. and for a sleep over. Didn't get to have as much fun as we wanted to tho, cause she had school work to do, and dance class to go to, which were all unexpected, and then she was coming down with a cold and not feeling good part of the time, but we were are always thankful to get to see her

No matter the situation.


Thankful that a difficult situation our Daughter

and Son-in-love had going on since November

seems to finally be coming to a partial end, hopefully

next week.  Then it will be on to phase 2, and

hopefully it will end a lot sooner than Phase 1.  lol


Thankful that someone we know and love who is
experiencing marital problems have finally decided
to go to marriage counseling. So praying for the
Lord to lead them to just the right counselor and to
 soften hearts and give ears to hear!


Well, that's it for Cozy Place this week,

Thanks for dropping by.....


Hope you have a Fantastic Friday

and a Wonderful Weekend.

Love, Hugs, and

Last of February Blessings,


Sharing with:

Shabby Art Boutique

South House Designs

Grammy's Grid

Between Naps on the Porch

April J Harris

Karins Kottage

Sunday, February 19, 2023

Scripture Sunday


I think the Lord has been showing us this since

last Wednesday when revival broke out at Asbury College

Awesome things going on in our country.  I have read

that it has happened in Ohio too.  I have seen on face

book that it has spread to other states, but don't know

that for sure, but I sure hope it keeps spreading.

If we ever needed a revival in our country....

it is definitely now!

Have a Hopeful and Joyful Week,

Hugs, Nellie

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A Stroll thru Life

Between Naps on the Porch

Karins Kottage

Shabby Art Boutique

Thursday, February 16, 2023

Thankful Thursday February 16, 2023, Winter in the Dining area....

 You are my strength, I sing praise to you;
 you, God, are my fortress, my God on
 whom I can rely.
Psalm 59:17 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope you all had a lovely Valentine's
Day. Ours was nice, nothing too exciting
but a good day.  We got take out from
Olive Garden, ate early and had a
relaxing night watching TV and snacking
We are easy to please!  lol

              Pictures today are from our Winter Look

 in the Dining area.

So on with Thankful Thursday

Thankful we got to see lil darling
on Thursday and Friday this week,
and we were able to give her our
Valentines gift early since we want
see her till after Valentine's day.
and Thankful she really liked it.

Thankful for a fun evening out going to
 "Home Goods" and dinner at Red Lobster. 
We haven't been to either place in awhile.
Home Goods had so much inventory it 
reminded us of Pre-covid days, We
 didn't bring anything home but we really
 had a fun time checking it all out. Red
Lobster, food was good, but reminded
 us of the reality of how things are
 now!!  lol

Thankful that someone we know and love
came thru surgery well, to have a mass
 removed this week, and things went well,
 she is still waiting on the biopsy results
 and working on recovery like normal.

Thankful that the young Mom who was in
 treatment for the psychiatric issues is going
 home to her parents house this weekend, 
 and then they will take her home next
week. Also, her diagnosis was much better
as well.
Note: As of Tuesday Evening she was
back home with her family. Awesome
Praise the Lord for this answer to prayer.

Thankful to see a video of one of our
younger Pastors who went to his 
daughter's ballet class, when they
had bring your Dad to class day.
So he did a little dance routine with
 her. It was adorable and so funny,
 he has a great sense of humor and
 he is also a very tall man, so it
 really made me laugh.  We have 
known him most of his life, and
 love what a Wonderful Man, 
Husband, Father, and example
He is to everyone.

Thankful for an early surprise
bouquet of white roses for Valentines day,
 that are now, gracing our coffee table,
and looking so pretty.

Thankful for a good day at church, as usual.
  We ran into a girl who used to go to our church
 back when she was a older teenager, she is 50
now and has been married for 30 yrs. and has
 4 children. She is actually married to a guy
who used to live a few houses away from us.
 We have seen her a few times here and there,
 over the years. Was great to see her. Sounds
like she might come back to our church.
Hope so.......Cause she is such a delightful
girl (woman now!).

Thankful that we got to have food from
Taco Bell today.  We hardly ever get to
do that because there is always a line
around the building and it takes you
about a half hour. So that was a
Special treat for us today. (Sunday)


Thankful that our sweet neighbors

just sent over a big container of

homemade Chicken and Dumplings.

(Sunday Evening) Delicious as always.


Thankful to hear there has been a mighty

 move of God that started at Asbury College

 in Kentucky last Wed. during a typical 

chapel service, and many other colleges

 have come from other places as well.

If we ever needed a move of God in a

big is now!!

Note: heard today it is still going on

and it's 9 days later.  People are coming

from all over the place even from

around the world. So Amazing,

So Needed.......

Thankful for a Bacon, lettuce and tomato
 Sandwich on ciabatti bread for breakfast
 this morning.  Haven't had one in along
 time.....and it was so good.  Used to eat
these all the time as a kid.

Thankful to have the opportunity to be a
 listening ear, comfort and and prayer warrior
for someone who is going through a plethora
of different situations, about 12 to be exact.
Enough to do anyone in.....I would add.
We are praying for a might move of God
 to say the least...........

Well, that's it for Cozy Place this week.

Thanks for coming by....

Have a Lovely rest of the week.

Love, Hugs, and
Mid February Blessings,

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Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Happy Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day

Sweet Friends,

Hope you all have

A Very Happy Valentine's Day 

With those you Love the Most.

Jesus is the Best Valentine Ever!

Sharing with:

A Stroll thru Life

Karins Kottage

Shabby Art Boutique

South House Designs

Between Naps on the Porch

Thursday, February 9, 2023

Thankful Thursday February 9, 2023, Our Winter look in the family room....

Come, let us sing for joy to the LORD; 
let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation. 
 Let us come before him with thanksgiving 
and extol him with music and song.
Psalm 95:1-2 NIV

Welcome to Thankful Thursday 

Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds you doing well, and enjoying your 

Winter months. Course, that is much easier for those

 of us who live in Florida, as we get breaks from the

 cold, and we don't get as cold as northern states for sure.

 I would love to see some snow tho.....not live in it,

or have to shovel it

Pictures today are of our Winter look in the family

 room, and yes, we still have our Christmas tree up,

 but it's just a natural looking tree with faux snow

now.  lol  We left it up last Winter too, and we

just so enjoy the lights, so figured hey, why Not?

I left some things that are Christmas decorations

but if they looked like Winter to me, I left them

up.  Like our fireplace.....I just took anything

red out of it, and added white and more gold to the

wreath.  Have to say we have really enjoyed

it all.........and are still enjoying it.  However,

I do have red in the living will see

that next week............

So on with Thankful Thursday......


Thankful for today (Thursday) Picked up lil darling

from school, had a few hours with her, then out to dinner

with hubby at Outback, and took a trip to Marshalls.


Thankful to hear from our young family whose Mom

had the psychiatric issues on Friday, She is doing well, 

they have found a wonderful Christian place for her treat-

ment, and they are slowly weaning her off meds that the

 hospital put her on, so they can make sure they are 

making the right diagnosis.  So if you feel so led please

 pray for wisdom for her Drs. and counselors.


Thankful to hear on Sat. that they finally shot

down that unmanned Chinese spy balloon that entered

our airspace and floated all the way across our

country for days.


Thankful for seeing a number of Red Cardinals

and Robin Redbreast Birds in our yard in the

passed week or so. Makes me think Spring is

just around the corner maybe.


Thankful for a good day at church, talked to

some new people, and went out to lunch with

hubby at Carrabbas.


Thankful for Lactaid products,  I have

lactose intolerance and drink their milk all

the time, but take the pills when I need to

for other stuff.


Thankful that we have found some other things we

can make in our air fryer that we got for Christmas.

Made some broccoli (It was nice and crispy and

we both really liked it) chicken tenders, and my

hubbies favorite, Jalapeno Poppers. We had

kind of forgotten about

Also made some Asparagus, it was great too.


Thankful to have finished 3 Valentines today

 (Monday), and working on some more.


Thankful for the Lord's direction about a physical issue

 I have had most of my life, but has gotten worse with age.


Thankful for "Sugar Bomb" grape tomatoes.

They are the best grape tomato.  So tasty and

just loved to eat them all by themselves.


Thankful for getting to spend a fun night with 

our sweet neighbors.  I made brownies and had

them over for brownie Sundae's, it was easy and

a lot of fun.  Keeping it simple works the best.


Thankful for the gift of would

we ever make it through life.  Sometimes things

or situations are just so ridiculous you just have

to laugh.  God's word says Laughter is 

good medicine,  I have to agree heartily.

Well, that's it for Cozy Place this week.

Thanks for coming by


Hope you have a Wonderful rest of the week.

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Scripture Sunday

  Hope you are finding rest for your soul today!! Hugs, Nellie