Monday, March 27, 2023

Thankful Thursday March 30, 2023, and Spring flowers

 Rejoice in the Lord always.
 I will say it again: Rejoice!
Philippians 4:4 NIV

Spring Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds you well and happy
and probably at least starting to
prepare for your Easter Celebration.
I am not quite there yet, as I am still
redecorating for Spring, but hopefully
by Monday that will all be behind me
and I can turn my heart and mind
toward celebrating for Easter.

Pictures today are of Spring

Flowers.......They will bring some beauty to

your life and make your heart sing!

At least that's what they do for me!!

So on with my Thankfuls.....


Thankful to be all unpacked and back to normal, after our trip to our Daughter and Son-in-Loves. Always great to get away, but always nice to come home, as well.


Thankful that our house always smells so good when we walk that!


Thankful that another American Governor has banned these ridiculous and crazy things they are trying to put on our children and men in women's sports and women's bathrooms, and giving children hormones and surgeries when they are not old enough to make those kinds of decisions for themselves.  PTL for these brave Governors.  We need a ton more.


Thankful that we got to pick up lil darling from school on Thursday and had a sleepover and then had schooling with her on Friday, and managed to squeeze in some fun as well. She just brightens our life so much. Always love having her.


Thankful to have gotten things done in our card shop that needed to be done. Next is to work on family Easter cards.


Thankful to finally be taking down my Winter decor, haven't finished but it's starting to look pretty sad and bare already, But it's gotta happen........


Thankful that I found some white linen

pants to go with a navy linen top I have,

that I have never worn.

Hopefully, it will make a nice new outfit.

Note: They arrived on my birthday

and  fit and look great with my Navy top, 

but I do have to hem them, too long.

But excited for the new outfit!!


Thankful for a sandwich maker hubby

got for his birthday, we used it for the

first time today, and the sandwiches

were great, and it was easy clean up too.


Thankful that we got to do schooling

with lil darling again today. (Monday)

We are getting to make up for some

the days we missed before and

while we were away, which is great.


Thankful for so many who called, 

texted and sent facebook messages and

 gifts to wish me a Happy 71st birthday.

I feel very loved and blessed.

Note: Will have a family celebration

on Sunday.  Looking forward to it.


Thankful that all the Winter/Christmas

decoration are all packed away for

another year.


Thankful that I have finally commenced

 with decorating the house for Spring/Summer!  Yea!


    That's it for Cozy Place this week!

Glad you could stop by


Hope you have a Terrific 

rest of the week!

Love, Hugs and 

end of March Blessings,


Sharing with:

Karins Kottage

Shabby Art Boutique

South House Designs

A stroll thru Life

Grammys Grid

Thursday, March 23, 2023

Thankful Thursday March 23, 2023, Hubby and lil darlings birthday table

My mouth will speak in praise of the LORD. Let every creature praise his holy name for ever and ever.   Psalm 145:21 NIV

Hello and Happy Spring Sweet Friends,

How are You??  Decorating for Spring by

 now I would think! I will be starting in soon. 

 Too many birthdays and a trip has delayed me,

 but also gives me something to look forward to

 now that we are back home.

Pictures today are from another one of our

birthday dinners.  This time for hubby and

lil darling......I know it looks like a summer

table, but since they both love the beach,

had thought it a good choice and then found

the pretty napkins below that sealed the deal. 


So on with my Thankfuls.......


Thankful to have made it to our Daughter and Son-in-loves in SC safely and with no issues,  and thankful to be here to visit for a week.


Thankful for a new restaurant we finally got to try, It was called "Okra Grill" and it was really delicious. Have tried twice before to go there, but both times it was closed.  So finally.....


Thankful for a fun times sitting in the sun, (even

tho it was cold out, it was warm sitting in the

 sun.) and chatting and catching up with each

other and just being together.


Thankful for a delicious new salad we made

 for the first time.  Will definitely be making it

 again.  Oops, Just realized I forgot to get

 the recipe. If I get it I will share it soon.


Thankful for a craft idea, that we tried

 and we think turned out pretty well..  It's a  

 knock off of a carved bowl that we saw,

 Will share our take on it..... 

hopefully next week.


Thankful for the cool weather we have had

 while we are here in Charleston So refreshing

 and still feels like Winter....

Cause in Florida it's like we went from Winter

 to Summer, course I think this week it is more

 like Winter again there too.  lol


Thankful for a fun day out window shopping

 and going to some new stores we have not

 visited before, then out to din din. 

They have a new Ballard design store we

 wanted to go to but they closed earlier than we

 thought, so didn't get to do that, but we had fun

 all the same.


Thankful for these blender bombs things my

 Daughter has that have healthy things that go

 in your smoothies.  They have dates as a

 natural sweetner plus other healthy things. You

 add a banana, peanut butter and water. Pretty

 good, but not super sweet which is good for

 me,as I like to have smoothies in the spring

 and summer for breakfast.


Thankful for a relatively new place called

 "Crumbl",  they have the most wonderful

 cookies.  I got a "Texas Sheet Cake"

 Cookie and it tasted just like Texas Sheet Cake,

 and was so decadent and delicious.  We have

 one in our neck of the woods too, and have

 taken lil darling there a couple of times, but

 only tried the "Sugar" and "Chocolate Chip" cookies.  Think my

Daughters was "Almond Crunch Heath" or

 something like that, and it was incredibly

 delicious too.


Thankful for another fun day out with our

 Daughter before we left to come home, we went

 several places but spent most of our time

 in Hobby Lobby, where we really have so much

 fun every time we go there.  Got a few lil things

 for Easter.  Also got to go in Ballard Designs.

Beautiful store, mostly furniture, with gorgeous

 fabrics and of course, high price tags. 

Definitely enjoyed our visit there.


Thankful we got home safe and sound on

 Tuesday Evening. We had a lil bit of concern,

 as our tire light came on....but hubby has a air

 pump we carry in the car,  so he stopped and

pumped all the tires and not too long after we

 were driving again,  it went out, so we felt

 relieved that we didn't have a nail or

 something in our tire....only to have the  light

 come back on about 20 mins. later, so we

 drove on for awhile, then hubby checked again,

 and the tires were all fine. So we had a

 lying tire light!!  lol  Guess it's broken!


Thankful for a Wonderful, Relaxing,

Refreshing, Reconnecting, Precious

time with the kids, always such a great

 vacation for us all.

Well, That's it for Cozy Place

this week..............

Happy you could stop in....

Have a Wonderful Rest of the Week!

Love, Hugs, and 

late March Blessings,


Sharing with:

South House Designs

Imparting Grace

Grammys Grid

A Stroll thru Life

Karins Kottage

Shabby Art Boutique

Sunday, March 19, 2023

Scripture Sunday, and Happy Spring


Happy Spring Sweet Friends,

May our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who loved us and by his grace gave us eternal encouragement and good hope,   encourage your hearts and strengthen you in every good deed and word.

2 Thessalonians 2:16-17 NIV

Hugs,  Nellie

Sharing with:

A Stroll thru LIfe

South House Designs

Grammys Grid

Thursday, March 16, 2023

Thankful Thursday March 16, 2023, and architectural images

May all who seek you rejoice and be glad in you;
may those who love your salvation always say,
Let God be exalted!
Psalm 70:4

Greetings Sweet Friends

Hope you have had a good week.
Ours has been good and busy but
we made it through and had a 
good time as well.

Pictures today are images of things
with architectural interest.  Thought
they were so unique and beautiful,
so hope you enjoy them.

So on with my Thankfuls


Thankful my hubby was able toget a dental appt. this week to fill in the tooth he had the root canal on last week.  We didn't expect it this quickly, but were very pleased as he is not supposed to chew on that side but he keeps forgetting cause it isn't bothering him at all.

#2 and 3

Thankful to find some prettyCoastal napkins which set the theme for hubby and lil darlings birthday table. Finally!  They both love the beach so knew it would probably be a coastal theme but just couldn't come up with anything for some reason.  So the napkins were perfect.

Thankful table is all set and ready for Sunday.


Thankful for a really neat story of God's grace

and help on our radio station this morning.

This man was hiking in the mountains and it

unexpectedly starting snowing and he could

go no further so he was stuck and had no

cell service where he was, so he had a drone

with him, so he wrote a text on his phone

to friends, then tied the phone to his drone.

His friends got the text and sent emergency

help!  How miraculous is that!

Definitely a God happening, the fact he even

thought of it and then that they got it!

Love this story!


Thankful that we found some Vanilla Wafers

that tasted good for making Banana Pudding.

It's a family favorite that I only make for

special occasions.  We used to use Keebler 

Vanilla Wafers only, but in recent years

they have been hard to find.  They didn't

have any yesterday so we bought the 

Publix brand and they were much better

than the regular Nilla Wafers our Moms

used to buy.


Thankful that all the birthday gifts

are ready to give.

Thankful that we have a washer and dryer.
Cause I remember only too well those early
days of marriage and going to the laundromat.
One time someone either left gum in the dryer or
 threw some in, when we weren't there for a
 few minutes. Gum got all over my husbands
dress shirts and pants, and he had to wear suit
 and ties back then.  PTL for the dryer cleaner
 who took pity on this poor young couple who
 didn't have the money to pay for all new clothes.
They somehow got it all out, and they didn't
charge us much at all, and I know they must
have put in quite a bit of work, so they were
 such a blessing


Thankful that most of the food is prepared for tomorrow's birthday bash. 

I just love make ahead dishes.

Thankful for toothbrushes and toothpaste
 and dental care. Just imagine what our toofers would look like without it,
not something you really want to imagine 
either.  lol



Thankful for a nice birthday bash with the family.  Had a great meal and a good time.  Hubby and lil darling both loved their gifts, and we played more Apples to Apples".


Thankful for how beautiful lil darling looked in a dress we bought her at Christmas,  She looked like such a lil lady.  So mad I didn't get a pic. We did take a video as she practiced her Science project speech (she and Dad did) on us.


Thankful for a cozy comfy bad with clean,

 fresh linens.  A Simple pleasure.


Well, that's it for Cozy Place

this week.  

Thanks for stopping in


Have a Fantastic rest of the week.

Love, Hugs,

and Mid March Blessings,


Sharing with:

Shabby Art Boutique

South House Designs

A Stroll thru LIfe

Sunday, March 12, 2023

Thursday, March 9, 2023

Thankful Thursday March 9, 2023, and our last Winter Table for a Birthday Celebration


Shout for joy to God, all the earth!
Sing the glory of his name; make his praise glorious.

Psalm 66:1  NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Can you believe we are 9 days into March already??

Little darling had her 10th  birthday this past

 weekend.......can hardly believe that either. She got

 to go to Sea World for her birthday this year,

 so she is so excited.  Hubbies birthday was this

 week too,  so we will be celebrating both of 

them this weekend. Hubby turns 75 this year!

Pictures today are from my Sister-in-law Susan's

 birthday celebration. Decided to just do a Simple Winter

 table since all my Winter decoration were still up. 

On with my Thankfuls.............


Thankful for sweet friends who are praying for us, as me and my hubby have colds now.  

Note: Doing much better not quite there yet,  we are actually beginning to wonder if this is caused from allergies as the pollen count is high. 


Thankful that Baby Lila has been doing great every since she has been home.  Saw a pic of her on facebook and she was just a smilin' which made my heart happy.

Note: We were sorry to hear yesterday that her heart valve is leaking at a moderate to serious level,  so she may have to have more surgery.  If you feel so led please pray for healing for this lil 6 mo. old baby girl, and her sweet parents and grandparents.


Thankful to be working on some cards for our

shop again.  Been busy working on family cards 

for awhile now.  I convert most of them into

cards for sale, but haven't had time to do

 that yet.  Most of the time my family and 

friends are my inspiration.


Thankful we found a new TV series to watch.

Actually it is an old one, that I had seen a few

times years ago. You might have seen it before

too, it's called "Medicine Woman".  It's very

good, clean, great story line and great acting.

We found it on the Hallmark Movie chanel.


Thankful for InstaCart, and those who work for them.

We don't use them all the time, but they are really

 quite handy when you are sick or pressed for time.

It is a great service to everyone!


Thankful to hear there is a really neat movie coming

 out just before Easter with Andrea Bocelli, his family

 and a number of other Christian music artists and

 it is all filmed in Italy. Check now for a theatre near

 you to see if they will have it.  It will show 

April 2,3,4, and 6th. Sounds like a Wonderful

Movie Event.  It is put on by TBN and we have seen

 some clips and think it will be a blessing

 to all who see it.


Thankful for a really cool "God Wink" this morning.

I happened to come across an old blog post of mine

 from 2013, and I decided to click on a person who 

 commented to see if they are still blogging. Most of

 the time they aren't,  but this time they were.....and

 there blog header said is anyone out there?? 

 Anyway, it was a blogger who had not blogged

 in awhile and was wondering if she should start

 up again.  So was so struck by how the Lord

 orchestrated another blogger from 10 yrs. ago to

 go by and encourage her to keep on blogging. 

 You might want to check her out and

encourage her too.  Her blog is called 

  "Hidden art of Homemaking".

Click here to go there

I just love how the Lord is so intimately involved

 in ours lives and shows us many times in simple

 things like this!!  Some would call it coincidence

but I believe it was a divinely inspired.


Thankful that my honey had a good birthday. 

 He heard from everyone he loves, and opened

some of his gifts and really loved them.

Then we went to "Fresh Market" and got

 some fun dessert.  They have these pillow

cookies and they are amazingly good,

so we got the almond ones this time and

they are just so yummy.  Have never seen

these cookies anywhere else, so that's why

they are so special to us!!

 Then out for a good dinner just the

2 of us. Will be celebrating on Sunday for

He and lil darling.


Thankful for my hubby and what a Good man he is, 

 always there for me for over 52 years now.  No words

 could convey how much I love him and appreciate him


Thankful to get to see our new friends for just

a short while, short is better than no time.

Hoping we get to see them again before they

go up North till July.

Yes, that is our Christmas turned Winter tree, we took everything off and left it natural, and we were sorry to see it go this week, as we have really enjoy the lights all this time.


Thankful that we at least got our Winter tree

 taken down this week, and some other things,

 but didn't want to tear the whole house apart

 since we are having the other birthday celebrations

 this coming weekend, and would not have time

 to replace things with Spring/Easter decor, 

So it would be a naked house, and no body

 likes a naked house!!  lol


Thankful for a sweet Christian man named Thomas,

 who has been a huge help to our Daughter and Son-in-

love during a very frustrating and difficult situation, and

 also for an older man friend who has also been a help as

 well.  It's a blessing to us as parents too, since we don't

live near by, to see how the Lord looks out for our kids.


Well, guess that's it for this week

at Cozy Place.

Have a Wonderful Rest of the Week!


Thanks for coming by,

Love, Hugs, and Early

March Blessings,


Sharing with:

South House Designs

Shabby Art Boutique

A Stroll thru LIfe

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you are finding rest for your soul today!! Hugs, Nellie