Shout for joy to God, all the earth!
Sing the glory of his name; make his praise glorious.
Psalm 66:1 NIV
Greetings Sweet Friends,
Can you believe we are 9 days into March already??
Little darling had her 10th birthday this past
weekend.......can hardly believe that either. She got
to go to Sea World for her birthday this year,
so she is so excited. Hubbies birthday was this
week too, so we will be celebrating both of
them this weekend. Hubby turns 75 this year!
Pictures today are from my Sister-in-law Susan's
birthday celebration. Decided to just do a Simple Winter
table since all my Winter decoration were still up.
On with my Thankfuls.............
Thankful for sweet friends who are praying for us, as me and my hubby have colds now.
Note: Doing much better not quite there yet, we are actually beginning to wonder if this is caused from allergies as the pollen count is high.
Thankful that Baby Lila has been doing great every since she has been home. Saw a pic of her on facebook and she was just a smilin' which made my heart happy.
Note: We were sorry to hear yesterday that her heart valve is leaking at a moderate to serious level, so she may have to have more surgery. If you feel so led please pray for healing for this lil 6 mo. old baby girl, and her sweet parents and grandparents.
Thankful to be working on some cards for our
shop again. Been busy working on family cards
for awhile now. I convert most of them into
cards for sale, but haven't had time to do
that yet. Most of the time my family and
friends are my inspiration.
Thankful we found a new TV series to watch.
Actually it is an old one, that I had seen a few
times years ago. You might have seen it before
too, it's called "Medicine Woman". It's very
good, clean, great story line and great acting.
We found it on the Hallmark Movie chanel.
Thankful for InstaCart, and those who work for them.
We don't use them all the time, but they are really
quite handy when you are sick or pressed for time.
It is a great service to everyone!
Thankful to hear there is a really neat movie coming
out just before Easter with Andrea Bocelli, his family
and a number of other Christian music artists and
it is all filmed in Italy. Check now for a theatre near
you to see if they will have it. It will show
April 2,3,4, and 6th. Sounds like a Wonderful
Movie Event. It is put on by TBN and we have seen
some clips and think it will be a blessing
to all who see it.
Thankful for a really cool "God Wink" this morning.
I happened to come across an old blog post of mine
from 2013, and I decided to click on a person who
commented to see if they are still blogging. Most of
the time they aren't, but this time they were.....and
there blog header said is anyone out there??
Anyway, it was a blogger who had not blogged
in awhile and was wondering if she should start
up again. So was so struck by how the Lord
orchestrated another blogger from 10 yrs. ago to
go by and encourage her to keep on blogging.
You might want to check her out and
encourage her too. Her blog is called
"Hidden art of Homemaking".
Click here to go there
I just love how the Lord is so intimately involved
in ours lives and shows us many times in simple
things like this!! Some would call it coincidence
but I believe it was a divinely inspired.
Thankful that my honey had a good birthday.
He heard from everyone he loves, and opened
some of his gifts and really loved them.
Then we went to "Fresh Market" and got
some fun dessert. They have these pillow
cookies and they are amazingly good,
so we got the almond ones this time and
they are just so yummy. Have never seen
these cookies anywhere else, so that's why
they are so special to us!!
Then out for a good dinner just the
2 of us. Will be celebrating on Sunday for
He and lil darling.
Thankful for my hubby and what a Good man he is,
always there for me for over 52 years now. No words
could convey how much I love him and appreciate him
Thankful to get to see our new friends for just
a short while, short is better than no time.
Hoping we get to see them again before they
go up North till July.

Yes, that is our Christmas turned Winter tree, we took everything off and left it natural, and we were sorry to see it go this week, as we have really enjoy the lights all this time.
Thankful that we at least got our Winter tree
taken down this week, and some other things,
but didn't want to tear the whole house apart
since we are having the other birthday celebrations
this coming weekend, and would not have time
to replace things with Spring/Easter decor,
So it would be a naked house, and no body
likes a naked house!! lol
Thankful for a sweet Christian man named Thomas,
who has been a huge help to our Daughter and Son-in-
love during a very frustrating and difficult situation, and
also for an older man friend who has also been a help as
well. It's a blessing to us as parents too, since we don't
live near by, to see how the Lord looks out for our kids.
Well, guess that's it for this week
at Cozy Place.
Have a Wonderful Rest of the Week!
Thanks for coming by,
Love, Hugs, and Early
March Blessings,
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South House Designs
Shabby Art Boutique
A Stroll thru LIfe