Friday, June 30, 2023

Thankful Thursday June 29, 2023, A "4th of July Table" from the past

Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD
Psalm 33:12 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Welcome to July !!

Is your head spinning.....Wow, June 

seemed to just fly by.....Hope you

are looking forward to a great

4th of July......We don't know what

we are gonna do yet, we are so

tired right now.  We will celebrate

the Independece of our great country

 but it might just be a very quiet 

and private celebration!!  lol

We are not great at making too 

many plans ahead of time!!  lol

Pictures today are of a "4th of July"

table from the past.  Another table that was inspired by the dollar tree paper

 goods. Have to say I am missing having some Red, White and Blue in my house this time of year!

but frankly, too tired to care at

the minute!!  lol  So love seeing these

pictures, it filled my cup for Red

white and blue.  lol

On with my Thankfuls............


Thankful for a beautiful sunny day with beautiful blue skies and white cotton ball clouds. We have had so much rain lately, here in florida and when we were in South Carolina last week,  So enjoying the Sunshine while we can...........


Thankful for a really great day at church because our granddaughter, better known as lil darling, got baptized today.  She was a bit nervous of course, but did great, and we are all very excited for her, and everything went wonderfully well and was well attended by both sides of her family, and for those who couldn't come our church does live streaming, so they still got to see it too. Actually even tho we were up close we could actually see it better on the live stream, which was really nice!


Thankful she was very excited about her new children's bible we got her.


Thankful that we had our annual business meeting at church last night, and have to say after attending many many of these meetings over 43 years, it was the most fun we have ever had in a business meeting, cause mostly they are boring,  even tho they are

#                         #5

Thankful that when we thought our day could not get any better, after lil ones baptism, we found out that our previous Youth Pastor that we all love, that had taken a position in Tenn. about 5 yrs. ago, will be coming back to minister at our church in Sept. 2023, as an Executive Pastor, since our now Senior Pastor will be transitioning into retirement sometime in the next year or two. A real answer to prayer, as so many have been praying for that!


Thankful we have seen our lil brown bunny in the backyard about 4 times this week.  We never know if he is still alive and well,  cause he takes off and we don't see him for months at a time sometimes. Think that must be a survival skill.


Thankful once again for the "Better together show" on TBN.  It was just so good today and I was really blessed by so many things that were said, about when God heals and when He doesn't, some great and inciteful dialog.


Thankful for some Ahi Tuna that we got a Sam's club.  Hubby grilled it for din din last night and it was awesome. Just put a lil olive oil on it with some granulated garlic,  seasoned salt and pepper.  Delicious!!

Not even a hint of fishiness.

#                           #9

Thankful to get some Thank you, and sympathy cards done to send out.


Thankful hubby was able to get some of our bushes cut yesterday finally, since we finally had a few dry days, and they were pretty unruly!!  lol

#11 and 12

Thankful we got to have lil darling

 on Thursday and we did a candle 

making kit, and she made 4 little candles.

They were quite cute.  She also got

to have her lil friend next door over

for the whole afternoon, so they

were in it has been awhile

since they have seen each other.

She also gave her one of her candles

and she said, I love it. They are just

so sweet and cute together.

Well, that's it for this week at

Cozy Place.

Glad you could stop in

and hope you have a

 Wonderful weekend.

L            Love, Hugs and the End

of June Blessings!


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  1. #1. Yes, the rains came a little later this year! They usually come earlier in Spring.
    #2. Praise our LORD GOD, for her salvation and baptism! It was great to be there and witness her blessed event.
    #3. How wonderful! I pray the LORD's blessings on her in reading His Word!
    #4. I praise our LORD for his abundant blessings on our church!
    #5. Praise our LORD GOD for His provision to the needs of His Church!
    #6. Praise the LORD for the beauty of His wildlife!
    #7. I am so thankful the LORD GOD has ALL things in His control!
    #8. It makes my mouth water, ha!
    #9. Thank the LORD for mail service we can send thank you and sympathy cards to friends and loved ones near and far.
    #10. I am so thankful to the LORD for Steve who does my yard! The grass has gone to seed since all the rain! He will be coming this week!
    #11 & #12. How wonderful these memories of friendship will last!
    Love you, Susan

  2. Nellie, it's me Patti Gardner. I don't often leave comments on your blog, because for some reason, even though I am signed in to my Google account, I show up as "anonymous" when I comment here. I am totally rejoicing with your family on Lil Darlin's baptism! That she knows and loves Jesus and wanted to publicly proclaim that faith is definitely a thing to celebrate! I love all your DAC news. That church and its people will always hold a very special place in my heart.


  3. Hi Patti, so lovely to hear from you, and thanks for rejoicing with us, we are over the moon about it. Yes, the Lord is on the move at DAC and we couldn't be happier, it is great to see so many younger people stepping up as we are all getting older, somebody has to replace us. So it is a real answer to many prayers for sure. I know it is shocking to me that we have been at the same church for 43 yrs. this coming October. Such a blessing.
    So how are you my friend?? Hope all is well with you and yours, and wish you a lovely
    Independence day celebrating with your family hon,
    Love and blessings, Nellie


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you all had a lovely Valentine' Day! Hugs,  Nellie Sharing with: