Thursday, June 8, 2023

Thankful Thursday June 8, 2023, Another past Father's Day Table

The LORD lives! Praise be to my Rock! Exalted be my God, the Rock, my Savior!
2 Samuel 22:47 NIV

Hello Sweet Friends,
Hope it has been a good and productive
week for you,  and hope for those of
you who have your kiddles home from
school.....are enjoying the time with them.

Decided to share another Father's Day table 
from the past......Could also work for a guys
Birthday or for the 4th of July even.

It all started with this "GrillMaster" gift bag
 and paper plates and napkins that I found at
 Dollar Tree.............just added
in other items around the house I already had.
Doesn't have to be expensive to be nice or fun!

So on with my Thankfuls...................


Thankful for all the wildlife in our yard and our

neighbors yard across from us.  All Birds....but

we had Crows, Ibis and Sandhill Cranes all at

the same time.  So fun to watch.


Thankful we got to go to lil darlings dance

recital on Friday night and she did a great

job...... then we went out to dinner with

 her and her Dad.


Thankful I have already finished my

family Father's Day cards early for

a change, which is nice.


Thankful I am already coming up with

some Father's day table ideas and gift

ideas as well......early is good!!


Thankful for a good afternoon and

evening with our Son and Lil darling

for dinner and some game playing.


Thankful that we can watch our church

online,  as I am feeling like I have a bit

of a flu bug maybe.


Thankful that we got a lot done in and for

 our shop today to prepare for Father's Day

which is don't forget June 18th!

Need a card - check us out!


Thankful that I heard from our new

friend who is now up in Tennessee, but

will be back here towards the end of June.


Thankful that we had the work done

on our Van today, and it took all day,

and hopefully we are all fixed up.


Thankful to hear from 3 of my friends

who are prayer warriors in the last few

 days, that were just checking in to see 

how I was.......God is so good, cause as I

said before I had been feeling like I was

coming down with a flu bug, or something,

 so feeling better the last few days.........PTL

Thank You ladies for praying!!


Thankful for our Summer rains here inFlorida, 

 it does help cool us off some, and it makes

 everything so pretty, lush and green.


Thankful we got to have lil darling twice

this week.  Sweet times.


Thankful that a non-profit Christian ministry 

came and got our futon that was in good shape, 

 and some good clothing I didn't know what to

do with (from cleaning out the closet) and some

 household items as well.

So happy to have that off my plate!!

That's it for Cozy Place this week.

Have a great rest of the week


Thanks for dropping by,

Love, Hugs and 

First of June Blessings,


Sharing with:

                           South house Designs
                       Shabby Art Boutique
                       A Stroll thru Life
                              Grammys Grid
                         Between Naps on the Porch

1 comment:

  1. This is so inspiring. I need to work harder at decorating my table!


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

Have a lovely  Sunday! Hugs, Nellie