Monday, July 31, 2023

Thankful Thursday August 3, 2023, and Beachy Summer Tablescape from the past

Sing the praises of the LORD, you his faithful people;

 praise his holy name.

Psalm 30:4 NIV

Welcome to August and

               Welcome to Thankful Thursday,

I know I'm a lil bit late, but better late than                never, as the old saying goes.....

Hope your week has been a good one, and thanks for coming by, always happy to have you visit!  Our week has been mostly good....but we have  grieving about our  friend who fell and broke her knee cap, and had to have surgery and has just been in so much pain. She is the same one who had the episode at church a few weeks back. She is such a sweetheart and always taking care of others! 


 Pictures today are from a Beach themed table from the past. Thought since it was still Summer    time it would be a great time to share it. 

So on with my Thankfuls...........


Thankful for a nice quiet day with Brooklyn and 

dinner out with her and our Son.  Then hubby

and I did a lil shopping afterwards at our

fairly new Bealls store, and a new dollar tree

near us, that I have wanted to visit since it opened.  


Thankful that I picked up a few small things

for Fall there.  A small vignette actually for

just $ I really needed anything else

for  But they were cute lil

pumpkins, I have to say.....


Thankful for a fun day with lil darling on

Friday.  We played "Monopoly" with her for

the first time and she really liked it way more

than I ever thought she would.  She beat us

too.  It is an old Monopoly game from when

our kids were young, so been a longggg time

since we have played it.


Thankful for her new lil friend in our neighborhood,

that she met through her other lil friend next door,

She is away a lot this summer and they and this

other lil girl have played together a number of 

times. Both very sweet girls.....and so happy to

have them over, and they all play so well together,

and are all very well behaved.


Thankful that hubby was able to fix our mailbox
 temporarily until we can get a new one.  It just
 got wobbly all of a sudden and then 2 days later
fell over with mail in
It is so hot out it is not exactly great for doing
projects right now either!  Ugh!  Poor Hubby.


Thankful that our guest room is all done.....

as we are expecting company on Wednesday. 

 Guess who??  Our Daughter DeeAnna.

  We are very say the least.


Thankful for the way the Lord directs our paths even when we don't realize it.  I was reminded of it recently when I read something from a Dr. about  taking Calcium, and the downsides, and realized how much the Lord had directed me away from taking it, at least, 3-4 times if not more.


Thankful to see on facebook today that a lil gal (we adore) that used to go to our church her whole growing up years, but who is now married and lives in Ga. was able to come to our churches Summer camp this year and bring her daughter so she could see and experience where and what her Mom experienced every Summer  as a child, and meet a lot of folks her Mom knew back then, that are still friends. Such a blessing to them and to long time friends as well....and it was a blessing that I got to see lots of fun pictures of them and other I know too.


Thankful for all the loose ends we got tied

up the last few week.  Love when anyone comes

cause it motivates me to take care of little things

that have needed doing anyway. So now, I can just

 bask in the glory of that and enjoy life!   lol


Thankful for take out from Longhorn steakhouse

on Monday as I wasn't feeling great Sunday or

Monday, but good eating and rest has made

me feel better today.  PTL


Thankful our Daughter is on the way here.



Thankful that she made it safe and sound.

It will be a short visit..... but we will take 

whatever we can get and be happy with it.

Well, that's it for this week......

Have a great weekend

Love, Hugs and 

First of August Blessings,


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Shabby Art Boutique

April J Harris

Thursday, July 27, 2023

Thankful Thursday July 27, 2023, Summery Beach pictures

that my heart may sing your praises and not be silent. LORD my God, I will praise you forever.

Psalm 30:12 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope you have been having a good week, and enjoying 

the last of July. Can you believe it... next Tuesday we 

will be into August.  Shocking!!

Our week has been good, quiet but good. We were

able to tie up some lose ends for things that just

have been hanging around waiting to be done, always

so happy when we finally get those lil naggers 


Pictures today are to give you a Summery feel..... 

cause when I think of Summer I always think of the

 beach. as it is just so beautiful!!

These pictures are Compliments of unsplash.

On with my Thankfuls..................


Thankful for a nice evening out doing a little

 shopping, and happily finding what we needed, then

 out to dinner at Longhorn steakhouse.  They are

 always the best place in town these days,  great food

 and great service. Which seems to be a lot harder to

 find these days!! 


Thankful to find a pretty blue throw, I wasn't

really looking for but needed to make our

 loveseat that used to be in the living room 

look better in our bedroom, as it needed

a little bit of color.


Thankful that I found some new or newer

Leslie Sansone exercise videos that I can

do.  I have a number of her videos but

they are older, so nice to have something

new and different.


Thankful that we finally got a new shower

curtain up, that I have had in a drawer

 for well over a year.  Got it on one of 

our trips to our Daughters, and sort of

forgot about it for awhile, and then been

trying to figure out a few other things

I can do in there to do a lil refresh. lol

Love how it looks, and love the way the

new shower curtains hooks slide so easily.


Thankful I finished my girls birthday card,

and like how it came out.


Thankful for a good day at church, and lunch

out with our friends to Cracker Barrel. Thankful

our friend looks great, and is feeling so much

 better after her episode last Sunday.

Think she really needed those days of rest in

the hospital.


Thankful for a caramel Frappe from McDonalds

as we haven't had one in a long time,  so it was

a real treat!!  Hubby has learned to make them,

and his is just as good, but tastes a lil different

which is just fine since they went from $3.30 

to almost $5. now.


Thankful for Sunday afternoon nap, as they always

refresh us and get us ready for the week ahead.

We have taken them for probably 40+ years, and

we highly recommend them.  lol


Thankful for all the people who have poured

into my life all these years!


Thankful for sweet neighbors who watch

out for us, even when we don't know it.

Got a sweet text from my neighbor across the

 street this morning. They were concerned

 about us as they didn't see us come home

 from church yesterday. Our car stays in

the garage, so you can't really tell if we

are home or not sometimes.


Thankful for memes or videos we come across that

just crack us up. This one is about cats! Didn't know cats could these things.

Click here to see it


Thankful that I didn't get hurt in any way.

I woke up about 4 in the morning to nature

calling........and I tried 3 times to get up

and kept falling back on the bed, and had 

been in a deep sleep and was sort of out of  

it....and didn't really know what was wrong

 then I got up a 4th time and when I did I fell

into our rocking chair (that thankfully was

full of pillows) so think my angel pushed me

that way. lol but it did scare me as I didn't

know what was happening and of course, it

was in the dark too. So called to hubby and he

 helped me and then I went back to bed and

 when I woke up I was perfectly fine. 

 Seems my equilibrium was off for some strange reason.  Been fine every since.  PTL

Well...........That's it for Cozy Place
this week!

Have a Super Duper Weekend
thanks for coming by....

Love, Hugs, and
End of July Blessings,

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Saturday, July 22, 2023

Scripture Sunday


I love that promise.....

 that God will never leave me or forsake me.


He is so good to meet our needs and many

times our wants as well...........but HE does

love for us to ask for His help, just like

we love it when our kids ask us for help.

Have a lovely day,



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Between Naps on the Porch

A Stroll thru Life

Grammys Grid

Shabby Art Boutique

Thursday, July 20, 2023

Thankful Thursday July 20, 2023, and Coastal touches for Summer part 2

The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom; all who follow his precepts have good understanding. To him belongs eternal praise.
Psalm 111:10 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,
 Happy Thursday to You!!
Hope you are having a good week.
Have been meaning to apologize for how wonky some of my writing is on these
posts,  There is something wrong with the editor and no matter what I do can't
seem to get it straighten out.  Annoying, to say the least! Just wanted you to know I
know, and I am trying!!  lol

Pictures today are again from our coastal touches in the Living room. This time I will
show you some up close shots of the Etagere'
area, you see in the header picture.

On with my Thankfuls.............

Thankful for our Son's help.  We needed
to move some furniture around, so he
was happy to come and help us.  When
I was younger we had older neighbors
and I used to wonder why they never
moved their furniture around, I totally
get that now, and they did not have
children to help. When you are younger
you can't imagine not being able to do
that. Hubby can, but I can't help him
anymore cause I have a pinched nerve
I could set off, and it is quite painful
if I not wanting to go down
that path again.  lol

Thankful to hear that "The sound of Freedom"
movie is doing amazingly well and continues
to do well at the box office.  The American people are hearing the truth.

Hubby was finally able to get our lawn
mowed,  as it has been raining so much

Thankful for more responses and outreach
to our Card shop video reels. We are getting
a kick out of picking the music for them.

Thankful that our friend that we go to
lunch with every Sunday, is doing okay.
She gave us all a scare at the end of the
worship service, she got very sick and
 they had to call the paramedics to take
 her to the hospital, They are keeping her
 in ICU overnight to watch her closely.
She got out of the hospital on Wed and
is back to her old self.  PTL

Thankful that our new friends are back
in town and that we got to go to lunch
with them. Had a great time, we just
really seem to click and have a lot 
in common. Look forward to getting
together again.

Thankful for a great phone conversation
with a long time, dear and best friend, 
that moved away years and years ago.

Thankful for snack size "BabyRuth"candy
bars.  I haven't had one in many many
years, and they were on sale at the grocery
store so grabbed a bag.  Wow, they were
even better than I remembered!  l

Thankful for Cuban food. I have made
it for years, but it has been awhile
since I've made it, and it always hits
the spot.  So delicious.

I made Picadillo, Black Beans and
Yellow rice. I just buy the yellow
rice by Mahatma. Below I included
some links in case anyone would like
to try it. The one link has the black
 bean recipe along with another meat 
dish called Ropa Veija,(also delish)
but the 2nd one is for the Picadillo.
If you are interested in the recipes
Click here (2 old posts with the
recipes) Click here.  

Thankful for Air Conditioner filters,
because without them I would be feeling
bad all the time. When I start feeling
bad or stuffy, or get sinus problems or 
earaches, it is usually time to change
our filter, and when we do it all goes
away..........PTL  Unfortunately, our
air filters don't make it to 3 months
or I would be pretty sick.

Thankful they finally came and picked
up the furniture we removed last Thursday
and put on the curb to be picked up.
Took almost a week.
 So happy to see it gone..

Thankful for a good but quiet day with
lil darling.  She was so tired today.
Has been having too much fun lately
evidently.  lol  3 sleepovers in a row,
and a visit to the water park on Wed.
Slept for 3 hrs. today, but was like a
different kid when she woke up. No
one does too well when they are way
over tired, or at least I don't!!  lol
  Once she got up she got
to see a couple of lil girls from the
neighborhood, the one that was with
her regular lil buddy, last week, and
she brought another new friend.
They only had an hour but they all
enjoyed it,  and then we had some
time to play a game afterwards.

That's it......for Cozy Place
this week.

Hope you enjoyed your visit
and come again soon!

Love, Hugs, and 
Mid July Blessings,


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Friday, July 14, 2023

Thankful Thursday July 13th, 2023, Coastal touches for Summer Part 1

This day I call the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you        and your children may live.     Deuteronomy 30:19


               Morning Sweet Friends,

      How are things in your part of the world??   Hope you are having a great Summer and having   your kiddos home from school, if you are in that         stage of life, or just having a nice laid back, full of     Summer fun time. Our Summer has been good,     and laid back, and fun, but we are not going out too much in the day time cause it is hot as blue blazes       here in Florida, so this girl can' t take this heat!!  But thank goodness there are evenings!!  lol

  Pictures today are from our living room, where we decided to add those coastal touches  I told you about last week. The header picture and the one below are of the foyer.  The rest are in the living room.  Don't know if you noticed we moved our old sofa into the living room, and the small loveseat is  now in our        bedroom, always nice to a have to have a                                  lil  change up. 



Now on with my Thankfuls........




Thankful for good news from the Dr. of a friend.  She had a procedure done that could have shown she had cancer, but PTL she is fine!  Great news.


Thankful for my clothes dryer.  Some years back we bought one of those ones that sits on a stand, and what a life saver that has been for my back...I really love it!  Can you tell I just did laundry!!  lol


Thankful I decided to add some coastal touches to our living room. I was just gonna leave it alone until Fall but kept seeing everyones coastal looks and got the  bug to do a room too.  Glad I did it, as I am really               enjoying it now.



Thankful that lil darlings 5th grade teacher will be a young lady (she's in her late 30's) that we have known since she was 3 yrs. old, when her parents started attending our church, and we have all been friends for years now.  She is such a lovely young lady, who is married now and has 2 lovely daughters of her own.  So we are just thrilled she will be teaching lil darling this coming year.


Thankful that we started watching "The Chosen", and we are about 5 episodes in.....and have to say we are really enjoying it.


Thankful that we finally were able to get rid of a huge spider that we had seen before, but had run away and hidden so we couldn't find him. A few days later Hubby saw him on the wall , and was able to spray him, so he is no more, thank heavens, He was enormous and Creepy!!


Thankful for another young lady that goes to our church, and who is very tech saavy, and contacted me because she knew someone had hacked my Facebook acct., and she reported it to facebook for me.


Thankful that her contacting me lead to a nice phone conversation, as I have not seen her in awhile, and she is a really lovely young lady. So it was nice to catch up on what is going on with she and her family, and I learned a few things from her and about her. 


Thankful hubby is learned to do advertisement reels with music to post on instagram.  He has already done a couple, and still working out some bugs, cause there is so much to learn about it. He also has so much fun doing them even tho they are quite involved.  That's is computer Engineer side!!  lol and we both have fun choosing the music to go along with it.

If you'd like to check it out ...Just Click on the center arrow below and Make sure the sound is turned on.


Thankful for a quick, easy, and delicious dinner last night.  Shrimp steamed with lemon herb seasoning at the grocery store,  Alexia french fries in the hot air fryer and a quick garden salad with Olive Garden dressing. So Yummy and we were so Hungry so that made it all the more yummy!!  lol


Thankful for lil darlings parents and how theyhave allowed us to be such a part of her life, and we are extremely grateful for that as we know a of some grandparents that are wonderful people but have very sad grandparent stories due to the parents. 

 Very sad for the grandparents and grandchildren.


Thankful for the new movie that has been put out by Angel studios called "The sounds of freedom".  It is about a very dark and ugly subject, but I think a well needed wake up call for all Americans. The movie is a true story about a real life hero.  It is about child sex trafficking, and how it is growing larger than the drug trade, and how it really is something we all need to ask the Lord what can we do to help..... and Thankful there are a number of christian organizations that are fighting for the lives of these children. 

 So we can pray and we can give money to help these  organizations to rescue children, and the Lord might even lay other ideas on our heart that we might never think good question to ask.

Well, that's all for Cozy Place

this week.

Thanks for coming by......


Wishing you a Wonderful Weekend,

Love, Hugs,

and Mid July Blessings,


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Scripture Sunday - There are 6 things the Lord hates

  According to God's word  God says we are to hate the things He hates  and love the things He loves. Romans 12:9, Proverbs 8:13, and ...