Sunday, January 28, 2024
Friday, January 26, 2024
Thankful Thursday, January 25, 2024, Changes from Christmas to Winter at Cozy Place
It was you who set all the boundaries of the earth; you made both summer and winter.
Psalm 74:17 Niv
Greetings Sweet Friends,
Wow, this is my last Thankful Thursday post for January.......Wow, this month flew by at rapid pace. Been a good week here, hope it has been the same for you! We have warmed up a lil too much for me, but it could be worse!! lol
Pictures today are changes from Christmas to Winter at Cozy Place .Decided to go with a green, blue, gold, silver and white theme, with a lil bling here and there.
Thankful that I know how to read,
and what a wonderful thing it is.
such a great tool in our life toolbox.
Especially happy I can read God's
word and know how to live my life.
Thankful for all the cold weather
we have been having, such a wonderful
change from all the hot hot days
we have here in Florida.
Thankful for another great day
at church. Sermon was very
encouraging and was from our
young media pastor, and how our
church is using social media to point
others to Jesus, and how we can
do that too. We are already
doing that to some degree.
Thankful that all the Christmas
things are almost all packed away,
and that everything is now decorated
for Winter. Love it.....So we are
good until Spring............
Thankful for a great day with lil darling,
got all her school work done, and even had
some time to watch the kids baking challenge
#6 and 7
Thankful for God's mercy and love to that elderly couple I wrote about last week, that were in hospice care and holding hands thru the rails of the hospital bed. They both passed into glory this week., only 10 hrs .apart.....she went home at 2:30 a.m. in the morning and her hubby around noon the same day. They were married 72 years, and that was their prayer that they would go together, and God in His mercy and love answered their prayers.I have heard stories like that, but have never actually know of one personally. So very thankful to have known them, and to know of their beautiful love story.
Such a testimony of Gods grace!
Thankful for an orange cranberry
cake we got at our publix grocery
store. It is really a great cake.
Very rich, so you only need a small
slice. Buy um um goodness!!
thankful my crown prep is all done
and will get my new crown in 2 weeks.
Thankful that I had no angst about
getting the dental work done, because
my former dentist that I came back
to takes such good care of me, and
makes sure I am always comfortable
and have no pain. they are the best!
Thankful for a cute movie we watched
last night called "A Dog's Purpose",
It was all from a dog perspective
and was very cute and funny, with
a few sad spots, but worth it.
they also have a sequel we will watch
as some point, called "a Dogs Journey".
Thankful for a good day with lil
darling doing school work again,
and we all had a nice dinner
together, as well.
Well, That's it for Cozy Place this week.
Happy you were here and hope you have a really lovely weekend,
Love, Hugs, and
End of January Blessings,
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Sunday, January 21, 2024
Thursday, January 18, 2024
Thankful Thursday January 18, 2024, and things that remind me of Winter
Good Morning Sweet Friends,
I am early today!! Imagine that!!
Been a good week here, with cool temps.
but very unlike what is going on with
most of you probably. Hope where ever
you live you are keeping warm and cozy.
Also, I apologize for the wonkiness of the
letters (some small, some too large) through
out this post, have tried to fix it, but it has
a mind of it's own, it seems and just
want let me fix it! lol
Pictures today are of things that remind me of Winter. Bet you enjoy some of these as well....Pictures compliments of Unsplash.
The First one is fires in the Fireplace. lol
Remember we live in Florida. lol
On with my Thankfuls............
Thankful for a fun night out, our mission was to find where my dentist office is now, as they have moved to a brand new office since I was there last. It was much easier to find than we had anticipated, which was great! Then we went looking around at Home Goods and then ran to the grocery store and got a few things we needed. Doesn't sound super exciting but it gets us out of the house, and we got a fun dessert............Brownie bites........with vanilla ice cream and a lil whip cream and nuts atop.
A heavenly dessert, as far a I am concerned!
Thankful that one of my friends daughters, just had a lil girl (a 9 and a half pound girl)and Mom and Baby are doing well, and my friend, overjoyed....this is her 9th grandchild, 3 boys, 6 girls. She had 4 girls herself.
Some bare trees without the snow
Thankful for the life of an elderly couple (that is more elderly than us by 20 years or more)that have been members of our church for years. They are both up in their nineties and looks like they may be going home to be with their Lord soon. They are both in the hospital, she was first, then he wound up having to go too, so they moved them in the same room, with their beds side by side, and their daughter put a picture on facebook of them sleeping and they were holding hands through the bed railings. They are in hospice care now.
But thankful for the testimony of their lives and the demonstration of what true love really is!!
Thankful I finally felt like starting to take down my real Christmasy looking decoration today, but will leave those that look wintery!
Note: Still working on it, but hoping to finish today.
Thankful for frozen beef ravioli,
it made a nice dinner, and I have not
been able to find it in the grocery
store for years, as they are always
out. So just happened on it the last
time we were in our store. Have
to say we quite enjoyed it!! and
best of all it made for a quick
and easy din din.
Note: We had enough leftover for
another dinner so I just put it in
a casserole dish with sauce on top
then added mozzarella and grated
parmesan on top, and put it in the
oven for about 30 mins. and it was
even better the 2nd time around.
Thankful for a good day at church.
Great message by our still, Sr. Pastor.
and always great seeing church family
and friends
cute lil snowman decorations
Thankful for a fun and delicious late
Christmas gift from our friends/lunch
buddies. An adorable snowman and
some nuts and candy.........
All our favorites too! They have been
trying to give it to us for weeks, either
we weren't there are they weren't lol
Sometimes being late is an even
better blessing!! lol
Here he is....isn't he so cute, we named
him smiley and here he is hanging
out with Moosie Loosie, my hubbies
idea, so we call them the Odd Couple!
and yes, my tree is still up!! lol
Note: decided to just remove all the
ornaments and leave it up for a while
Thankful that renovations at our Daughter
and Son-in-loves beach house are proceeding
along well. What's been done already is
looking great!!
Thankful that I had my appt. with my previous
dentist today, it was like going home to visit
family and friends. Just love everybody in that
office, they are the most loving and servant
hearted folks, most of them have been there
for years. Was so sorry to find out that one
of the girls I know pretty well is battling
cancer, and things are not going too well,
but Thankful that we can now pray for her
and her family. She is a lovely young lady,
just breaks my heart she is having to go
through all this...............
Thankful that they will be able to start on my
crown next Thursday. Was hoping to get in
quickly but this was beyond my expectations.
Now praying I don't need a root canal on top
of having to get the crown done, as our Ins.
isn't gonna pay any of it, because we changed
Ins. plans in Sept of last year and no one
told us there was a waiting period for certain
procedures. Thankful that the Lord has
already provided for us to do that!
Warm cozy beds, throws and flannel jamies
Thankful that after the dentist office we
did some shopping and I was able to get
a birthday gift, a baby gift and a few
pair of pants that I hope will fit lil
darling, and a few things for her for
Valentine's day as well. So we are a
bit ahead of the game, for a change,
which is nice!!
We went to lunch as well, so we
will have a light din din tonight.
It was such a fun day because we don't
usually go out that early in the day
because I can't take the heat
Thankful for a very kind and encouraging
comment from an instagram user yesterday
about our cards and Card Shop.
Hearing about Snow......and
remembering the few times we actually
got to encounter it, and how much
fun it was because it was so easy
for us. No shoveling or difficulties.
Well, That's it for Cozy Place
this week.............
Thanks for coming by
Hope you have a
delightful weekend ahead,
Love, Hugs, and
Mid January Blessings,
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Sunday, January 14, 2024
Scripture Sunday
not our own!!
Cause we don't have any righteousness
of our own!!
Hugs and Blessings,
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Thursday, January 11, 2024
Thankful Thursday January 11th, 2024, and Winter Dessert ideas
Psalm 41:13 NIV
Greetings Sweet Friends,
How are yall?? We have been doing
very well, finally over our (whatever
sickness we had) until the last few days.
Now my back is acting up again.....Ugh!
I wish I knew what I was doing that
caused this....have been doing some
walking in the neighborhood and loving
it, and should have gone today but
neither of us think that is a good idea.
So............that's that! Hoping for a
better day tomorrow.
Pictures today are of Winter time
dessert ideas, thought they were all so
pretty and surely make me hungry
for them. lol
Well, on with my Thankfuls......
Thankful for beef stew that we made in
our new stock pot. Yummy!
Thankful for a good day at church, we welcomed
26 new people into membership today,
which is great.
Thankful for lunch out with our lunch buddies
again. Just love spending time with them.
Thankful for a good morning with lil darling
on Monday. Just had her half the day today.
Thankful for a new fun show we found
to watch called "The Childrens Baking Challenge".
We are really enjoying it and so does lil darling.
Thankful for my nice warm cozy bed every
nite, sometimes we can forget what a luxury
that really is..........
Thankful for Ghirardelli, white chocolate
peppermint candies which we have and
are still enjoying. They are so delicious,
and I am not that keen on peppermint
especially if it is strong, these have just
the right amount, very mild. All
compliments of our Son and lil darling
Also peppermint hot chocolate.
Sorry it's all gone!! lol
Thankful to have an appt with my former
dentist, that I had to leave for Insurance
reasons. She is the best dentist in the
world and leaving was so hard, but I
am so thankful to be going back as I
have a crown that needs to be done,
and hopefully she will be my dentist
for the rest of my life.
Thankful that our whole family and
area faired well in the winter storm
that just went over us. Praying for
those in Panama city that got hit pretty
hard with a tornado, from what we
Thankful for our new Homedic back
Massager we recently got, since our
other one broke. We have really
been pressing it into service with
my back issues lately. lol
Thankful that hubby and I have been
finally working on some things that have
needed to be done, that we have talked
about over and over again but just
never got around to doing. Cause we
are getting up there in years and no one
knows when the Lord might call one
or both of us home.
Thankful for 2 cute lil wrens I saw in our
front yard up near out house that were
scavenging for food. I have never seen any
wrens around here, I saw some when my
Daughter lived in Asheville, but have never
seen them here in Florida, so they must have
flown south for the Winter, maybe!
I know, I am easily entertained!! lol
Thankful for Mexican take out from Moe's
tonight, we were gonna go out, but with
my back acting up just wasn't a great
idea, and it's cold too.
But it's was great tasting food!!
Sunday, January 7, 2024
Scripture Sunday
For those of you who are up north
enjoy the beautiful snow.....stay warm.
For those of you who don't have snow
you most likely have cold weather so
You stay warm as well because you
are valuable to God, and to me!
Hugs, Nellie
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