But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness gentleness and self-control.
Galatians 5:22 NIV
Greetings Sweet Friends,
Hoping you all had a Wonderful time
being with or hearing from family/
and or friends on Valentine's Day.
We love Valentine's day around
here........not that we do all that
much, but just another fun day to
celebrate. We will take all of those
we can get!! lol
Photos today are of more Valentine's eye candy!!
Compliments of Unsplash and lil darlings help
with choosing pictures.
On with my Thankfuls...........
Thankful that I was able to find an old recipe I had on my blog via a link with Kraft foods, but was evidently discontinued, so finally foun one that sounded like the one I used before, as it was a bit more simple than a lot of the others. It was for "Southwestern White Chili", and easier didn't mean less delicious. We really enjoyed it and
it was our first time to have it this Winter.
Thankful for a good day with Lil darling, got all her schoolwork done fairly quickly and we got to work on our story again.....added another chapter
to the "Kingdom of Cookie Dough." lol
Thankful that hubby just saw this morning
where our old bank branch was (which they closed a number of years ago) is now becoming a
of all things. We are delighted that after
over 40 years of living here they are finally starting to put more food places around us,
a nice restaurant would be our preference,
but not likely. Anyway, we are excited.....
cause they also just opened a Taco Bell
not too far away too. Cause we had to
travel about 40 mins. away to get take
out if we want it.
Thankful for how the Lord encourages us when
we need it. It has been one of those days........I woke up feeling a bit hopeless this morning,
so talked to the Lord about it and he put me
on to 2 blog posts, that were exactly what I needed to hear and be reminded of..............
Love how HE does that!
Thankful that even tho hubby is still
fighting off his cold, and I am having
some milder symptoms than him, but
we aren't feeling terrible, just tired.
So think I dodged another sickness
bullet for the most part. Thankful
that we can one again watch our church online.........definitely not as good as
being there, but at least we feel in the
loop, and we are not giving anyone
else whatever we have!!
Thankful that we got to see the Memorial
Service for the couple in their 90's that
passed away within 10 hrs. of each other.
(I have written about the last 2 Thankful
posts). Since hubby was sick we wound
up not being able to go, but the church
live streamed it, so we got to see it this
week. What powerful and wonderful
testimonies about them from their
Granddaughters, It was truly such a
lovely and honoring service.
Thankful that I did not get hurt.... as I
took a fall, as I tripped on a rug coming
in from the garage. Thankful it was
coming in and not going out or I would
have fallen on concrete, instead I fell
on laminate floors that have some
cushioning. Just scrapped my knee,
and shook me up for a few minutes,
as I fell and rolled........lol
Just practicing my stunt woman
skills and scaring my hubby!! lol
Thankful that our new sheets came
and they were a perfect fit and a perfect
match for the top sheets and pillow cases
on our bed and they are 100% organic
cotton and feel so nice and they were
made in India.
It was from a company called "Bare",
and was impressed with their packaging
It was so nice, each sheet was inside a nice brown paper box with no plastic wrap,
and then each one was put inside of 2 nice shopping bags.
So that was a nice freebie.
I know, I know, I am fascinated by
the strangest things...........lol
Thankful for the early surprise of Red Roses from hubby for Valentine's day. They are
just beautiful....
Thankful for a good day with lil darling
got all her school work done and we also
had fun making a pretty box to have her Valentine's put it for their party tomorrow.
Got some pretty pictures from Unsplash
to decorate it with, and she was thrilled.
Thankful hubby took our Christmas tree
down today, and put it away for the year,
and I did a lot of cleaning while he was
doing that!!
Always love a clean house.
Thankful for a simple yet lovely
Valentine's Day with Hubby. Cards,
Breakfast Sandwiches from Duncan
donut (Donuts were not the greatest)
but the sandwiches were, phone call
with our Daughter, pretty table set
(my only valentines decorating this
year, lol) while hubby was gone to get
Olive Garden take out, great dinner
with some sparkling grape juice, a few
Chocolates and then watched a couple
Romantic comedies. Works for us.
Well that's it for Cozy Place this week.
This is the Valentine's Edition!!
Glad you came by today,
and Hope you have a lovely
Friday and Weekend.
Love, Hugs and
Valentine's Day Blessings,
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