Thursday, October 31, 2024

Thankful Thursday October 31, 2024, and Fall pictures

The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of our God endures forever."   
   Isaiah 40:8 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,
and Happy Halloween to those who
celebrate it.  We get a kick out of giving
 out candy to the trick or treaters and
seeing their costumes but we don't get
 many, sometimes none, which is a bit disappointing for us!  lol
Anyway, hope you are having a good
 week and enjoying the Fall Season in
 every way possible.  It's been in the
 80's here all week, so hoping for some
more Fall weather soon,  it's time!
course, in Florida it sort of comes
and goes,  it is cooler at night and
in the early morning hours, thankfully.

Pictures today are of Fall pictures
compliments of Pixabay.  From
up north, obviously, not in Florida.  lol

So on with my Thankfuls....

Thankful that we got some Christmas
 shopping done for lil darling.

Thankful for clean water, clean home,
 food and electricity. I am reminded of
how blessed we are everytime I see reels
 from N. Carolina on facebook.

Thankful we finally got our porch cleaned
up after Hurricane Milton.  Still have to
 put everything back yet. It has to dry first.

Thankful for a sweet Sunday morning
and hearing one of our young Pastors
again.  He does such a great job, and
he is so who he is.....  Love that about him.

Thankful for lunch out at Olive Garden
just me and my hubby.  Had a lovely
server,  and a lovely lunch.

Thankful that one of our long time
friends is okay.  He had a heart attack
and is in the hospital,  and already had
a heart cath and he needs 2 stents put
in, but they have to wait a few days to
get him off his blood thinners.  So far,
He is doing fine.  Praying for no heart

Note:  Stents were put it yesterday
and last I heard he was in recovery.
Text his wife and have not gotten
a response back yet, so praying all
 is well. Their youngest Son is there,
 so hopefully they are just visiting.

Thankful for Pumpkin spice bread I
made this morning (Monday) from the
 same mix, we got at Sams and that I made
 the pumpkin spice pan cakes with
last week.  Yummy!!
Note: Think I will be making more
 pumpkin bread soon,  we enjoyed it
 so much.

Thankful for our Wonderful Governor
DeSantis, who spoke out on several
Amendments we had to vote on, and
told the truth about acceptions that
were already law for us in Florida
as we had been seeing adds that 
did not tell the whole truth.  

Thankful our Son and lil darling are
taking a trip up to see our Daughter and
 Son-in-love this week.  They always
 have a great time, and lil darling 
absolutely loves her Aunt Dina.
Note: Thankful they got there safe
and sound.

Thankful that I have eyes to see,
and ears to hear physically and

Thankful to have our porch all back
together now.  Still have to clean our
chairs, but hopefully will get to that
this week.

Thankful our Son-in-love is doing
okay.  He cut his big toe pretty bad on
a glass bottle someone threw in their
yard,  Just trying to check his mail. 
Thankfully he is off this week, so he
can stay off it a few days. The Dr.
used that dermabond stuff on him,
so hopefully that will do the trick.

Thankful that I was able to finish 
detailing my kitchen this week.

Well, that's it for this week
at Cozy Place.

Happy you could stop by....

Love, Hugs and
End of October Blessings,

Sharing with:

Sunday, October 27, 2024

Scripture Sunday - There are 6 things the Lord hates


According to God's word

 God says we are to hate the things He hates
love the things He loves.

Romans 12:9, Proverbs 8:13, and
Psalm 97:10 are just a few scriptures 
that tell us that.

Have very Blessed Day,

Hugs, Nellie

Friday, October 25, 2024

Thankful Thursday October 24, 2024, and more Fall decorating, Part 5


For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful, I know that full well.

Psalm 139:3-14 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope you are doing well, and starting

to anticipate all the fun that is ahead

the next few months. Of course, that

includes work too,  but I find it to be

fun work, how about you??

Not been a super busy week here as

I felt like I was fighting off something

the first part of the week, so was sort

of taking it easy, but feeling much

 better yesterday and today. Yay!!

Pictures today are of more Fall decorating

 in the foyer and living room.  

On with My Thankfuls....


Thankful for pumpkin spice pancakes, that

 I made from a mix I bought at Sams. 

 They were very tasty and yummy.


Thankful to see the invest out there, that

has turned into a tropical storm Oscar has

 done a u-turn, and looks like it is going

up into the middle of the Atlantic. I have

no doubt that is the answer to prayer of

many, many Hurricane weary Floridians.

Note: It has completely dissipated!!  Yay!! 

Now that is some great news.

     Had to make a picture to sort of match

with the one on the long wall, so used

a pc. of scrapbook paper, and then found

a picture of a wreath and printed and

cut it out and taped it all with double

sided tape.  Easy Peasy and Pleasy!!


Thankful for a nice long chat with my

Daughter today.  One of my favorite

things to do.  Of Course, we would like

it more if it was in person, but it's the

next best thing!!


Thankful that some one posted on facebook

how to get rid of unsavory posts that you

don't care to see.  Just in case you are

 interested go up to the 3 dots in a row

 and click, and it will give you a choice

 of what to click on.  Happy to get that

piece of information, cause this is really

the first time I have had that happen

in a long time, and think my hubby

must have fixed it for me before.  lol

Lil darlings school picture from last year.


Thankful that we made pork ribs for

the first time maybe ever..... or at least that

 I remember anyway. lol  Saw a recipe

 to just bake them at 275 degrees for

 2-3 hrs.,  then put them on the grill

for a short time and put the BBcue sauce

 on. They were fall of the bone tender and

delcious!!   Will definitely be doing that

again in the near future.


Thankful for a great day at Church.

We had one of our younger Pastors

preach, and then the other younger

one, and his children did the music,

as our normal music minister and

family are away on a mission trip.

Love the pillow, but put the white quilt over

 the sofa to protect it from the sun which

comes in the windows this time of year.


Thankful for a great time spent with

our lunch buddy/friends afterwards.


Thankful that I have gotten half of my

 kitchen detailed, and hoping to get the rest

 done today, which is Monday.

Note:  Which never happened, maybe

next week.  lol


Thankful that Hurricane Oscar is now a 

tropical storm and did a u-turn away from

Florida and is headed to the middle of the

Atlantic ocean. I told my hubby that is

because of the prayers of a whole lot of

hurricane weary Florida residents.

Note: It finally blew out in the middle

of the Atlantic about Tues. or Wed.

Yay Jesus!!


Thankful for Sunrises and Sunsets,

not only are they beautiful but they

are a reminder of God's faithfulness

to us daily.


Thankful that I have been in the mood

to make cards this week.  So have been

working on Pastor Appreciation Cards,

for our Pastors.

There is still time for someone to go

to our "Free Card Shop" and print one

for your Pastor/ or Pastors. Check us

out on my right sidebar,  and look

under occasion/ministry cards.


Thankful we got to pick lil darling up

from school yesterday, (that's a rare 

thing these days now since we home

school on Mon and Fri.) and then we

 and her Dad (our Son) all went out 

to dinner together.

Wishing you.....


Well,  that's all for this week at

Cozy Place!

Great you could stop by


Hope you have a cool (weatherwise) 

and Joyful rest of the week.

Love, Hugs and

End of October Blessings,


Sharing with:

Shabby Art Boutique

Sunday, October 20, 2024

Thursday, October 17, 2024

Thankful Thursday October 17, 2024, and More Fall decorating Part 4

Praise the Lord, for He has shown me the wonders of His unfailing love.  Psalm 31:21 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

well, we were in the 60's today here in Florida, so definitely feels like Fall has finally arrived. Could not be happier about that!!

Hope this find you doing well......where ever you are...........our hearts and prayers are still going out to all those who have been hit by Helene and Milton. You are still on our hearts and minds.

Our week has been mostly about cleaning up yard debri and putting things back where they belong after the storm, but we were gonna do our porch today but wound up having lil darling for school today,  but am thinking since they are watching a few places down south for more  possible storms, maybe we should just wait..............we are so praying these areas never develop and just blow out and dissipate. We also found the hospital nearest us was completely flooded out and so was the post office.  They are in another town near us, but in areas we travel most often, and their was a lot of flooding and some washed out roads as well.  Course, this is probably nothing compared to what south Florida looks like and is experiencing,  let alone North Carolina.  

Pictures today are of our living room area all

gussied up for Fall.........

On with my Thankfuls....


Thankful that we and our family and most people we

know and love made it thru Hurricane Milton okay.

We did have some washed out areas in some roads,

not near us, but in places we sometimes travel.


Thankful we got our power back so quickly and hoping

to be able to help someone because of it.


Thankful that we got all the yard debri cleaned up today and put my Fall decorations back out. Next will be the porch. These hurricane preps take a lot of time to do and to put back in order, but you would rather be safe than sorry!!


Thankful for the food I prepared before the storm

as it has kept us going for a few days.


Thankful we got to have our Son and lil darling for dinner. His power was still off.  Right before they came over his power came back on, so at least they are going home to a cool house.


Thankful for Checkers apple pies.  They are so

delicious all by themselves or heated about 20 secs.

in the microwave with vanilla ice cream.  Yummo!


Thankful our temps here have cooled off and it was only 70 and 75 degrees the last few days.  This feels like Fall weather to us here in Florida.

Note: This morning it is was 60.  Yay!


Thankful to be enjoying our lights being back on and

 to be able to make coffee, and use our  stove

 and microwave again, and also our air conditioner

 altho, thankfully we didn't get too hot while it was

 off Plus we didn't loose all the contents in our fridge!

 All of that was really a blessing to say the least.


Thankful that our Daughter and Hubby decided not to

 go to Lake Lure, NC yet to check on there rental house.

because the town has asked that no come there unless

 it is really necessary. Plus I am not  really sure it's

 safe either.


Thankful for a good day at church and that we had power and a good sermon, cause we were gonna have church either way.

Thankful to hear everyone had no damage to their homes, just yard debri and a few had minimal damage and trees downed.

Some did have flooding in their area, but thankfully not in their homes.


Thankful for a great school day with lil darling.  We even had time to watch most of "The Lion, witch and the wardrobe" which we are also reading for her literature class.  She has already seen the movie before a few years back. It's been years since we saw it.

Note: Thankful for another good school day, since her other teacher couldn't do it, and we got to finish watching the Lion the witch and the wardrobe.


Thankful we voted today, and thankful we have

the freedom to vote and now we wait!!  


Well, that's it for Cozy Place Today.

Happy you could come visit


Hope you are doing well.

Love, Hugs and

Mid October Blessings,


Sharing with:

April J Harris

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Update from Hurricane Milton

(This pic is not from hurricane Milton)

Humble and Happy Greetings

 Sweet Friends,

I am happy to report that we and are family came thru the Hurricane well.  Just yard debri and no power. Our power went out last night about 10:00 and our Son lost power about11:30,  My Sil Susan never lost power but did have some minor damage.  No flooding in any of our areas. Much to our great surprise our power came back on this afternoon about 4,  so we were very excited because we thought it would be at least a week with all the damage down south of us.  It was only a blown fuse thankfully. This was not as scary as other storms we have been thru,  but  I feel it is because we feel God answered many prayers from everyone. I think after seeing what Hurricane Helene did that there were so many prayers on facebook and instagram as well as from those in Miltons path. Hubby and I also prayed Psalm 91 over ourselves and family. The storm downgraded to almost a Cat 2 before it hit and the eye wall began to break up and sort of split the storm, and sucked all the water out of Tampa bay rather than fill it, and turned into a Cat 1. not long after it came ashore. 

 We went to bed once our power went out, and it wasn't too bad but we had those flood alert things on our phone that nearly give you a heart attack... go off twice,  and at times the wind gusts would be really scary. but we have weathered much worse.  Not that it was a picnic but we were at peace and it was sure better than what we were expecting. There were all sorts of tornado warnings in mid to south Florida but we didn't get any in our area. I was more concerned about the tornadoes myself.

We are very thankful for God's grace and protection over us all............Praying for all those that were in Miltons. path, and for a quicker than expected recovery, and also for those who are still in the throws of recovery in the states above us. May God Bless you all in surprising and amazing ways.

Love and Blessings,


Sharing with;

Shabby Art Boutique

Between Naps on the Porch

A Stroll thru Life

Karins Kottage

April J Harris

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Thankful Thursday October 10, 2024

Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will                   rest in the shadow of the Almighty.  

  Psalm 91:1 NIV

Pre-Hurricane Greetings, Sweet Friends,

Been a crazy week here again.....All about Hurricanes...either Helene or now Milton that is on it's way.  All our Hurricane prep is done and now we wait for this ominous storm.  It is suppose to come ashore tonight.  We are thankful we are not close to where it will come ashore, and praying everyone that should evacuate... did.

Will try to post once it is passed us to let yall know we are okay.  Course, it might be awhile if our power goes, and it probably will.

Sorry no pics today as google photos is not

cooperating with me.   lol

So on with my Thankfuls.....


Thankful, once again, for our wonderful Governor

 DeSantis. I don't know this for sure, but I think...

 he really helped to postpone this longshore men

 strike, because he decided he was going to put our

 national guardsmen to work in the strikers place

 because of the national emergency we have going 

on from Hurricane Helene.  This is not a time

for a strike when so many or in so much distress

 devastation, and with life and death needs. These

people need all the help they can get.  I am sure

 they figured more Governors might decide to do 

the same as Governor DeSantis, because they 

truly care about the American people. 


Thankful for all the wonderful organizations

like Samaritan's purse that go in and help

people at times like this.  Also thankful for

so many who are giving financially and 

going physically to help, and sending goods

that are needed.


Thankful that lil darlings other Grandmother

is doing much better as she has had a bout

with pneumonia and was in the hospital

for about 4-5 days.  She is home now,

and better,  not quite 100% yet.


Thankful our son has started his new job and

is getting set up with all he needs for the new

 job, and already has his first customer.


Thankful that some family members had the

courage to deal with an abuse situation

where their precious daughter was violated.

They have really been thru it.....

for years now, and it is still not over but

we are so proud of their perseverance and

courage and strength and are praying

for justice and protection for others kids

that could be victims as well.


Thankful we got to see one of our previous

Pastors and his wife.  They look great and

it was so lovely to see them.  He is retired

as a Pastor as such, but they are working

in a new ministry to married couples which

is so needed these days.


Thankful for a sweet call from my nephew

who lives in the Fl  panhandle.  He called

cause he was worried about us due to the

new Hurricane coming, and wanted us

to come there.  We had such a fun con-

versation about family members who

are in heaven now,  his Dad and my

Mom, his Grandmother.

#8 and 9

Thankful that we have a lot of our hurricane

prep done,  just a few things to go as far

as putting things up like our grill and 

outside chairs.  Trying to make some food

ahead that we can heat up on the grill

if need be.  Made some beef stew and

already have some chili in the freezer

and some soup.  Gonna do some steaks

tonight for dinner and a few others

for the next night.  Making stuff ahead

seems to help if we lose power.

We are in the cone this time but we will

be on the least destructive side of the

storm, if there is such a thing.....and if

it goes where it is supposed to go.

We are thankful that our hurricane 

protection is psalm 91.

If you have never read it,  read it,  it

is very encouraging and  peace bringing.


Thankful that Dr. Phil has gotten involved

in helping the Hurricane victims in N.C.

as they need so much help, think he plans

on highlighting Fl next, as we are gonna

need a lot of help too.  Our west coastline

is already a mess.  


Thankful that I have worked myself up

to 30 mins. on our treadmill.  When we

first got it........I could hardly stand 5

mins. cause it hurt my hip joints so badly.

So I just decided to just keep doing my

Leslie Sansonne walking videos,  but

recently I decided to try it again, and

lo and behold it wasn't so bad, as long

as I hang onto the handle that goes

across the top, but I couldn't swing

my arms, so now I am able to even

do that some now. 

 So happy about that especially since

it was my idea to buy it in the first place!

Hubby has been using it which is great.


So Thankful for our Wonderful  Governor

DeSantis, he is taking such good care of us.

  He was just on tv telling us all of the 

preparations and things he has set in place

 for after Hurricane Milton comes thru,

and encouraging people to go to shelters

that are nearby in their community if 

they are now thinking they should have 

evacuated but didn't.  Cause the storm

is now gonna be a Cat 4 instead of a 

Cat 3........and will be moving across

Fl for 12 hrs.  So praying that thing

downgrades a lot before it hits.

Note: It has downgraded back to a Cat 3,

and praying it keep downgrading before

it hits, or better yet just goes away.


That's it for Cozy Place this week,

Decided to post early since I don't know

what tomorrow will bring,  probably 

no power for sure.  

Thanks for coming by and 

prayers please for Florida.

Love, Hugs and Blessings,


Sharing with:

Shabby Art Boutique

Between Naps on the Porch

A Stroll thru Life

Karins Kottage

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you are finding rest for your soul today!! Hugs, Nellie