Thursday, January 9, 2025

Thankful Thursday January 10, 2025, and pictures to make you feel warm.....hopefully...

“As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease.”

Genesis 8:22 NIV

Hello Sweet Friends.

Hope this finds you staying toasty warm. 

 I was gonna post some Winter photos, 

but decided seeing pictures of warmth

 might be more what you need right now!!

Am I right???

Been a cold, but good week here for us,

 but not so great for some of our

 friends, health wise, so have had lots of

 folks to pray for....

Hope it's been good week for you! 

We are praying for all of you in those

polar vortex areas.  I have seen on

facebook some of the accidents

on the Interstates.  Horrendous,

and also for those in the California

fires,  horrible.  

Pictures today are from Pixabay, and hope they truly help to warm you up some.  

On with my Thankfuls


Thankful that I happened to watch a reel

 on face book about a guys self talk, and

 how he made a mistake and was

 just beating up on himself for about a half

 hour or so.  As I was watching it the

thought ran thru my head "You don't do 

that anymore" and then I thought I don't do

that anymore" and I then I thought how

did that happen, or when did that happen

how long has it been since I did that,

and I realized all of a sudden how

 much God has changed me over the years,

 and it wasn't even anything I tried to work 

 on, or prayed for, or even knew was

really a was .clearly His work.

It reminded me of the scripture in

Philippians 1:6, That says "He who began

a good work in you will see it thru

to completion".  God is so good!!


Thankful for my Our Son-in-Love.

Today is his birthday, and he is just the

sweetest and most respectful, hard

working guy, and is very good to our

Daughter and our family. We love

him so much.


Thankful for this adorable Christmas

picture I happened to see of 3 flamingo's

ice skating with christmas hats on, and

carrying a string of lights.  So cute,

so I am gonna make a picture for my

daughter for next year, as she decorates

with a coastal vibe and will love it, and it

just puts a smile on your face!!


Thankful for the discovery of a new

PopCorn.  We love skinny pop because

it is delicious and just perfectly salted

for me, but it isn't really made with a 

good oil, so our daughter put us onto

 a new one called "Lesser Evil" popcorn, 

and it is made with avocado and coconut

oil, and is also perfectly salted. It tastes

a tiny bit different, but delicious all 

the same. Our Publix grocer carries 

it, and it is cheaper than skinny pop, and

 I have to say I was surprised by that.


Thankful our friend Bill finally had his

gall bladder surgery this morning and

is doing well, but is in ICU as it was

a difficult surgery. They were only

able to remove half of his gall bladder

(the part with the stones thankfully)

as the other half had grown to his

liver. Dr. said he had seen nothing

like that in his 27 yrs. as a surgeon.

So if you feel so led please pray

for no complications and a good

recovery, as this situation has been

going on for over 3 months.


Thankful I have 5 new cards to

add to our card shop.

 In case you don't know all our cards

 are free, so check us out.


Thankful to be back watching "Better

Together" again, we sort of got out

of the habit cause it lasts for an

 hour, so we would watch it at night, 

cause I felt like an hour took to big

a chunk out of our day, (it used to be

only 30 mins.) but some how we just

 got out of the habit. So I decided to

 watch it now when I walk on the 

treadmill, I am realizing just how much

 I have missed it that input, and it's 

sort of like having girlfriend time

for me.

If you have never watched it I

highly recommend it, It is on the 

TBN channel.


Thankful for a fun evening out

just running a few errands, grocery 

shopping and going to Olive garden

for a soup and salad dinner in this

cool night air.  Love the change in's nice to have a change

of seasons.  Course, I know lots

of you are not enjoying what you

are getting cause it is over the

top cold for yall.  Praying for 

you to not lose power and to be

able to keep warm in the midst

of it all.


Thankful for the gift of prayer

especially when there is lil else you

can do for those you love and care

for, and it is turning their situation

over to God, who can do some

thing about it, and keeps one from



Thankful for a nice long chat with

my girl today. Sure helps when we

are missing each other.


Thankful for heating that keeps

are home toasty warm, and for

flannel pJ's. that I rarely get to

wear, but love to wear!!  lol


Thankful for a reel I see on face

book almost daily called "FranDan",

it's about a lil adorable Chijuajua

named Frannie (who looks like our

late Granddaughter dog Rosie, she

passed away about 5-6 yrs. ago, and

she was the most special lil doggie

and we love and miss her so much.

and Frannie reminds us so much

of Rosie, and Frannie sits by the

door and waits for her mailman

Dan's truck everyday, and goes

crazy at the door to get to him,

and her Mom lets her out and she

runs to him like crazy.  It just puts

a smile on my face every time

I see it............

Click here to see it

they do new reels pretty much daily.

they just get better and better, 

They are so sweet!

That's it for cozy Place Today!

Have a toasty warm rest of the week,


happy you came by.....

Love, Hugs and

Chilly Warm January blessings,


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  1. It's always so much fun to see your thankful lists Nellie because it helps me look at the things I'm grateful for in a completely different way. I hope you and your family have an amazing year filled with lots of love and beautiful blessings. It sounds like it's already off to a great start! Hugs, CoCo

  2. #1. Praise the LORD for His Awesome Love for us!
    #2. Praise the LORD for him in our family!
    #3. What joy it is to see His beautiful animals!
    #4. Yum! I'll have to try it!
    #5. I'm praying for Bill!
    #6. GREAT!
    #7. Good for you!
    #8. Praise the LORD for heat in the house!!!
    #9. Yes, indeed! What a gift the LORD has given to us to speak with Him!
    #10. Thank the LORD for phone talks with loved ones!
    #11. Amen!!!
    #12. How cute! The LORD's pets are so loving!


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

Happy March to You!! Hugs, Nellie Sharing with: