Thursday, January 23, 2025

Thankful Thursday January 24, 2025, and whimsical drawings of cute houses

“Give praise to the Lord, proclaim his name;   make known among the nations what he has done,   and proclaim that his name is exalted.

Isaiah 12:4 NIV

Hello Sweet Friends,

Hope those of you who have snow are enjoying

 it and weathering it well.  All the pictures I have

 seen look amazing,  but, I also know with all that

 beauty, comes some hardship and difficulties as

 well.  Our Daughter and Son-in-love in SC

 got snow, and the pics were so pretty, and our

 furry grandson dog, Bentley is sure enjoying it.

 He is a golden doodle, so he is excited about

 pretty much everything.  So he was running

 around and enjoying himself.  It's been cold

here about 39 and 40, but no freezing temps,

and next week we will be in the 70's,  that's

Florida for you. 

Pictures today are of whimsical House

drawings, cause I think they are so cute

and because I have no pictures taken

yet of our Winter decor, but will have

 some for next week.  Very Thankful

for pixabay who provide  me with 

lovely pictures.

Well, on with my Thankfuls.....

#1 and 2

Thankful for a nice evening out just

 going to Sams club and to Home Goods,

and then out to dinner for Mexican food.

  We went to the same place we went

 with our family after Christmas to

 celebrate our Son-in-loves birthday early.

Their food and their service is just so

amazing, the best Mexican we've

ever had.  Our only complaint is the

music is way to loud even tho it's

good..........forget conversation.  lol

But it was worth it............

Also, thankful that the stores were pretty

empty again, so that was so nice. We were

surprised and then we remembered that

before folks were out Christmas shopping.


Thankful for a good Friday with lil 

darling as we did schooling. Just love

the heart of this child.


Thankful I am making progress on taking

 christmas decor down, hopefully Monday

 I can start making it look more like Winter 

in here.


Thankful for a lovely day at church, one

of our young Pastors did the message today.

Met a new couple who visited, and talked

with lots of folks.  Our lunch buddies

weren't there,  so hoping they aren't sick.


Thankful for a nice lunch at Olive Garden

that was delicious, and we asked for my

new facebook friend, and we got to see

 her cause she just happened to be

working.  She is a darling young lady,

and is such a good server.


Thankful for "caramel Frappes" from

MacDonalds.  They are so yummy!


Thankful for our new President.  Was

happy we got to watch the inauguration

today and see President Trump and 

J.D. Vance take their oaths of office.


Thankful to hear from one of my best

friends daughters today via facebook.

Her Mom was the friend we lost about

3 yrs or so ago.  Her daughter lives in

Calif. right where the fires are...She

responded to my daughter that she and

her husband were safe, but they thought

they were going to lose their home to

the fire.  Praise the Lord I just heard

from her and they and their house is

fine.  They had moved a good portion

of their home goods out in preparation

since they were just a mile away from

the fire.  Now they have much to do to

get reorganized, but thrilled they were



Thankful that a longtime friend called

and asked if we would like company

on Friday afternoon and evening as

 he is on his way to Miami.  Right now 

he is in Destin, so probably trying to

 get out of the snow.   lol

Looking forward to it.  Been a friend

for almost 50 years.


Thankful for heating, socks, and warm

 jamies.  Next week, we will be back

to t-shirts, shorts and sandals.  lol

if the weather report is correct.  


Thankful I am almost done with getting

our house back to normal.  A lil bit more

to go.  Kinda been slow cause think I

have been fighting off something, so

have been kinda tired, so pacing


 Well, that's it for cozy Place today,

This is the BRRRRR edition.  lol

Have a lovely rest of the week

or a lovely white week for a whole

lot of you!! 

Love, Hugs and 

January Or Snowy blessings,


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  1. Those little houses are adorable!

    Relieved your friend's daughter in Cali is OK!

  2. These houses are utterly adorable and accompanied by such beautiful words too. xxx


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

Happy March to You!! Hugs, Nellie Sharing with: