Thursday, January 2, 2025

Thankful Thursday January 2, 2025, and Happy New Year Pictures


Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.

Proverbs 3:5-6 NIV

Hello Sweet Friends.


Happy New Year!!

Hope your New Year is off to a good start!!  

So far, so good for us.

Not taking down my Christmas Decor yet,  but just 

putting away Christmas gifts and things like Christmas

 dishes we used, that we keep stored and just enjoying

 some cooler weather the last few days.

Hope you are doing well and basking in the memories

of your Christmas.

Pictures today are of Happy New Years  Photos

compliments of pixabay.

So on with my Thankfuls....


Thankful to have a day just resting and recuperating with

our family the day after Christmas.  Just made a couple

of pork loin roasts to go with all of Chistmas dinner it was great!

#2 and 3

Thankful that on Friday we all went out shopping/looking around

at "Home Sense" a store we all really love.  It has everything to

do with the hone.  So we all get a kick out of looking around

in there.  Sometimes we find a treasure and sometimes we

leave empty handed,  but we enjoyed it just the same.

We wound up with a Christmas tree collar we got for half

price.  Never even heard of them until this year,  anyway,

it looks great, especially since we like to leave our tree up'

with just the lights on it,  all Winter......and doesn't look

 strange since there are no gifts under the tree.


Thankful that on the same night we discovered a new Mexican

restaurant that we had never been to,  but our Daughter had.

We all wanted to celebrate our Son-in-loves coming birthday

in January since we won't see him then.  We all loved this new

to us, restaurant,  the food was fabulous,  the service was

great,  it was busy but we got in quickly and the food came

quickly.  We also really liked their salsa and their guacamole,

Cause sometimes you like some things but not everything.

We loved everything!!  So will be visiting there again real

soon  Ahh,  there was one thing we didn't like.....the music

altho nice was way too loud.  I have a feeling they do that

to get people in and out quickly.............cause hard to have

a conversation!!  lol  It worked for us as we had been

having lots of conversations already!!  lol


Thankful my Daugter and Son-in-love  got to go

 to breakfast with our son an lil darling, and go to a game 

type place for a short while.  Always nice to get some one

 on one time with each other.


Thankful for many meaningful conversations, and just

being together,  and some game playing.  My Love

Cup is Full......


Thankful that our Daughter and Son-in-love just happened

to see on her phone just as they were going to bed on Sat. night

 that there was a bad storm coming across the U.S....and headed

 toward the Carolina,s  and it was supposed to hit there area of SC

about 11 a.m. today.  (Sunday)  So they decided to get up at 5am

to head out.  So they left about 5:40 and we just heard from them

and they are home safe and sound.  It started raining there just as 

they were near home.  So we are very thankful the Lord answered 

all our prayers for their trip.


Thankful for the ways the Lord goes ahead of us to protect

and help us,  like having the kids see by accident that a bad

storm was coming, so they could leave early and not get

caught driving in that!  Some people would say that is

a coincidence,  I don't believe anything is a coincidence

in the life of  a believer.


Thankful we all fared well in the storm that came through.

on Sunday afternoon. It was mostly rain.  In the beginning of it,

 I did hear the loudest thunder clap I think I have ever heard.


Thankful to hear this morning that one of our dearest

long time friends is in the hospital again and hopefully 

will have his gall bladder removed next week.  

This has been going on since the end of Sept.

at first, they thought he was having heart issues and

put a stent in, but then he started with bad pain all

over again, but because they had to pulled him off blood 

thinners to do the stent, they could not do the gall bladder

surgery then, so they sent him home with a drain tube

in his side,  which kept clogging up more an more often

so finally, he was able to see a surgeon today who

put him right in the hospital.  His wife and family

are very relieved, as it was getting pretty scary at we all feel like the Lord has answered

our prayers and  he is in good hands now..


Thankful that we came across a series they started several

years ago, but didn't think they were gonna do again.

It's called "Hope Valley" and it's sort of a spin off

of "When Calls the Heart".  Hoping it will come

back too.  They are very heart warming  wholesome

stories of life in the wild west in the olden days.  It is a 

series written by "Jannette  Oke".


Thankful our church had a New Year Pray Service,

a great way to start the New Year,  then afterwards

hubby and I went out to dinner.

That's it for Cozy Place this week,

This is the After Christmas,  

Happy New Year Edition.

Thanks for making us a part of your day,

and hopefully your year!!

Love,Hugs, and

New Years Blessings,


Sharing with:

A stroll thru Life

April J Harris


  1. #1. Praise the LORD for our family fellowship!
    #2 & #3. The joy of remembering great times!
    #4. Praise the LORD for great times together!
    #5. Joy to them!
    #6. The LORD is so good!
    #7. Yes, praise our LORD for His protection!
    #8. Exodus 23:20 tells us, "I Am sending an angel ahead of you to guard you along the way." Praise the LORD for His Love to us!
    #9. Yes, wasn't that loud! The lightning hit close to us!!!
    #10. I pray the LORD's protection over him!
    #11. That sounds great!
    #12. They have done that for many years. praise the LORD!
    Love you, Susan

  2. Such good things to be thankful for when we just look! Thanks for sharing. Visiting from The Hearth and Soul linkup.


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a Lovely Sunday. Hugs,  Nellie