Tuesday, December 18, 2012

A post of encouragement dedicated to the Conn. Tragedy

Good Morning Sweet Friends,

Hope you are doing better today!!!

I know these last few days have so engulfed us all
in this horrible tragedy that has happened,  and to
put in mildly brought discouragement ,  a sense
 of despair, despondency or even depression.

After reading much of the news yesterday I went to
 bed feeling tired and like a terrible black cloud was
 hanging over my head. My header picture is a
good representation I think of how we are or 
have been feeling.  but........................
 I also went to bed praying
 and asking the Lord,  how are we to respond to such
 an event as this.... and I feel like this is what he gave
 me this morning.  As the thoughts were coming to
me I decided to start writing them down and felt like
 it should be my Thankful Thursday post, but some-
how I am feeling like it is needed now, so with that
 heartfelt thought,  I am going to share my thoughts
and realizations that I believe were generated from
 my Heavenly Father.  Only He can give such insight
to so much darkness.

This picture represents how I feel now,  and am hoping
it might help you to feel that way too. 

I am thankful
for all the people in our world that have so responded
to this horrific event that happened at the school in
Connecticut:  by helping in whatever ways they can,
by grieving along with the parents and families of the
 victims, by just being there and offering a shoulder to
 cry on or a listening ear, for the principal, the nurse
 and secretary, the neighbor and others that did all they
 could to save as many lives as possible, for the wisdom 
of the precious lil one who was the only survivor, and
for the precious and beautiful lil ones that didn't survive,
  but are now in heaven where no evil can ever touch
 them again!!
I am thankful for all the prayers that are going up on
behalf of the loved ones, families, friends and all that
are in some way involved, which is one of the best
 things we can offer anyone at a time like this, for the
 police, and first responders GOD BLESS THEM ALL
for what they do and what they have had to see,  I pray
 the Lord will wipe the images from their minds as well
 as from the mind of  the lil one who survived it all, and
 her parents.  I know there are probably more things 
like I have listed above that I either don't know about
 yet or that will continue to come out about this event,
but I have to say......

I am thankful that
as bad as this all is.................
 All of these things renew my faith in people......
and in God......because only He can bring good
out of such tragic circumstances.................and
He moves the hearts of people to do good.
and Yes, there are evil people..............
but there are many more
good and lovely people,  and that is what we
have to focus on or else EVIL wins..............
may that NOT be so.................

I am thankful
that it wakes us up to the fact, that we can
so easily take for granted those that we love
and think will always be here,  so that we can
open our eyes and hearts and love with abandon
those we hold dear,  now............not later!  So we
 can put aside those things that are not as important
 as people,  as we so many times can get caught
up in things and events that really don't make a
hill of beans,  and let our relationships go by
the wayside,  may it not be so........because
we have seen the truth here.  Life truly is but
a Vapor.......................and we must be ready to
 meet our maker at any time,  as we remember
the real reason we celebrate Christmas, and
why that sweet baby was born. (John 3:16)

My heart, prayers and love go out to these
dear ones who have suffered such loss,  and I know 
that over time God can heal all wounds, and I also
 know they have a long road ahead of them, so may 
we remember to continue to lift them up in the weeks
 and months to come.

We saw a really good Christmas movie,  called
the Heart of Christmas,  and I think it speaks 
loudly of what I am trying to say here, about the
good that can come out of horrendous situations.
  You can download it from netflix,  and think you
 would really be blessed by it,  we certainly were.

Love,  Hugs and 
Special Christmas prayers to you and yours



  1. Prayers and Blessings for all these folks you mentioned, as well as all those we loose daily to violence in this country.
    I too will hold my loved ones closer..

    Christmas Blessings to you and yours Nellie.

  2. I pray every day for GOD's blessing of protection on those I love; family, friends, and those I come into contact with that I don't even know. The LORD has His angels protecting us. I pray for those in this tragedy who belong to the LORD, but more so for those who do not know the LORD that this will bring them to His salvation for them.
    Love, Susan

  3. Great thoughts Nellie...thanks for sharing:) I think you said it perfectly...


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you all had a lovely Valentine' Day! Hugs,  Nellie Sharing with: