Tuesday, September 9, 2014

First Fall Decorations for 2014

With Posterized affect

Howdy Sweet Friends,

How is your Tuesday going? 
 Well, I hope!

Mine has been busy....
 Since I was watching our lil darling this afternoon, 
 I was trying to finish up my Fall decorating and clean
 up all the stuff off my dining room table before she got
 here,  and mission accomplished........ very happy
with how everything turned out  too,  and we are 
already enjoying our new Fall look.............

Gave her lunch and she is napping now,  so am 
hoping I can get this post done before she
wakes up.

Our Sweet daughter is arriving late Thursday evening
and wanted to have the house all done for Fall when
she arrived.  Now I just need to put some things away
in the guest bedroom,( which was her old room) and
dust in there so it will be ready for her to stay in......
Also clean the guest bathroom.

Thought I would show you a few scenes of this years
Fallercizing of our house.

Took a picture of the sofa too, since I remembered I never
did show you my new throw pillows I got a few months
back.  I already had the green ones, so all that aren't green
are the news ones.

Here's a closeup of the pillow,  I liked it cause
it was a lil modern looking but really liked it
had all those colors.

  • Here's the coffee table.

I have 3 of these glass cylinders,  so filled them all,
one with nuts, one with leaves and one with faux apples,
Had them all on the coffee table with just one pumpkin
but decided to move 2 of them to the mantle instead.
Which I will probably show you next week.

With posterized affect

Remember this pic of our sofa table from my
 last post .  The summer look ........

Well, here is the Fall look, and I have to say
I was a tad worried about how all my Fall
decorations would look with the new curtains,
but to my thrill everything looks great!

 with colored pencil affect

posterized affect

Took this so you could see our Fall leaves from North
 Carolina. Dee and I preserved them while we were up
 there last November, and had such a fun time doing it.
Will probably share the tutorial and pics we took soon, 
cause I never got to post it last year cause it was too
late in the season,  so figured I would just say it till
this Fall................lol

I did it I finished before she woke up! 
It's like playing a game of beat the clock! lol

Well, there have it..........a lil preview..........
There will be more pics to come in the weeks ahead.

I am so enjoying seeing all the fun Fall decorations
out there in blogland,  so much talent and creativity
and it just gets my creativity flowing too!  lol
So thanks to all of you who are sharing!

I am Sharing over at:

Dwellings the heart of the home with Cindy
Click here.

A stroll thru life with Marty

Click here 

Stone Gable with Yvonne

Just click here

Ivey and Elephants with Patti and Paula
Just click here

The Style Sisters
Just click here

Keep your light shining brightly!

Love, Hugs and
 September Blessings,



  1. Did sweetie pie help you decorate? Hee hee!

    I can hardly wait to see DeeAnna!

    Nice pillows! I remember when it was just cloth! You did a great job!

    I love your before/after picture of your sofa table! Beautiful fall table!

    The leaves give a great addition! I can hardly wait to see your tutorial!
    See you Saturday, Love you all, Susan

  2. Your fall house is beautiful! Those cream-colored pumpkins are beyond gorgeous! I love them!

    Oh, how exciting that Dee is coming for a visit. Hope y'all have a wonderful time together. Any special things planned?

    I love that you are able to get regular time with your little granddaughter.


  3. I think those new pillows are MY favorite things! I like the pattern AND the colors!

  4. Your place looks wonderfully homey for fall! I agree. It all comes together very nicely. Thanks so much for your wonderful comment. (I am still getting over a serious bronchial virus.) Thanks for your prayers! It's been a long haul.


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a Lovely Sunday. Hugs,  Nellie