Thursday, September 11, 2014

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - September 11, 2014

Past pictures of Fall at Cozy Place

You are awesome, O God, in your sanctuary; 
the God of Israel gives power and strength
 to his people.  Praise be to God!
Psalm 68:35

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope you have had a very good week.

Mine has been very busy yet very good!  Got a lot
done.........nothing like motivation of upcoming 
events to get you going!   lol

You will see what I mean as you read.  Gotta get
to the airport gonna just stop here
and get on with my Thankful list.

I am thankful

for a fun time with Scott, Megan, and the Baby.  
on Saturday afternoon and evening.

for a really great new to us, Italian restaurant
that is over near their house.  We got take out
from there, and it was really really good.  We
all got something different and we all loved it.

that I have all my spring/summer decorations
down and packed away, as of Monday.

that I have the family room and dining room
and outside almost finished with the new Fall look,
 just have some tweaking and the living room to go.

Note: Finished it all Tuesday and have everything
put away..............and now just enjoying it!

that Sunday school went quite well, considering
 that we sort of  had to wing it cause our other
 teacher was sick and couldn't come at the
 last minute.

for these new to us,  heath bar cookies that
Hubby found at Publix supermarket, 
 they are so yummy!  
They aren't gluten free and I probably 
shouldn't be eating them but they are just
 too good to pass up.

for the incredible smile those cookies put 
on Brooklyn's sweet lil face when she tried one.
It was just the cutest thing I have ever seen......
I typically don't give her sweet stuff,  and would
never give her a lot, but give her bites off my
cookie now, and she is loving it.
She just tickles me pink..........

that we got the rest of step #5 done on our mail
box project......( finished digging the bed out) 
and then step #6 (cutting the black garden fabric
 that goes under the mulch to keep the weeds out)
 and #7( planting the pittsoporumbush) and part
of #8, (putting the garden cloth down),  Got all
that done on Wed. evening and hoping that if
we have no rain tomorrow evening we will be
able to finish the rest.  

Update on Thursday: We finished........Yay!!
but we do need to put a lil more mulch,  but
it looks finished very happy
with the outcome.

that DeeAnna will arrive tonight (Thursday
evening at 10:30) Can't wait to see her.....
We haven't seen her since mid July, so we
are very excited...............

Note:  she  made it here safe and sound,
it is 2:30 and we are just going to bed.  lol
that my friend Becky over at TimeWashed
has had such a great pumpkin selling
season................altho I miss seeing her
as the is knee deep in pumpkin making!! lol

that I know and can depend on the Lord,
cause with all the craziness going on in our
world today, that is a great comfort!

for a lil treat the Lord gave me today.  I
happened to walk by my living room windows
and there are 3, and right in the middle one
I could see a huge white bird looking in.......
I ran to get my camera, and he must have
seen me cause he was still in the yard but
not as close to the window, so had to go
out and he was slowly on the move,  but
got a fairly good shot of him,  Looked up
the kind of bird he was cause have never
seen one in our neighborhood before,
It was a white Heron.  Very beautiful, but
very skinny compared to the pics I saw
of White Herons.  Hope he wasn't starving,
sorta wish I had fed him some bread now.

Also saw a big turtle this week in our yard.
It has been at least 4 yrs. or so since we
had one of those come by..........

 Hiding out!

The Lord knows how these critter sightings
delight me so............

Thanks for coming by.............

Bye now..........

Love, Hugs,  and
Sweet September Blessings,



  1. #1. The time passes so fast when you are enjoying the blessings of GOD!
    #2. It's neat to get different things and then everyone share a little of theirs. It makes it like a buffet!
    #3. I need to pack some things and "give" them away!
    #4. I always enjoy seeing your seasonal changes!
    #5. Matthew 10:19 says not to worry with what you will say for He has the words for you!
    #6. I've got to get my appetite going. I don't ever know what I want to eat!
    #7. A sweet treat for a sweet girl!
    #8. I've got to check and see if the church has the high schoolers doing work for summer camp donations.
    #9. I can hardly wait to see her!
    #10. It is the season for pumpkins!
    Thank you for the pumpkin pancake recipe!
    #11. "Keeping our eyes on our author and finisher of our faith!"
    #12. I so love our wildlife! I have so many of the turtles in my yard. I know there is one when Max (my macaw) starts hollering, ha! He sees the turtle out the window!
    Love you all, Susan

  2. What a beautiful blog! I LOVED reading the things you are grateful for and also seeing your lovely fall decor. I am now going to become your newest follower. :) So happy to meet you!! Love, Cheryl


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a Lovely Sunday. Hugs,  Nellie