Thursday, September 18, 2014

Thankful Thursday - September 18, 2014 and Part 3 - Fall Decor 2014

Be exalted, O God, above the heavens;
 let your glory be over all the earth.
Psalm 57:11

Greeting Sweet Friends,

Now don't die of shock.....since I am
so early for a

So are you getting your Fall decorating

on yet?? 
 Know it is hard for some of you to let
 summer go this year,  and if I lived 
where you live and went thru what you
went thru last Winter I am sure I would
feel the same................

However, I do live in Florida and it is
quite the opposite for me.......I am so
ready for some cool temps.

Not too much going on here this week
other than the usual, we did take down
some tree branches on a bay tree we
 have sadly found died on the side of
our home.  The whole tree died and 
we have no idea why,  but there are
some other dead branches and another
 tree, so we are thinking maybe they
 got hit by lightning since they are
close in proximity.  We figured we
will just cut down a few limbs at
a time so we can put them out for
the yard trash folks, plus it isn't so
hard on us either.

Thought I would include Part 3 of
my Fall decorating along with my
Thankful Thursday post, and will
get started on my list.

Same pic as header pic with colored pencil affect.

I am thankful

for a wonderful time with our daughter
and the whole family while she was here
over last weekend. Also the chance to
celebrate her birthday, which was in

for her sweet husband who allows her 
these visits.  We so appreciate what
a great guy he is and his willingness
to share her with us. 

that DeeAnna made it home safe and sound.

that my hubby is such a great Grampy to
our lil darling..........

for the word of God and how it keeps us
grounded in every situation.

that I have eyes to see, so that I can see this beautiful
world around me, as well,  as the people around me.......

Fun natural elements

for nice clean water to drink, and to use for
what ever we want...........not so of so many
in third world countries where children and
adults are dying because the water is so

that I am able to read,  cause reading is a much
needed skill that some don't have the opportunity
to have and it just can open up the world to us.

Saw some white pine cones in the Fall edition of the
Cottage Journal magazine, and decided to spray paint
 some for a nice change..

for my computer or I would not be able to blog
or make cards or do anything else we do on them.
They are a tremendous blessing when they are

for Fall decorations,  that make it seem like Fall
even when it isn't temperature wise, and they just
add to the festivity of the Season.

The verse the small pumpkin holds on the table

that we have the capacity for scripture memorization,
cause those verses come in handy all the time when
you need them.

for dark is um um good
and much more heart healthy and satisfying
(which means you don't want as much)
 than regular chocolate, although, I like it too,
  just not as much as I used

for this sweet video I just watched.  It is
about an alzheimers patient and his wife,

Just had to come back and add this link.
You will truly be blessed if you watch it.

Just Click here 

or  copy and paste the address
below to your browser

Well,  here it is.... another list of blessings
for the week!  Once you get rolling it is
hard to stop,  cause the Lord really is
blessing us all the time,  and sometimes
they just go right over our head if we 
aren't watching for them.

I am sharing over at:

Ivey and Elephants with Patti and Paula
Just click here 

The Style Sisters
Just click here

Dwellings the heart of the home with Cindy
Just Click Here

Thanks for coming by, 
good to hear from you.........

Have a lovely rest of the week.

equalize and posterized affect

Love,  Hugs,  and 
Blessings Galore,


If you are interested in seeing


  1. #1. It was a wonderful time!!!
    #2. Amen! Just wish we could see more of him, as I'm sure you are too!
    #3. Praise our Loving GOD!
    #4. He is indeed. You can surely see she loves him too!
    #5. His Living WORD surely guides us in our journey He has for us.
    #6. Seeing His beauty in this world has me all the more excited to see what He has planned for us in Eternity where everything is perfect!
    #7. I pray also the Water of Life comes to them as our missionaries share the LORD with them in their spiritual needs as well as their physical needs.
    #8. Praise the LORD that His WORD has been presented to us in today's world. Thank the LORD for those who have put His WORD on audio in many languages for those who cannot read.
    #9. Yes! Thanks to Jim when mine is acting up!
    #10. That's why I so enjoy visiting in your home!
    #11. I can remember many, but I can't remember where it is. I'm thankful for the website that I can put in the words and it brings up the book, chapter, and verse!
    #12. Neat you mentioned that! I bought me some just yesterday! I've gotten to like the dark chocolate so much I don't care for the other kinds anymore!
    Thank you for sharing all of your fall decorating! Love you, Susan

  2. I share so many of your reasons for gratitude - especially the Bible, ability to read, my computer, Scripture memory.......

    Glad you had such a good time with your daughter, Nellie!

  3. Hi Nellie! The little pumpkin with the verse is so cute! I've decorated the front porch for fall. I had to hurry and go buy my white pumpkins. Last year I waited a couple of weeks and they were all gone! You know I'm an all white everything kind of a girl! So white fairytale pumpkins are a necessity! LOL! I got them this year! Then I put them under the Christmas tree. So it's really a good investment.
    Enjoy your weekend!

  4. Hello Nellie, you are off to a good start on your Fall decor. Very cute dish with the acorns. We have many acorns, however they are not connected...I am can understand why you are ready for some cooler temps.
    It has cooled abit here. I am sure I shall do some Fall decorating this weekend. Thanks so much for your visit. Enjoy and may you always be blessed...Linda

  5. Sweet Nelly, I just love your Fall décor, it's time, Sept. is always time, no matter what date, lol! I love acorns, but we don't have them around here, not even in the Andean cold parts of the country. Our weather sure looks like Fall here, although we don't have 4 seasons.
    Thanks so much for your sweet and kind visit to my DD's home.
    I have a link you can go straight to a tour of Quito we did two years ago and Alexandra took the great pics because she's a professional photographer as well.
    Have a blessed week.


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a Lovely Sunday. Hugs,  Nellie