Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Fall Decor 2014 Part 2

 Hello Sweet Friends,

How are you today??
Having a good day, I hope!

 Mine has been good, uneventful and slow, which is
 good for me right now!!   lol
I always feel a lil deflated for a few days after we leave
 Dee,  whether it be her coming her or us going there.  
Always hard leaving those you love, and I will be fine in 
a few days.  Some of it is probably because we stay up 
late yakking and trying to get as much visiting
in as possible...........lol

Thought I would show you our Fall mantle.
I actually took some pictures of the whole fireplace,
but they really didn't look great,  cause I need to put
 something in the fireplace be it wood or candles,
cause that empty space sticks out like a sore thumb
 in the pictures!
Which is sort of funny since it doesn't look
that bad in real life...........lol

Thought I would start on the left of the mantle
 and go to the right............

 This pic was taken with the flash,  so at least you can sort
of see the glass cylinder with the pretty leaves.  I started
off with a magnolia garland I laid across the mantle.

This pic was without the flash and came out much lighter,
so you can see the candle flickering. 

 Also I changed the pine cones from normal color to 
gold ones,  thought they looked much better.

Also stuck in 3 flowers that sort of looked like ones in
the picture,  some rust and green ribbon,  and some 
Golden and brown berries, and of course, the pine
cones as well.

With flash

Without flash,  amazes me how much darker they are
with the flash,  I would think it would be the opposite.

This is the only time of year that I really enjoy earth tone
colors in my home.  It makes it seem so warm and cozy
and Fallish........lol  Course, that is the plan!  lol

These 2 with flash again. the one above and below,
this writing.  That pine cone on the left really is gold,
but it sure doesn't look like it here.

without flash
This cylinder has faux apples and nuts

With flash

and you always need some candles.

This is on the right side of the hearth,  and the
left side has fireplace tools........ 

Hope this is starting to put you in the mood for
your Fall decorating if you aren't there yet!!  lol

I am happy mine is all done and I can just enjoy
it all now..........now all we need is some Fall
weather to go with it !!  lol  

Hopefully mid Oct. might bring us a bit or
by Halloween at least.........

Well.  Count it all joy.................

Thanks for coming by and would love
 for you to leave a comment so I know
 you were here.

Sharing over at:

Dwelling the Heart of the Home with Cindy
Just click here.

A stroll thru life with Marty
Just click here

Ivey and Elephants with Paula and Patti
Just click here

The Style Sisters
Just click here

Love, Hugs and
Mid September Blessings,


If you would like to see
part 1,  just click here

1 comment:

  1. I remember those days when I would visit and we sat up late playing cards with family! Even all the coffee I drank didn't keep me awake when I went to bed!

    Flowers are so pretty, especially when they don't need any care to keep them beautiful!

    A beautiful start for the fall season, Nellie! Love you all, Susan


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a Lovely Sunday. Hugs,  Nellie