Thursday, February 25, 2016

Thankful Thursday February 25, 2016, Simple Sunday Dinner Table

Look to the Lord and his strength;
seek his face always.
Psalms 105:4

Greetings Sweet Friends,

So how has your week been??

Hope it has been a good one........

Mine has been good......but busy.
Got quite a bit accomplished this
week, which is always a nice feeling,
finally getting a chance to do a post!  

Took some pictures of our Sunday 
dinner green print
 china seemed to be beckoning to me 
since it hasn't been used probably 
since last Spring I would say.......
and it seemed like a spring day out
side. As I began to get the plates out
 I realized  I could also use my pretty
 green goblets Scott and Megan 
gave me for Christmas, so that 
made it even more fun............
It looks a bit springy but used the
khaki tablecloth to make it not so
 over the top Spring looking..and it 
could possibly be used for
 St. Patricks Day,
 if one was so inclined, and maybe
 added a few shamrocks or not!  lol

Just a simple easily doable table
 with things I borrowed from
 around the house.  

Note: For some reason lately my
print has been having a mind of
it's own, when I type it... the print
is all the same size, so it is making
some print larger than others,
Gotta get hubby to take a look
when he has time......

Well, on with Thankful Thursday!

I am thankful

for a lovely Sunday afternoon and
evening with Scott, Megan and lil
 darling.  It was especially nice since
we have not seen each other for any
long period of time since Christmas,
as we had all been sick, and then me
with my back issues.  Makes life
seem a bit more normal again!

Lil Darlings place.
The bunny silverware belonged 
to our daughter DeeAnna when
she was little, a gift from my late
Mother for I like to 
think of it as her gift to lil darling 
as well............

for getting a lil work done in the
 backyard on Sat. afternoon, didn't do
that much, but that lil bit looks better
and you gotta start somewhere, and it
 was just great to be out there, as it
 was perfect day weatherwise

that I got 2 routine medical tests
done on Tuesday,  just awaiting
results now.  Always feels good
to get those things over with.

Used a very simple centerpiece that we can 
see over so it doesn't impede conversation. 

that we finally found a new bed and
it should arrive this Saturday. We are
hoping this will be a good prescription
 for my back and sleeping problems. 
Really looking forward to a good
 nights sleep, Lord willing!!  

that Scott was in town this week and 
that they came over to help us take
 down our old bed and  move every-
thing out, to make room for the new 
one. Such a help.....quick, easy and
 painless for us older

for chicken enchiladas they make
a Sam's club,  they were dinner
for all of us tonight. Delicious.
All we had to do was heat them,
and cut up some lettuce, tomatoes
and cilantro, and put out some
sour cream and guacamole.
Quick and easy after a good but
tiring day...........

for a fun time at Home Goods
on Wed. afternoon.  Boy are they
all geared up for Spring, the store
is crammed with beautiful things.
Lots of furniture too, had a really
good time checking it all out.

With Poster Edges Affect

that I found myself a birthday
 present (it isn't till the end of
March), but just couldn't resist
some pretty new pictures I just 
loved for Spring.  They are 
really beautiful watercolors, 
that are matted and framed
  and I am so hoping they work 
out well, or back to the store
 they will go............

that hubby will be able to work
at home on Friday as we have
some dear friends coming for
dinner....and now they can come
earlier since we want have to
wait for him to commute.

With Polar Coordinates Affect
This affect fascinates me, like pop art
or something!

that God Loves Me, and sent Jesus
to demonstrate that love to me, and
to everybody on earth who chooses
to believe Him..........
John 3:16

that I have a husband and family
that loves me.........which helps to
 make me a happy woman..........

With Cutout Affect

for Suave cocoa butter and shea
   creamy body wash.  It has a lovely
soft fragrance and makes your skin
feel great.  It is also very inexpensive.
I learned about it from my daughter
Dee......she put it in her guest bath
the last time we were there, and we
finally found some at Walmart and
have been using it every since.  Isn't
it great that we can learn things from
 our children ...............
I love that......cause we have some

Well, here's to another week at
Cozy Place..............

Happy you could stop in........

Would love it if you would share 

something you are thankful for too!

Have a Fabulous Friday and

weekend,  with those you
hold dear..............

 With Posterized Affect

Love, Hugs and

Last week of February Blessings,


Sharing with:

Shabby Art Boutique with Kerryanne

Walking on Sunshine with Lois and Friends

Life with Lorelai with Lorelai and Friends

Between Naps on the Porch with Susan

A Tray of Bliss with Mimi

The Craftberry Bush with Lucy and Friends

Designenthusiasm with Lory and Friends

Dwellings with Cindy

Stone Gable with Yvonne and Friends

A Stroll thru Life with Marty

StarFish Cottage with Kristy and Friends


  1. Hi Nellie dear. Loving that Polar Edges effect and your sweet table setting. I bet those enchiladas were yum too! I hope all is well with your medical results and I wish you a happy week, my love. These thankful posts of yours always make me grin from ear to ear. Love, Mimi xxx

  2. Hi Mimi,
    Always so nice to see you have been by for a visit hon. Yea, I think that
    Polar coordinate affect is rather
    Thanks for your well wishes for my tests and for my week!
    So glad you enjoy my thankful posts, that is always so encouraging to hear.
    Nice to think you are putting a smile on someones face. Thanks too for the
    comment on the table setting.............
    Also thanks again for featuring my Tulips and Chocolate post at 5 star frou frou, thanks for the sweet surprise!
    You have a really nice weekend hon.

    Our friends just left and I am gonna go get in my jamies and watch a lil TV before bedtime. I am whipped but it was definitely worth it.....we had a really great time.

    Love and Blessings,

  3. Love the beautiful table setting & your thankful post in general. I wish more families sat down to family dinner. I really think it is one thing that is so wrong with society nowadays! Thanks for sharing at #HomeMattersParty

  4. Hi Michelle,
    So nice to have you visit, and nice to meet you here in blogland.
    Thank you for your sweet comments........and I have to say I agree with
    you whole heartedly about having dinner together, we think family dinners are sooooo important that when our children were growing up we would never let them be involved in anything that had to be done on a regular basis at dinner time. I agree that our society would be doing much better off if we had more
    time eating and talking and having fun around the dinner table. Thanks for
    hosting Home Matters Party and allowing us all to share there.

    Have a lovely week,
    Blessings, Nellie

  5. You are such a blessing Nellie. I love your thankful lists! Thanks for sharing at Your Inspired Design.

  6. Hi Holly,
    So great to hear from you hon, and thanks so much for your sweet comments
    as always, you know how to make a girl feel special.
    Also thanks for hosting Your Inspired design and allowing me to share there
    with you and others.
    Have a lovely week,


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

Happy March to You!! Hugs, Nellie