Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Best Cleaning tips #4, Random Spring decorating

Happy Tuesday
Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds you enjoying the

 Spring weather and maybe even
 doing some Spring cleaning!  

I am indeed enjoying Spring, we 
could not believe the difference
in our yard in just 1 week while
we were away.  Course, hubby
did put down some fertilizer on
the grass, but the transformation
was amazing, and of course, the
trees have gotten more leaves and
just everything is coming back to
life.......and looks so beautiful.

Haven't done too much Spring
cleaning yet, but did take down
my Easter Decorations today,
and am just  replacing it with
something than looks more like
Spring than Easter.....so maybe
later this week or next week I
will get to some things, like
cleaning out the pantry, that
has been bugging me.....lol

Decided to add some birdies to it.

Pictures today are just some of
the changes I have made today
from Easter to Spring..............

Well, here are 6 more tips I have
learned over the years.

This has been a series....so if you
would like to see Part 3 click here.

Take a used bath cloth and wipe your
bathroom counters and faucets down every
 morning, and it keeps your bath looking 
great until cleaning day!
(Just learned this one a few month ago
 from Lois over at Walking on Sunshine
 Blog, and have been doing every since,
It was a really great tip!

With soft omni affect

When cooking, have a sink of hot or
warm soapy water, to just drop utensils
or dishes in....and it will result in easier
clean up, cause nothing will be stuck
on and hard to get off.............

Wall in hallway

When changing your kitchen garbage
bag, either put the whole roll of unused
garbage bags in the bottom of the trash
can or pull off a number of them to 
leave in the bottom, that way you don't
have to go get one every time, it will
save you steps and time.

wall in family room near the kitchen 

Have you moved the furniture lately
and it has left dents in the carpeting?

Then take some ice cubes and put them
 on the dented areas, and let them sit until 
they melt then take a coin/ or your fingers
 and rub back and forth on the wet areas
 to fluff them up more...........you may
 have to do it a few times, but it works
well. Got this Tip from Martha Stewart 
many moons ago.........

This was before

this was after, just a few lil changes

Have any Iron Stone type dishware
that has scratches?? 

 I have used  sink polish and it works
 great.  You should be able to find sink
 polish at Lowe's or Home Depot. 
 It is what they use on acrylic sinks
 and sinks made of corian.  Just put
 a little bit on a damp cloth and rub
 on the scratches till you buff them
 out. You might need to apply a
 little bit of pressure as you rub.

love these cute lil birdies

 Baseboards need cleaning

The old way :
I would use an old pillow or
 a garden kneeling cushion and
get down their and dust.

The New Way:
The " Swiffer Duster 360
extendable handle".  I love
this lil baby....I don't even have
 to bend over just run it along 
the baseboards.
Great for us older ladies as
it is a lot harder to get up
and down off the floor than
it used to be............lol
You can also just use reg.
swiffer duster refills if you
don't want to purchase the
"360" ones too.

I just learned about this a year or
 so ago, as my SIL had one and
while we were taking care of her
house while she was in rehab for
her hip surgery,  I used it and it
was great, so we decided to get
one too.  A good decision!!

Well, hope one or more of these tips 
will help make life easier for you!!

Thanks for stoppin' by and hope 

you stop and say hello..............

Have a good rest of the week.

Hugs n' Blessings,


Sharing at:

A Stroll thru Life with Marty

Stone Gable with Yvonne and Friends

Life and Linda with Linda and Friends

Art and Sand with Carol and Friends

Shabby Art Boutique with Kerranne

A Tray of Bliss with Mimi

Life with Lorelai with Lorelai and Friends

Walking on Sunshine with Lois and Friends

Designthusiasm with Lory and Friends

The Craftberry Bush with Lucy and Friends

Dwellings with Cindy


  1. Hello Nellie Dear. Those are great tips and I'll be stealing the one on the Swiffer for sure! What a task that always ends up being! Your little Spring touches are so sweet. I hope you are well and enjoying the warmer weather. Love, Mimi xxx

  2. I like your cleaning tips. We were given a Swiffer and I like it for cleaning our kitchen floor and now will use it as you suggest in your tip.

  3. Your house is looking wonderful and Spring like. We had green grass very early this year. Then a quick frost turned it all yellow again for a couple of weeks. It's finally starting to green up again. I'm so happy this Winter was so mild. And no ice! I hope you and your whole family are doing wonderful. Happy Spring!
    big hugs♥,

  4. Hi Mimi,
    Good to hear from you hon...........
    have to say that long handled swiffer has made a lot of things easier, like cleaning fans
    and my porch railings........never thought to mention that when I posted it . lol
    Thanks for your warm comments as always,

    Have a wonderful day .........can't believe it is already Wed., the week is flying by.

    Love, Nellie

  5. HI Terra,
    So nice of you to drop by and thanks for your kind comments.
    Yea swiffers are quite helpful I have to say........

    Hope this finds you and yours doing well, hon,

    Blessings, Nellie

  6. Hi Caroline,
    So nice to hear from you sweetie. It seems like ages since we've been in touch.
    Hope you are doing well and yes, a mild winter was nice here as well.
    We are all doing well, our lil darling is 3 now, can hardly believe it....and still so
    much fun.

    Hope you and your family are doing well too. Did you have a nice Easter ???
    Any beach trips coming up soon?? You take care hon, and Happy Spring to you too.

    Love and Blessings, Nellie

  7. Your tips are great ones and I do almost all of them! I love using birds, nests etc. for Spring decorsting too!

  8. Hi Pinky,
    It's so nice to hear from you as it has been awhile since our paths have crossed.
    Neat that you already employ almost all these tips and that you love using birds
    and nests for Spring as well. Thanks for coming by and for your kind comments,

    Have a lovely Spring,
    Blessings, Nellie

  9. Thanks for sharing your great tips with SYC.

    I am going to try some of them out.

  10. Hi Carol,

    Thanks so much for stopping by and for your encouraging comments.
    Hope you do try them, and they make life a bit easier for you, it is amazing how just changing a few small things can make such a difference.

    Have a wonderful rest of the week hon.

    Blessings, Nellie

  11. Hi Jo,
    Thanks for having me share at SYC and also for hosting!
    Blessings, Nellie

  12. I am actually in the mood to get home and do some spring cleaning. Luckily I did get the yard work all cleaned up and ready for Spring. Hubby fertilized before we left and four of my spring trees were in bud. Hoping I don't miss all of those gorgeous blossoms! We left the day after Easter and it will be there waiting for me to put away when I get home. I enjoyed your pretty photos along with your cleaning tips. I have been doing the first two for years and it does really make a difference! Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  13. Thank you for sharing your wonderful tips with us! :)

  14. I too love decorating with books and you have a beautiful home and love how it's decorated. Thanks for your lovely visit and have a nice day and weekend.

  15. Thanks for coming by Jes and your welcome,
    glad you liked the tips.
    Blessings, Nellie

  16. Hi Julie,
    Thanks for coming by and it is always nice to meet others than love the same things...
    kindred spirits!! lol Thanks for you sweet comments they are appreciated.

    and hope you have a lovely day and weekend as well.........can hardly believe it is
    Friday already.

    Blessings, Nellie

  17. Hi Jann,
    Somehow I missed your comments before I did the others.......sorry about that!

    But very happy you came by hon. Yea, I hear you....after all that fun and vacationing and
    the nice break, you are sort of raring to go once you get home....now that is what vacations
    are for.........lol I feel the same way!! Nice that you were able to get so much done in
    your hard beforehand, we did work on one area, but have lots more to do, but now that every
    thing has greened up it looks pretty........but still needs some shaping up!

    Thanks for all your kind comments and glad you have been employing some of tips already.
    Amazing how some lil tip like that can make such a helpful change. Also thanks for hosting
    Share your cup as well.

    Have a great weekend,
    Blessings, Nellie

  18. Hi Nellie! :) yep, I've done the ice cube trick for carpet dents for many years... I can't remember where I learned it from. But I've posted about it a couple times because it's such a clever tip. Happy weekend! :) Liz


  19. Thanks for coming by Liz and glad you have done the ice cube trick as well. Was a great
    tip to discover as I always hated those indentions in the carpeting after a furnture move.
    Makes things look much better and normal.

    You have a happy weekend too........tried to come visit but because I am not on google +
    it want let me..........so sorry!

    Blessings, Nellie

  20. Hi again, I've never heard that about Google Plus I just have a website simpledecoratingtips.com I'm not sure what the Google Plus thing you're talking about is? you should be able to just type that into your web address and get there let me know if you do have issues I'm really curious about that

  21. Hi Again Liz,
    I went over to your website just as you said and it worked so left a comment explaining.
    If you look at my comment section where you posted, it says Liz Simple Decorating tips said,
    so I just clicked on that and it took me to your google site. Hope that makes sense to you.
    Blessings, Nellie
    Thanks for giving me your web address......

  22. Thanks for the shout out tip Nellie! Something I learned from my mom that I still do every morning, although I do use a clean wash cloth these days. Thanks for linking up with the party again this week! Hope you're doing well and enjoyed a fun birthday celebration a few weeks ago. It's the same day as my mom, so I always remember yours too now!

  23. Morning Lois,
    Your welcome, I believe in giving credit where credit is due.....and it was a great tip that I now use most every morning too. Amazing how small tips like these can make such a big
    difference sometimes. Thanks for hosting and allowing us that don't always post recipes
    to participate.......it is very much appreciated.

    I am doing well and had a really fun birthday and week in Asheville with my sweet daughter
    and hubby. I forgot about it being your Mom's birthday too, well, tell her Belated Happy
    Birthday for me..........I remember I got a facebook wish from you, thanks again sweetie.

    Hope all is well with you and your's..............

    Love and blessings, Nellie

  24. Oh, these are good tips! I love the one about the swiffer for the baseboards. Since I broke my knee I certainly can't bend! Anyway, sounds so much easier.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  25. Morning Sheila,
    So nice you came by and liked the tips. That swiffer makes life a whole lot easier for sure.
    Sorry to hear you broke your knee....that sound very painful........how do they fix that???
    Did you have to have surgery or did they cast it?? Never heard of anyone breaking their
    knee before........so curious.
    Thanks for stopping by hon,
    and have a great day,
    Blessings, Nellie


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

Happy March to You!! Hugs, Nellie Sharing with: