Saturday, April 16, 2016

Thankful Thursday April 14, 2016, Asheville florals #2

Give thanks to the God of heaven.
 His love endures forever.
Psalm 136:26

Good Saturday Morning to you,

Hope this finds you enjoying your
 weekend with you and yours.

Hubby is still sleeping as it is early
yet, but I couldn't go back to sleep
and thought of yea, guess I better
finish my Thankful Thursday post
since I am more than late!!  lol

Since Tues, it has been nothing
but about Dentists and Dental reason for being
so late
Course, I did get Wed. off and
spent it with lil darling .....
Thank Heavens!! 

Thought  I would show you the
rest of the floral shots from
Asheville today, so hope you
enjoy them.

So best get on with it................

I am thankful

that we found a new series that is
wholesome to watch and it is called
"Downton Abbey" and we are really
enjoying it.

Well, here's the Forsynthia I was telling 
you about last week,  actually I thought I 
had a few more pics for it.  I had only
seen faux ones before going to N.C.
the last few years.  They are so bright
and beautiful.............and again really
wake up the landscape for sure.....

that we got some more work done
in the back yard over the weekend,
more to go tho........but at least
we are making a dent...............

This is a lil  road that comes into the
back of their home to get into the garage
and where all the Forsynthia was......
you can see a few more bushes and
a red bud tree too.

that Arby's have put Greek Gyro's
back on their menu,  we love them
and they haven't had them here for
 years, but they had them in Asheville 
in the Fall of 2014, and Dee had told
us and we were really looking for-
ward to them, but they took them
off the menu just days before we
got there!!  lol   So we were a bit
bummed ......but this time we went 
  and they had the again, and they
 even had them here when we got we were happy campers.

This really was taken this Spring it looks
more like Fall.............

that I think we have finally made a
choice for a new dentist.  I will get
hubby started there in May for his
cleaning appt.   Me not sure when,
as you will understand why as I go
on here.

Just a pretty ground cover, have no idea 
what it is called.

that I already had a dental appt. scheduled
 for this past Thursday for a crown prep 
and am so glad we decided for me to go
 ahead and go even tho it was going to cost
 us considerably more than if we were in

the house next door.

because they found I had an infection
down the side of the tooth, which
was caused from the nerve dying,
  If I had waited for an appt. with a
 new dentist who knows what could
 have happened.................

House up the street

for the fact that you can check on
line about Drs. and Dentist, you
can't always find things but a lot
of time you can, and the first Drs.
that they highly recommended
did not have any openings, so
they had me scheduled for one
that was in the same office, but
once I got home and we looked
up info on him neither of us felt 
good about him, so then we were 
looking for other choices. but there
was one that just had a 5 star rating
and had tons of reviews that were
all good...........and he was one of
the original that they had suggested.
To make a long story short, they
called again and were able to get
me a consultation with him on
Friday, even tho it was over an
hour to get so happy
we went.  Such a relief.

that we really liked the new Endodontist,
 he was very personable, knowledgeable,
 polite, humble, a good listener, and 
explains things well, and we both 
felt very comfortable with him.
  When I go for my next visit it will
 only be a 20-30 min. drive, 
so that is nice..........

More Red bud T rees.............

that he put me on antiobiotics, so I
don't have to worry about a flair up
of any kind and that my appt. for the
root canal will be May 3rd which
will not interfere with next week.


that Dee and Jerry will be here next
week, the reason I am happy about
the May 3rd appt. 

that the Dr. gave me what they call
a Z pak (type of antiobiotics) which is
suppose to be easier on your GI system.
So happy about that as I have a very
sensitive stomach, so I can take these
with food, and I can also take probiotics
with it as well,  and I only have to
take it for 5 days..........

Another pretty white tree,
 that I don't know the name of,
someone suggested it might be
a Bradford Pear tree.  

also for our new bed. As I have been
sleeping well and my back has been
great. Can not tell you how nice it is 
to get up without a backache every 
morning. I did do something and
 threw my back out a lil bit a few days
 ago but every morning after sleeping, 
got up it was better and even went
 away quicker than usual.

Well, here's to another week at
Cozy has been quite
crazy this week, but we made it

Hope you have a really great

Hugs and Blessings,

Sharing with:

The Craftberry Bush with Lucy and Friends

   Designthusiasm with Lory and Friends

 A Stroll thru Life with Marty

McCall Manor with Holly, Kristy and Friends


  1. Hello sweet Nellie, such lovely pictures. I love seeing the colors and all that Spring brings. Thanks for sharing such a beautiful post. Happy Saturday. Blessings, Linda

  2. #1. I'm so glad for movies/TV, especially those that are Christian based.
    #2. I'm so thankful for Steve and his wife that takes care if my yard. In the winter they do it once a month. It needs doing now, which they are starting next month to do twice a month.
    #3. What is it?
    #4. Is it near here, or does he have to go a distance?
    #5. I can't understand why costs have to differ for the same procedures. You'd think they would want as many "clients" as they could get. Charging more for some and less for others would in most cases deter clientele, losing business. I'll pray the charges are decreased!
    #6. I'll pray they have caught it soon enough to save the nerve and that the charges will be decreased.
    #7. Prominent dentists should come with "an emergency room" for dental needs. If you can't get into your dentist, "the dental ER" could take over. Of course they'd probably use that as an excuse to charge more.
    #8. That's great. It really means so much when you feel comfortable with the Doctor.
    #9. Thank the LORD for His timing for you!
    #10. Yea! I know you are happy!
    #11. Mine has never been the same since my first hip surgery.
    #12. I know your are really relieved! I've had problems with my back since I've lost weight and I can't lay on my back because my tailbone aches. I must have slightly fractured it with the past 2 falls. It's like I'm laying or reclining on a golf ball! I have no problems laying on either side or if I'm sitting up straight.

    Oh, well, such is the perseverance of getting older. One Day, Christ will wipe away all tears, pain, and sorrow! Praise His Name!

    I love you all, Susan

  3. Hi Linda,
    So nice to hear from you as always, and thanks for your sweet comments on this post.
    Hope you are doing well hon.
    Happy Sunday to you.........
    Blessings Abundant,

  4. Hi Susan,
    Well, let's see how do I explain a greek gyro, it is a sandwich on flat bread and
    is full of roast beef and it has a cucumber sauce, lettuce and tomato on it. They are
    quite delicious and filling.........

    Our new dentist is in the area, and will be about 10 mins. away, so that will be nice.

    Actually, she did give us a discount but it was still coniderably more....she doesn't want to go with our Ins. Co. as they put stipulations on her about how much time she can spend with her patients, and they are a very friendly office and you never feel hurried, and she will spend the needed time for you........that is why everyone loves it there so much......they do great work, and it is more like visiting friends that going to the dentist.

    Yes, do pray the infection heals and that the tissue reconnects to the tooth or it may
    need to be extracted.......not thrilled about that idea, I must definitely
    praying for the Lord to heal it with the meds I am on and then the root canal, as they
    put medicine in the tooth as well..........not fun, but thank the Lord it is available
    and they don't just have to pull it........the endodontist is in our network of Drs. so
    it will definitely be less than a Dr. that isn't, but we will definitely incur some
    charges for sure.

    I am laughing because we are opposite, you can't lay on your back, and I have trouble
    laying on my sides cause of my neck............getting older is such fun!! lol

    Thank the Lord we do have heaven to look forward to..........and that we will be getting
    a new body............think we are surely gonna need

    Have a great Sunday,
    Love ya, Nellie

  5. Hi, Nellie!
    Now I know what a gyro is! Sounds delicious!

    The LORD has surely answered with your dentist. I can't believe these insurance companies getting into telling the professionals how long to spend with their patients! I'll continue to petition our LORD to bless you. Thank you for your advise at church!
    Love you, Susan

  6. Thanks Susan,
    and your welcome for the drink your

    Blessings, Nellie

  7. I surely will! And, today I am really feeling great, Praise our LORD!
    I love you so much, Susan

  8. Great, glad to hear that.
    Love you too. See ya tomorrow night!


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

Happy March to You!! Hugs, Nellie Sharing with: