Thursday, April 21, 2016

Thankful Thursday April 21, 2016, Random Floral pics

Greetings Sweet Friends

Hope you week has been a good 
one.......and that you have had some
 time to spend with the special people
 in your life.

It has been that sort of week here,
and it has been very good!  
My Mom's heart is full......
and I will let my thankfuls....
do the talking.

I am thankful

that we got a lot done over the
weekend in prep for Dee and
Jerry's visit.  Sometimes it is
good to have visitors, even if 
they are family, as it makes
you do some things you have
been putting

that we had a good time visiting
over at  Scott and Megans on
 Sunday, we got Italian food, and
enjoyed sitting outside and per-
using Scott's garden since it 
was so nice out.

that DeeAnna got in safe and 
sound from Asheville on Monday
 evening, and Jerry will follow
on Friday evening................

that she brought Rosie her lil
long haired chijuajua with her,
(Rosie was our first furry grand-
child, we practiced our spoiling
habits on her, so we miss her
too. lol) and am thankful that
 Rosie did great. It is only an hr.
and 15 min. flight, so that makes 
it fairly easy, plus Rosie is pretty
 quiet when you take her out, and
 she is used to being in a carrier
 since Dee used to take her out
like that a all that 
helps immensely...............

that her flight got in being only
10 mins. late, cause there have
been a few times she was sup-
pose to arrive at 7:30 and it
 turned out being 10:30 or later.
So that was especially good
since she had Rosie.............
and because we like to spend
every minute we can with Dee.

for all the fun we have been
having since she got here. We
had Tuesday just the 2 of us as
hubbies boss was here, so he
had to go we had an 
all girl day just the 2 of us...
worked out together, made fruit
smoothies, sat in the sun, and
drove around the neighborhood
so she could see the changes
and yakked and yakked........
of course!!  and hubby brought
home "4 rivers" B-B-cue and we 
had dinner and played some cards 
out in the backyard, it was such 
great weather............
Then on Wed. we watched lil 
darling as usual for me, but
 Dee of course,  doesn't get to
 see her that often so they had 
a lot of fun playing, jumping and 
tickling, then most of the family,
 sans the 2 hubbies, came over
 for pizza and salad. It was a
short but fun evening...........

that Dee is going with a friend
on the "SunRail" today (that is our
fairly new mass transit train in the
Orlando area). they are going
down to Winter Park and will
meet 2 others friends there for
lunch, then later in the day she
will be going to spend the night
with Scott and Megan and to
the beach tomorrow.  So she
is really looking forward to that.
So hoping they have good 
weather, there is a chance of
rain, so praying it passes us
by this time...........

that I finished my antibiotics
and seem to be feeling more
energetic, so am thinking that
infection from my tooh must
have been what was making
me so tired lately.  

that my hubby is such a good
sport and encourages getting
 take out all week, so we can
 spend our time visiting and
 having fun,rather than cooking 
and cleaning up the kitchen.
He is such a sweetie!!

that our sheets for our new bed
came in today and fit perfectly.
We have just sort of been mak-
ing do with what we had cause
the ones we bought just did not
 fit well, and would have been
 pulling off the bed too easily.
Now we can finally get our bed
completely set up the way it is
suppose to be.......
I had to order a lot of things like
mattress pads and sheets that
had deep pockets as we did
get an adjustable bed, but after
our initial disaster, we ordered
 it all ourselves
we just ordered one bed to start
to see how it worked out,  so it
has been a long process but
definitely worth it saved
us $1200.00.............

that we will get to see both
Dee and Jerry again Friday
night and Monday afternoon
before they leave Monday
night..............Jerry gets in
Friday evening and they will
be here, then they are going 
with Scott and Megan to St. 
Augustine for part of the day,
On Sat. then over to Jerry's
 parents home till Monday
 afternoon.  So they have
gotten to visit everyone they
wanted to see and have a
lil extra fun too........

that my daughter-in-love has a
very strong sense of family, and
encourages my son in that as
well. She is always happy to
get together with our family,
and is good to us all, and 
truly appreciate how fairly
 she tries to do things when 
we have special holidays.
Such a blessing!

Well, that has been my week, 
 Hope yours has been as good
 as mine.

Glad you could drop by and
 hope it made you think of some
things you are thankful for to....
and would love for you to share
them if you'd like.....

Have a really Dandy Weekend!!

Love, Hugs and 
April Blessings,


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Shabby Art Boutique with Kerryanne

My Flagstaff Home with Jennifer


  1. #1. I missed seeing Jerry, but it was surely good to see DeeAnna!
    #2. Dad would be very proud of Scott's gardening!
    #3. I'm so glad the LORD blesses our family in traveling!
    #4. Reminds me of when Rookie was the grand-dog, ha!
    #5. As well as it's not fun being in a noisy airport lobby!
    #6. Jim had all the ladies of the family to himself, lol!
    #7. Dee is having a great visit as so with everyone else!
    #8. It surely is wonderful when we feel better! I am feeling great now (after last week's flu threw me for a loop.)
    #9. I enjoyed the pizza on Wednesday!
    #10. I need to get some more deep pocket sheets.
    #11. Reminds me when mom/dad and we kids would visit their relatives. With dad having 5 siblings and mom having 2 - we were more on the road!
    #12. Family means everything, even more so with the world the way it is today.
    I love you all, Susan

  2. Hi Susan,
    Yea, we missed seeing Jerry too, and were looking forward to seeing him last night, and then his plane got in just before 10, it was suppose to be in at 7:30.......but at least we got to see him for a few hours. Thanks for the visit and for your warm comments, and glad you enjoyed the pizza.........

    Love ya, Nellie

  3. Sounds like you had a great week, Nellie. And your flowers are just gorgeous!...Christine

  4. Hi Nellie, I am well, thank you. Thanks so much for sharing your lovely post at DI&DI. I never tire at looking at beautiful flowers. Take care. xo

  5. Thanks Christine,
    We did have a great week........they are going back tonight....sniff sniff!
    Altho I always hate to see them go, I am so thankful that we get these great
    times together, as many are not so blessed in that way.

    Hope you have a great week,

  6. Hi Linda,
    Glad you are doing well hon. Thanks for coming by and for your sweet comments as always.
    I have to say I never tire of looking at beautiful flowers either whether than they are
    live or in pictures..........

    Have a super week,

  7. Beautiful post of thanks and beautiful flowers

  8. Thanks Mrs. Friedl,
    and thanks for coming by, nice to meet you here in blogland.
    Blessings, Nellie


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

Happy March to You!! Hugs, Nellie Sharing with: