Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Spring/Easter Tablescape 2016

 Happy April to You  
Sweet Friends,

I can hardly believe we are almost
 2 weeks into April already.............
Whoa, the time... she is a flying!!

Watched Lil darling today and spent
most of yesterday online looking
for a new dentist, as our dentist is
not in our network, Insurance wise
and it hasn't been too bad since it 
was  just cleanings, but I need 
crown and possibly a root canal.
Sooo praying it want be the latter
as the Dr/ who did my others is
not in our network either, which
of course, will mean another new
endodontist.  Yikes! 
I am going to our old dentist
tomorrow and we are just gonna
bite the bullet on the cost for the
crown this time, but will need to at
some point soon get a new dentist 
and I have to say, I am bummed about
 that, as I really love my dentist and
 the whole staff,  it's like going to
 visit friends rather than the dentist!
but it is sorta close to being with-
out insurance, so kinda crazy not
 to change.....such is life!!
Thank Heavens for facebook friends
who recommended a good number
of dentists.....think I know who we
am gonna go to now,  so that is a
relief.......just trying to decide when.

I am a little behind.... cause this was
 actually our early Easter table, as we
 celebrated with family here before we
 went to Asheville, but if you just
 removed the  Easter eggs it would
 be a  nice Pastel Spring Table.

Started off with a baby blue 
tablecloth, already knew I
was gonna use my favorite
dishes........and my wedding

then decided to borrow a white
 pitcher with pretty hydrangeas
 tipped in yellow that I was already 
using on the kitchen table.  Then
decided the Spring green place-
mats would add a nice punch of

This was the guys place setting, the colored
  bread plate with a birdie, seemed fairly
 masculine to me/ or at least as masculine
as you can get at this table.   lol

Used different creamers with the same
 yellow berries in them along with 
lil bird at each of the girls places.

It was either clear glasses or blue 
glasses.... either would have looked
nice, but liked the blue better,
  just more colorful.....

Put and egg cup with an Easter Egg 
at each place as well.

Used white napkins as my blue 
ones were not the right shade 
of blue, so liked the white ones,
since they tied in with the white 
pitcher, flowers and candle-
holders, creamers, birds and

This was lil darling place,  just used a salad
plate with the bunny silverware  and a 
silver punch cup and put the berries and
an egg in it, as it gives her something
 unbreakable to  explore...........and she
 loves these lil birdies, and she plays with
 them quite often and is very gentle with 
them, as they are breakable.

Just looking at this pic and seeing
how off the silverware was....oops!!
Never even noticed.........

with affects and a collage for fun....
top 2 posterized affect, pink one,
 photocopy affect,  bottom right,
 colored pencil affect.

See these lil white boxes, they 
come from a bakery in New York
 called "Tates" and they have 7 
delicious chocolate chip cookies
 in each box.
They are actually wedding favors,
 but I thought they would be a
perfect Easter present since I most
always give everyone some candies, 
but since we all love their cookies
decided to get them instead for
something different............and
they were a hit........

My plan was to wrap each box
with a ribbon and put it on the
plate, and while doing the table
I completely forgot that I had
ordered them, and they came
right as I was finishing up, so
 I liked how the table looked
so just left it the way it was,
and put the cookies next
to each place.  

Well there you have it Easter/
Spring Dinner at cozy Place.

Happy you could come for a visit
and hope you enjoyed it......

Have a good rest of the week,
see ya Thursday..............

Hugs and  April Blessings,

P.S. Household tips #5 will
resume next Tuesday....


  1. Hi, Nellie.
    I hope all is going well with finding a new dentist. I go next month to get my teeth cleaned. I'm so glad I can still go to Adrienne. I was able to get the pay with my cost. The Easter table settings were so pretty. I just loved the little birdies! I would have never known about the silverware had you not said something, ha! I love how you have the 4 block pictures. That's really neat! I'll tell you, those cookies were delicious. Mine didn't last long! It was a beautiful time together. I love you all, Susan

  2. Your table is so pretty and I just love the dishes.

    Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  3. Morning Susan,
    Yes, think we have narrowed it down to the one we want, but my dental appt. yesterday some
    what complicated it for now. too long to explain here............
    Glad you are able to go to the same dentist, and hope Adrienne is still there, I have not
    seen them for Months and wondering if they retired and moved to Ga. near their daughter, as
    I know that was the plan at some time............

    Yea, I love those collage pictures too......they always look neat.
    Thanks for coming by hon and all your sweet comments. Hope you are feeling tip top today.

    Love ya, Nellie

  4. Hi Carol,
    Nice to hear from you hon.......and hope you are doing well.

    Thanks so much for coming by and for your warm comments,

    blessings, Nellie

  5. That table setting is sweet and perfect for spring or Easter. Thanks for visiting my blog. I have to find a new dentist and I hate it! The one I have had for 15 or more years is not in our insurance plan. I know how you feel. Have a great weekend!

    xo Dianne

  6. Hi Dianne,
    So we are kindred spirits with the dentist thing then...... yea, it is really hard to change from a dentist you really like and are comfortable with.......yea, Ins. is sure different
    these days, but it is what it least we have
    Some people are not so blessed.
    Thanks for your kind comments on my table, they are appreciated and glad you came by to
    visit with me as well.
    Blessings, Nellie

  7. I am wanting white dinnerware and I love yours . Will you share the pattern name please?

    Thanks for the Bible verse and sharing His glory.

  8. Hi Connie,
    So happy you came by today and thanks so much for your warm comments, and I will be happy to share the name with you, but it's not great news .These dishes are from Target and I bought them about 3-4 yrs. ago, and the last time I checked they do not carry them anymore unfortunatly, but I did see some on ebay
    once.........they are Called "Simply Shabby Chic"by Chateau. They actually quit carrying
    them not long after I bought mine.......and I do love them! Just looked for them online
    but all I saw was replacement pieces and they are very expensive. Who knows maybe they
    will come back again in the future. I was really surprised they quite carrying them,
    cause they are so pretty and reasonably priced and great quality too.

    Will pray you find some really pretty ones that you love. Since we seem to have the
    same taste I just remembered my daughter bought me some white salad plates from World
    market and they carry the whole set.....and I love these too! Here is a link for you.
    Actually Walmart has a few white sets by Better Homes and Gardens that look really nice,
    not sure about the quality tho, but maybe worth a look.
    Blessings on your search hon,

  9. Dearest Nellie. I've been so very busy lately, that I haven't had time to visit you! My darling husband recently celebrated his 60th year with all the brou-ha-ha that comes with a significant birthday. Please forgive me! Your dinnerware is gorgeous, as always. Thanks for sharing at Five Star Frou-Frou this week. Love, Mimi xxx

  10. Hi Mimi,
    Not a problem hon, but have to say I was thinking about writing to see if you were glad it was cause you were celebrating. Hope your hubbies birthday was wonderful, I am sure you did you best to make it that way, and Happy Birthday to him with many many more to come!!
    Thanks for coming by hon and for your sweet comments as always. Now get some rest.......
    and thanks for hosting 5 star frou the name..
    Blessings, Nellie


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

Happy March to You!! Hugs, Nellie Sharing with: