Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Tropical Fruit Salad Recipe

Happy Tuesday Sweet Friends,

Hope you are having a good week
so far.....hard to believe we are in
our last week of April already!

All is guiet here today, my daughter,
hubby and lil doggie left last night
and arrived home safely!

Don't have much on the agenda
today thankfully, as I am a lil tired
and feeling unproductive today!  lol

Have had the recipe part of this post 
done for awhile.....
since we had this delicious salad again, 
back in mid March and it is a perfect 
spring/summer salad and is so delicious
 I felt it worthy of a repost.

Actually I found it in a Publix (our
 local grocery store) magazine, and it 
was from a blogger in Ocala, Fl, course, 
if you have visited me much you know
 I am a recipe and decorative tweeker
 so I changed it up a bit to go with what 
had in the house at the time.  lol

It is also very heart healthy as well!  

It is called 
"Tropical Salad with Citrus Viniagrettte"
and this is my version, and I do each plate
separately cause it looks so pretty. Course,
there is just 2 of us,  she said she uses a
platter,  which is a good idea too.

 Just recently when I did it....I did it for
 the whole family so I just put every
 thing in a separate bowl then they could
put whatever they wanted or how 
much they wanted on their lettuce.
Worked out very well................

Ingredients for Salad
spring mix or romaine or both
2 cups of mandarin orange segments
1 cup of hulled and sliced strawberries
1/2 cup of fresh blueberries
1/2 cup of plain pecans (whole)
coconut (optional)

Citrus Viniagrette dressing
3 tsp. of apple cider vinegar
6 tablespoons of lite tasting olive oil
6 tablespoons of honey
6 tablespoons of Orange Juice

in a blender or magic bullet (what I use)
mix all the above ingredients, then douse 
your salad.........lol......If you like fruit in 
your salad you will love this, hubby and
 I  both always  look forward to
 having again!

NOTE: I tripled (the above) her dressing recipe
and it was probably enough for 4 people.

Hungry yet??  lol

This is a little egg cup of the dressing
with some gluten free crispy crackers.
  Love those things.

If you would like check out Julie's blog just
  I went there to find the original recipe
 so anyone who wanted to, could see it,
think she might have tweeked it a bit

So............hope you have a terrific Tuesday

Thanks for stopping in,  looking forward to
 hearing from you as always,

Love, Hugs and
Last of April Blessings,



  1. Looks, sounds, and taste delicious!! Love you all, Susan

  2. Thanks Jo.....it really is yummy.........

    and thanks for letting me share with yall..........

    Blessings, Nellie

  3. Nellie,sometimes we cannot be as productive as we want. It's better to take a break and recharge our batteries. I am on Easter break right now, but I am hosting a new link party called Sweet Inspiration and would love to have you link up. It runs Friday to Tuesday. Have a great weekend.

  4. Hi Mary,
    You are so right about resting and recharging our batteries, and that is exactly what happened, I did rest on Tuesday watched my lil granddaughter on Wed. and then on Thurs. and Friday did some Spring Cleaning and got a lot done. Hope you are enjoying your Easter break.
    So when is your Easter??.....we celebrated Easter on March 27th....I never knew that others
    celebrated it at a different time.....that is interesting!

    Thank you for coming by and for your sweet comments and also for your lovely invitation to
    your linky party........you will see I have taken you up on your offer and have already
    linked up. Again thanks, and have a lovely weekend,
    Blessings, Nellie

  5. Oh yum! I love refreshing salads like this Nellie. I do love plating a pretty salad like this for each individual as well. Can't wait to try it! Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  6. Nellie, this salad sounds delicious!! I love fruit in my salads especially strawberries. The dressing sounds yummy too. Thanks for sharing with us at Sweet Inspiration!

  7. Morning Jann,
    So nice to hear from you, and have to say it really is one of my favorite salads, salads with
    fruit have really grown on me over the years, cause I use to like my sweets, but when I
    eat dinner I just want food food, nothing sweet until afterwards. But these type of salads have won me over........lol
    and they do make for a very pretty presentation...........
    Hope you enjoy it, and thanks for dropping by always love hearing from you.
    Blessings, Nellie

  8. Morning Keri,
    How nice of you to come by and thanks for your sweet comments. I love strawberries in my
    salad too as they are one of my fav fruits as well. Thanks for hosting sweet inspirations
    and for allowing me to share there.
    Have a wonderful day hon,
    Blessings, Nellie

  9. We do lots of fruit salads so I am going to give your recipe a try.

    Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  10. Hi Carol,
    Thanks for coming by and glad you like the sounds of the recipe, I don't think you will be
    disappointed!! We really love fruit salad too......so perfect for summer living.

    Your Welcome, and Thanks for allowing me to share with SYC, as well

    Hope you are doing well hon,
    Blessings, Nellie

  11. Hi Nellie, just hopping by to let you know that you are being featured at SYC this week.

  12. Hi Jann,
    What a lovely surprise!
    Thanks so much for thinking of me.


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

Happy March to You!! Hugs, Nellie Sharing with: