Thursday, April 28, 2016

Thankful Thursday April 28, 2016, more pretty flowers..........

Some pics compliments of

Finally, brothers and sisters, 
whatever is true, whatever is noble,
 whatever is right, whatever is pure,
whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable,
if anything is excellent or praiseworthy,
think about such things.
Philippians 4:8 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope you are having a lovely week
and have been enjoying April. Hard
to believe Sunday will be May 1st
already.........time marches on.........

I have been Spring Cleaning today 
and was happy to finally do some
 more.  I have been doing a little
Spring cleaning once a week. Much
 easier that way, I have to say!!

Our back porch needs to be the
 next place, if I have my way!! lol
Course, when you own a home
their is always something that
needs to be
Not complaining, just saying!!
I am thankful to have a home
to clean.......and a nice one
at that!!  

Well, gonna get on with it, so
I might actually get this posted
today for a change, that
will make 2 weeks in a row that
I have been on time.
Shocking !!  lol

I am thankful 

for a really great testimony we heard 
on Sunday of how God saved a 
marriage. It was such a great reminder
 of the power of God and prayer!

for a fun day with lil darling on Sat.,
 we took her to get frozen yogurt for
 the first time, and she was so cute.
She started singing this ice cream
 song we have seen on these kiddie
 sites...."Ice Cream, yeah, Ice cream
eat it all up,  eat it all up!

She is usually shy, so we were quite
 surprised as there were about 8-10 
other people in yogurt shop..........
She was so cute and excited!! 

She had lots of energy afterwards, 
only wish it had that same affect
 on us!!  lol

that the power company came this week
 and cut back some trees and vines off
our power lines in the backyard.  We 
still have more to do but it want cost
us as much since they did some of it
 already.  So that is nice.......

that Dee, Jerry and Rosie got home safe 
and sound on Monday evening..........

that one of our Sunday School students
 had her  baby on Sunday evening and all 
went well.  They had a lil girl.............
she is a 3rd child, they already have a 
boy and a girl.............

that my all of my good smelling flowers 
are blooming,  gardenia's, Honeysuckle,
 and Jasmine.  They all have a wonderful
 fragrance. I have some Ginger flowering 
as well, but for some reason it has no scent
 and typically it is very sweet smelling.
 Lil darling and I were out sniffing the 
flowers this morning (Wed.)........and
 she can't pass up picking a

that I got to mow our yard for the first time
 this year, actually hubby has done it rather 
quickly few times. We have a riding
 mower, so I like doing the lawn, it's really
 and always love the results.....

that I finally put up my new shower
curtain I got last Fall sometime. I
decided to wait until Spring since we 
had so many changes to the house
 with Fall and Christmas, then forgot
all about it come Spring, do to our
trip and bed hunt......
Anyway, I love looks great!
It is called " Florida" and was just
$10 for a lovely pattern and fabric.

that we have been sitting on our back-
yard bench quite a lot lately, since it is
 under an oak tree that provides shade 
and it has been so breezy as well.  It's
was my birthday gift from Scott,
Megan and the baby last year.

that we finally met our new neighbors.
They bought the house about a yr. or
so ago, but were only here ocassionally,
so it was like a vacation home.
She finally decided to retire and come
and enjoy it.  So they are here to stay
 now.  She was very nice and friendly...
but they were not friendly at all before,
 so we thought they were new home
owners, but they aren 't....
So that was a surprise!!

that the young lady who stayed with us
a few months ago, has been improving
steadily since then, and is going to a
Seminar in Tx. this weekend.  This is
huge for her, as she has been sick with
an environmental illness for 10 yrs.
and it seems the Lord is healing and
has quite the plans for her.  So happy
and excited for her..............

that I got some Spring cleaning done
that I have been wanting to get to....
pulling out the living room sofa and
cleaning behind it, doing the windows
and woodwork.  The woodwork gets
so much sun around the windows that
it gets dried out, so it definitely needed
some oiling.......Old English scratch
cover (oil and stain all in one) to the 
rescue.  Looks so much better now
and the wood look hydrated again.

Well, that's our blessings for this week,

Hope you have a really Fabulous

Thanks for stopping by!!

Love, Hugs and
Last of April Blessings,

Sharing with:

Art and Sand with Carol and Friends

Shabby Art Boutique with Kerryanne

McCall Manor with Holly and Friends

Walking on Sunshine Recipes with Lois and Friends

Life with Lorelai with Lorelai and Melissa

The Boondock's Blog with Mary

Designthusiasm with Lory and Friends

Dwellings with Cindy

A Stroll thru Life with Marty

Stone Gable with Yvonne and Friends


  1. #1. Praise our GOD for His Goodness in the lives of people.
    #2. It's such a blessing when the joy of children are displayed to everyone around!
    #3. A few months ago they came on my street and cut down the trees the Ospreys would
    build their nests in year after year. Afterward, the birds flew around the area crying
    out, looking down to where the trees were. (You could see their heads tilted down, looking
    as they cried out.)
    #4. That's joy in this day of the aging planes.
    #5. Praise the LORD! Also for 2 little helpers!
    #6. My night jasmine has been blooming. It is so strong, it will give you a headache
    if you smell it for too long! My roses are blooming in clusters!
    #7. I'm so blessed to have Steve and his wife doing mine (especially the back 40, lol)
    #8. You'll have to show a picture!
    #9. I'll have to look and see where it is when I visit next time!
    #10. Maybe the joy of finally living here will pass on to others now.
    #11. Another praise to our LORD!
    #12. I can't get over how that happens to wood, especially when there's no direct sunlight
    on them!
    Well, I got through though my computer froze and shut down! It had restore when I got it
    going again! Thank goodness I didn't lose it all! I had gotten to #7! I just did a malware check yesterday! Oh well, so goes electronics, ha, I love you all, Susan

  2. Hi Susan,
    Glad you made it through without having to redo everything, as that can sure be annoying. lol

    Actually where our wood dried... gets the sun most of the day on a sunny day, which are many
    days here as you

    Thanks for coming by and for all your interesting comments. Too bad about the Osprey's, but
    hopefully they found a new home...........the Lord provides for them too......

    Well have a great rest of the week,
    Love ya, Nellie

  3. I'm sorry you were having trouble viewing the photos on my post, and hope that's cleared up now. It was nice to hear from you. Sounds like you had a fun-time with your little granddaughter. I love the young ages when any and everything is possible, and nothing is too serious. I enjoy Spring cleaning, too, but only tackle small things at a time.

    Warm hugs and happy weekend!

  4. Hi Carol,
    Great to hear from you too hon. Yea have to say grandchildren really are the cat's Meow, for
    sure......these young ages are so much fun, like you say all lite and fun......
    Yea, I love the feeling of knowing everything is ship shape, and it is much easier tackling
    one project at a time till it is done. Will run by and check out your pics again soon,
    too tired and am gonna collapse on the sofa, eat Mexican take out and watch TV.......
    It's fun and relaxation night.

    Take care hon,
    Blessings, Nellie

  5. I love all of those pretty flowers! Yay for spring!! :)

  6. Thanks Julie
    and yes, yay for Spring........just love it.

    Blessings, Nellie

  7. You've sure had lovely blessings this week! It is wonderful counting them at the end of the week, isn't it! I love going through my week or day and looking at all the positive things that happened! More than I sometimes realize in the moment! Thank you for sharing at Sweet Inspiration #4! Have a lovely weekend!

  8. Hi Katrine,
    Thanks for stopping by and for all your sweet comments. Yes, I have found counting my blessings weekly over the last 7 yrs. has revolutionized my life. So many great things
    happen to us on a daily basis and sometimes we don't realize what a blessing it is at
    the time, like you say, but a few days or a week later you say to yourself wow, that
    was so neat this or that happened. Guess we start seeing the trees instead of the forest!lol
    Nice that you are a blessing counter as well.........
    You have a wonderful weekend too hon, and thanks for hosting at Sweet Inspiration.

  9. I'm so glad to see you are doing great! Your Grand-daughter sounds so adorable!
    I had a huge blessing and miracle from our God this week. A semi could not stop in time at a red light and it somehow missed our vehicle and hit the 2 in front of us. It was like God was saying you can trust Me always. I'm here to protect you always. But it was like it was meant to happen in front of us so we could see it and it be undeniable. Don't worry the other 2 drivers were okay. There was minor damage considering a semi hit them. The semi driver had God on his side too. And so did the 2 other cars.
    Have a fantastic week!

  10. Hi Caroline,
    Great to hear from you hon, and of course, we think lil darling is about the cutest and most
    adorable child in the world. lol

    Wow, what a great testament to God's protection, shakes you up a bit, but really opens your
    eyes all at the same time. I had that happen to me a few years ago as I was about to cross
    a bridge the car in front of me almost got hit by a car coming onto the bridge and his car
    went up the median wall and slammed down and the glass just went everywhere, and of course,
    we had to stop, but for a few minutes I just felt frozen as it all happened so quickly and
    also as the realization hit me that if it had just been seconds later it would have been me. Fortunately, I don't think the man was hurt too badly.........
    So happy to hear the other drivers were not badly hurt either, that is amazing considering they were hit my a semi.......scary stuff! I think the amazing thing is how lightening fast
    it all happens..........
    So glad the Lord was watching out for you and your family and the other drivers, what a
    horrible accident that could have been..........
    I tell have to wonder and wish you could see sometimes all the things the Lord
    does to protect us.......I am always reminded of the small things that happened to prevent
    deaths in the 911 disaster.....a blister requiring the person to stop at the drug storefor a bandaid, another had to stop for donuts to bring to the office, one had to take his child to kindergarten for the first time, another missed the train and on and on it went! When I read those it made me have a whole new appreciation for delays in my life........and makes me wonder now what God might be protecting me or my loved ones the delay.
    Thanks for coming to see me, and for the great testimony and Praise to the Lord.
    Love and Blessings hon,

  11. So much to be thankful for and I enjoyed the gorgeous flowers images! Love the sweet smells in the garden this time of year. It truly is a bit of heaven! Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  12. Hi Jann,
    Thanks for coming by and for your warm comments as always.
    Thanks for hosting SYC, it is a fun linky party.
    and yes, I agree, those wonderful fragrances coming from the garden
    truly are a bit of heaven.
    Have a Wonderful day,
    Blessings, Nellie

  13. Beautiful photos to accompany your thoughts. Life is so much better when we focus on the positive and give thanks.

    Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  14. Thanks Carol for coming by and for your sweet comments....I so agree about the being positive and thankful, it really does change how we view life, and makes us much happier folks, and
    think it makes the Lord happier too, since he is the one that tells us to give thanks in
    all things. lol

    Have a great rest of the week.
    Blessings, Nellie


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday January 30, 2025, and pictures of Winter decor

For I know the plans  I have for you,” declares the  Lord , “plans to prosper  you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future....