Saturday, April 2, 2016

Thankful Thursday March 31, 2016, Spring/ Easter Coffee Table

Greetings Sweet Friends

Hope it has been as good a week
 for you, as it has been for us.
You will see why as you read 
my Thankful post.

  Pictures today
 are of our Spring/Easter coffee
 table, hope you enjoy them...

So...on with

I am thankful

that we have been in Asheville,
N.C. since last Saturday visiting
with our daughter and son-in-love.

that we got to spend Easter and 
my birthday with them this year. 
 We celebrated with the other half 
of the family the weekend before....
remember I said we celebrated
 Spring amongst other things, 
well, the other things were Easter
 and my birthday.   lol

that the weather has been so great,
in the 60's but sunny and warm in we have been sitting on
the back porch visiting, drinking 
coffee and working on our Spring
 tan while hubby and Jerry play
tennis with the buzz bombs that
keep pestering us!

that we got to attend Easter Services
 with Dee and Jerry.....Haven't
gotten to do that in long time.

same pic but know some of it 
will be cut off in the larger pic.

Then we went
 to dinner at Carrabbas since it was
just the 4 of us,  and came home
 and had carrot cake for dessert........
Dinner and Dessert were delicious,
and time together priceless....

for a wonderful birthday (the early
 one and the real one) with all the
 lovely cards, gifts, emails and
 facebook wishes.........and the
delicious cake Dee made for me,
 my favorite... yellow cake with 
milk chocolate icing. They
really all made me feel like
a the Queen of the day!!

Posterized Affect

also for the delicious dinner Dee
 made as well.  It was extra special
since we had to go with another the marinated shrimp
caught the electric grill on fire, 
 so she wound up having to pan fry
 the shrimp and scallops rather 
than grilling them, but it all tasted
 really delicous and we found a 
new way to make it that is easier
 and tastes just as good.... so this
might just become the way we
 do them every time now,

that the guys were not burned
or hurt in any way and were able 
to put the fire out without having
 to call the fire dept or having any
neighbors call, cause there was a
lot of smoke..........have to say it
was pretty scary there for a bit.

Course, it makes for a great
story now.....Gotta have a
 little excitement once 

we have been going out for walks
every night, and a short walk is
quite a workout here with the
mountainous terrain. So am
hoping to get home and have
lost a few pounds and have a
sun tan to boot!!  lol

that hubby is able to just vacation
 this time as he usually works most
 of the time, but since he got 2 extra
weeks of vacation this year, that 
made it possible.

that we got to see some of our
dear friends while we were here
as they were passing thru Ashe-
ville on the way to S.C. to
visit their son and his family.
So great to see them too!!

for a really wonderful week here
visiting, it's been about as close
to heaven as it gets down here.
We will be headed home soon,
sniff, thankful
we have more family at home
that we love and look forward
to seeing.  That helps!!

soft omni affect

for my sweet daughter and son-in-
love, who puts up with us all week,
 and makes us feel so welcome.

Well, there you have it........
 vacation week at Cozy Place.

Glad you could come by for a visit.

and hope you stop to say hello. 

Have a Wonderful weekend!

Love, Hugs and
April Blessings,


Sharing At:  
Just click on any name below to go there.

Designthusiam with Lory and Friends

A Tray of Bliss with Mimi

Dwellings with Cindy

Life and Linda with Linda and Friends

Stone Gable with Yvonne and Friends

A Stroll thru Life with Marty

Art and Sand with Carol and Friends

Shabby Art Boutique with Kerranne


  1. Pretty vignette on your tool box and I love that rabbit tureen!
    Happy Spring my friend.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Sister Susie says:

    #1. What a blessed week for you all!
    #2. It is always joyful to be with family in times of celebration.
    #3. We have been having rain with wind!
    #4. Hallelujah!
    #5. Food, Joy, and love!
    #6. Food, joy, and love, lol!
    #7. I'm so thankful the fire didn't spread!
    #8. Oh, my! I didn't realize it was that big of a fire! Praise GOD for His protection!
    #9. I started some exercises, but overdid it! I am so achy!
    #10. Wonderful! A full relaxing visit!
    #11. What an extra joy!
    #12. I know you have missed seeing your grand baby! I have missed seeing you too!
    #13. The joy of loving family is GOD's blessings to us all!
    Love, Susan

  4. Hi Fabby....
    Nice to hear from you hon....thanks for coming by and for your kind comments, and for pinning
    it as well. Happy Spring to you as well.

    Blessings, Nellie

  5. Hi Susan,
    Thanks for coming by.......glad you are doing so much better everyday.
    Well, the fire wasn't huge but from the smoke you would have thought it was, and seeing
    those flames from inside the house, it looked very big........cause the flames were
    high.........but we are so grateful that is was only shrimp that got

    Have a good day and thanks for your comments.

    Love ya, Nellie

  6. Hi Nellie, such a sweet vignette. Love the tureen. You created a lovely look for your coffee table. Thank you for the birthday wish and for sharing your post at DI&DI. Would love if you added a link on your post. Blessings.

  7. Hi Linda,
    So nice to hear from you and happy you came by with your sweet comments.
    Thanks for hosting your fun linky party, and not sure I understand about
    adding the link, cause I do have one on there, am I not doing it correctly
    or something, if so, please let me know and I will be happy to correct it.

    Have a great week,
    Blessings, Nellie

  8. Nellie,
    Your beautiful box with Spring decor caught my eye, dear friend, and drew me to your post!
    I l o v e that you styled your "box" with a bird's nest and a book!
    Absolutely gorgeous!
    Sounds as if you had an amazing visit!
    I, too, am hoping to get some "walking" in my schedule this week!

  9. Hi Pat,
    So nice to have you visit and thanks for all your sweet comments.
    Every since I got that Book, It is called "one Thousand Gifts" by
    Ann voskamp, I use it every spring as it has a birds nest on the
    front, and just looks like Spring to me, and I usualy like to
    reread it as well. It is truly a neat book.

    We really did have a great time, and came home feeling very rested
    and refreshed.

    Good for you about the walking, it really is some of the best
    exercise we can get, and this is the time of year to do it in Florida
    at least, cause summer is just too too hot...........

    Have a really great week hon,
    Blessings, Nellie

  10. Thank you Nellie, I see the link now. Have a great week.

  11. Okay Linda,
    Glad it is fine..............
    You have a good week too hon,
    Blessings, Nellie

  12. A sweet post as always Nellie dear. The scallops and shrimp sound divine, and I love that you call your daughters beau 'son-in-love'. Sometimes I just want to bottle you and keep you close, honestly! Love, Mimi xxx

  13. Morning Mimi,
    Thank you for coming by with all your sunshiny comments. You are such a sweetie. and really help to brighten my day so many times.

    About the son-in love..........
    I saw another blogger say that about 6 yrs. ago, and I loved it and decided right then and there to adopt it...........because why do we call them in-laws......... there is such
    a stigma about in-laws and people not liking them....that makes it seem like it should be out-laws, and I thought really they are in-loves cause they were brought into our family because our child was in love with why not call them in-loves..........conjures up a whole new feeling about them. I adore both of my in loves.....they are both real sweeties and we are blessed to have them in the family.

    Hope you had a lovely Easter!
    Love and Blessings,

  14. I LOVE your coffee table (in fact, I love all coffee table posts)! Everything is so serene and natural. That handled crate is just precious, as is the covered bunny dish. Isn't it fun to display favorite things on the coffee table where you can see and enjoy them every day?

  15. Hi Pattie,
    Thanks so much for coming by and also for your warm comments. They are so appreciated and Yes, I love being able to see things that I enjoy and make me smile every day.............and I just love decorating and having fun with them as well.

    blessings for a good rest of the week hon

  16. Nellie, thanks for the update on the son-in-love idea. It's very sweet. I forgot to say I LOVE this blog theme, and thanks for sharing at Five Star Frou-Frou this week! Hope to see you again on Friday! Love, Mimi xxx

  17. Hi Mimi,
    Glad you saw my answer back to you.........
    and happy you liked the blog theme so much, and thanks for hosting at
    5 star frou frou.......that is such a cute name for your linky party.
    Will see you on Friday.........Lord willing and the creek don't rise,
    as my Mom used to say........ at least we don't have a creek...course,
    we do have some lakes close

    Have a good rest of the week sweetie,
    Love and Blessings, Nellie

  18. You had lots to be thankful for.

    Thanks for sharing at SYC.

  19. Hi Carol,
    Yes, I have to say I did, and I am still thinking and appreciating the great time.....
    Course, there is always something to be thankful for if we are looking for it.

    Thanks for hosting and letting me share at Share your cup linky party.


  20. Sounds like a wonderful time! I was in NC last week and in Charleston, SC this week. It has been gorgeous weather and I have been having so much fun. Happy Birthday and so happy that you were able to spend time with your family! Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  21. Hi Jann,
    Have to say it really was a wonderful was hard to come home!! lol

    So where were you in North Carolina?? Charleston is a beautiful place too, we have been
    there many years ago tho....and the weather was perfect, so enjoyable. So glad to hear
    you are having a great time much fun to visit different places and most of all
    to visit family and friends.

    Thanks for the warm hearted birthday wishes as well.

    Blessings, Nellie


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

Happy March to You!! Hugs, Nellie