Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Best Household Tips #5, Springs past......

Happy Tuesday Sweeties:

Hope this finds you well 
and happy!

I am writing this on Monday,
as my Daughter Dee will be in 
tonight, and I will be spending
the day with her tomorrow.

I am doing well and I and am 
happy,  and will be even more
happy by the time you 
read this.  lol        

We are so thankful for these
 times we get to spend with her,
and if you are a Mom who has
children who live away I suspect
you know exactly what I am
talking about..........

Here is  #5 in my series of 
Best Household and cleaning
tips I have learned over my
 40+ years as a Homemaker.

 If you missed the others and
would like to read those posts
you can go.....here to see #4,
and then each post takes you
to the next............

Pictures today are of past Springs
at Cozy Place.

Need your carpets cleaned?

 Do your own..........
We own our own carpet cleaner
or you can rent one.  We never
use soap only hot water and it
cleans very well and you don't
need to worry about soapy
residue that makes you have 
clean your carpets every time
you turn around.  If there is a
spot that doesn't come out just
employ some carpet cleaner,
to that area only, and then go
over it until you don't see any
more soapy water being sucked
up.We have found "Resolve" 
to be the best carpet cleaner

A dear friend of ours was in the
carpeting business,  he told us
to only spot clean our carpets
for as long as we could.  and
to vacuum them regularly of
course.  That was the best 
advice I have say.

Also, if you happen to have a
shop vac, they are invaluable
for spot cleaning.
Once someone spilled red punch
on our rug,  so we just dumped a
 glass of water on it and sucked it 
right up,  with no stain left behind, 
and You know how red dye stains!
You might have to do it a few
times, but it works like a charm.


Oh.....Have any pet stains???
Shop vac to the rescue once again.
Pour a lil water on it, then suck 
it up,  then put "Nature's Miracle"
stain and odor remover on it, and
let it set about 3 mins. or so and 
suck it up.  Again you might have
to do it more than once,  but it
really is like a miracle,  no stains,
no odors. A great discovery!
(You can get it at your local Pet
Store, we got ours a Pet Smart
I think it was)
Also I get no compensation in
any way for saying this,  it is
just a great product and think
everyone should know about it.

 Tired of trying to find scissors
or Scotch tape when you need it?

Keep Scissors and Scotch tape
in a number of places within
your home. I keep several prs.
in my kitchen crock, with my
other utensils, a pair in our work/
computer room, and in the bath-
room and with my gift wrap, and 
also keep tape in the kitchen, 
work room, and  where I store
office and gift wrap supplies
This is a real step saver and

you can buy great scissors
at Dollar Tree for just a $1.

Have to look everywhere when
it is time to wrap a gift? 

Find a place to keep all the things 
you need for gift wrapping so it is 
one place.  I use a huge shopping
bag with handles doubled to keep
all my gift bags in and I have a 
basket to put all the tissue paper,
 Scotch tape and scissors in, then 
another box with bows and ribbon,
 and keep a few empty shirt boxes on
hand as well.  My hall closet works
well for this.

Need to polish some silver, be
it a necklace or some tableware?

Keep those polishing clothes that 
they sell in the jewelry section at
 Walmart or Target handy. It is quick,
 easy and no mess or fuss........

Hate those splatters when you
are pouring a liquid into another

Whether you are pouring soup/sauce
or some other liquid or maybe
 making punch in the punch bowl.

Use the back of a ladle or a large
 spoon, and pour the liquid slowly
 over the spoon, and it will keep
 it from splattering.  Learned this
great tip from some of the older
ladies in my church while working
in the church kitchen.  This tip
has served me well............

Well, hope you read a tip that
sounds like something you
would like to try..........if you
aren't already employing them.

Have a great Day today and
Every Day.

Thanks for coming by...............

Hugs and Blessings,

Sharing with:

 A Stroll thru Life with Marty

McCall Manor with Holly, Kristy and Friends

My Flagstaff Home with Jennifer

Walking on Sunshine with Lois and Friends

Life with Lorelai with Lorelai and Friends

Shabby Art Boutique with Kerryanne

The Craftberry Bush with Lucy and Friends

A Tray of Bliss with Mimi

Mila's little things with Mila and Friends

Designenthusiasm with Lory and Friends 

Life and Linda with Linda and Friends


  1. All your pictures are so pretty!
    #25. That's why I changed out my carpets for laminate flooring, swiffer sweep, swiffer mop and it is cleaned.
    #26. I used to use Resolve when I had carpets.
    #27. That's a great idea. I also heard to have different scissors for different papers. I saw on a tip from TV that once you cut sandpaper, the scissors won't cut paper/cardboard as well.
    #28. I keep mine in the corner of my walk in closet. (I don't have that much.
    #29. I find those little clothes for cleaning your eye glasses are good too!
    #30. Great idea, thank you! I have a big, elongated Brita filter that I always spill when pouring water into it. I tried your tip and it works great!
    Thanks, Nellie! (I enjoyed seeing DeeAnna And the family.) Love you, Susan

  2. Nellie some great tips here. I have never done carpet cleaning with just hot water. I'm going to try that! I am recommitted. have visited a few of my favorite people today. Such fun! I had forgotten how much I enjoy blogging. Love, Bon

  3. Thanks Susan,
    and yes, you do have to be careful with what you cut with them for sure. I have kitchen
    shears that you can cut just about anything odd with.............
    and yea, those lil glass cleaning clothes are super, we use them too.
    Glad the ladle tip worked for you, I was so happy someone shared that with me.

    Your welcome, glad you had a good time.........and yes, per your email, we have missed Jerry too, We will get to see him for a short time as he is coming in tomorrow night but then
    the next day they are going to St. Augustine and to his parents till Monday afternoon
    before they leave...........

    Thanks for dropping by,
    Love ya, Nellie

  4. Hi Bon Bon,
    So good to hear from you hon. I got your email but so much was going on and just hadn't had
    a chance to get back to you yet. Looking forward to reading your new blog tho.......and
    glad you are back, you have been missed. The blog world has changed quite a bit since I
    started blogging, and I sorta miss the old days when everyone was so friendly and answered or
    visited you back. Course, there are still some........... think so many are doing it as a job
    now that I think it just gets too time consuming I am sure.

    If you try the carpet cleaning method You will be amazed at how much dirt comes out. It's
    really surprising!!

    So good to have you come by sweetie, and glad you will be back in the loop.
    Love ya, Nellie

  5. Great tips, Nellie!!! Thanks for sharing at My Flagstaff Home.


  6. Thanks Jennifer
    and thanks for coming by and thanks for hosting.
    Blessings, Nellie

  7. Terrific tips, Nellie. I agree with cleaning your own carpets - it's so expensive to hire someone. And the tip about the pet stains is really handy.

    My daughter was visiting last week too - it's such a special time when she comes home for a few days. Just her and I - we painted furniture, walked the dog and just chilled.

    Thanks so much for sharing with Dishing It & Digging It (I'm one of the co-hosts).

  8. Hi Heather,
    Nice to meet you here in blogland, and thanks for hosting dishing it and digging it.
    Glad you liked the tips and sounds like you already use the first one.

    That is neat that your daughter was visiting as well. Sounds like yall had a really
    good time too. We worked out together, sat in the sun, made fruit smoothies, yakked
    and yakked and had take out and played cards in the back yard. It really is such a special
    time, we have so much fun, and it isn't often you get them all to yourself, but have
    to say my son-in-love really misses her but is great about her coming, as she moved to Asheville which meant leaving all her family and friends, so he could have the job he wanted.......so he told her she could come home once a month if she wanted, but she
    doesn't come that much cause she works too, but does come fairly often, and we go
    there to see them as well............it has become a get a way for us and is quite
    a fun trip and time. Where does your daughter live?? Do you get to see her fairly
    often?? Hope so...........

    Look forward to getting to know you better.
    Blessings, Nellie


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

Happy March to You!! Hugs, Nellie