Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Cran/raspberry Chicken Salad recipe with poppy seed dressing

Evening Sweeties, 
Does that opening pic make you hungry??
  It does me and I just ate not to long ago.
That's because I know what a scrumptiously
 delicious salad it is!!
Thought you might like to know too!!
Sure hope you have had a great day!!
our's was cloudy and rainy,  but our
yard so needed that quick but heavy
downpour,  it looks sooooo happy now!!
Our couple will be here soon,  so figured
I would try to get a lil typing in before they
arrived.  So guess I will get on with the

Cran/Raspberry Chicken Salad recipe
Romaine lettuce
Purple onion (or white)
Mozzarella cheese shredded
dried cranberries
Chicken breast slivers
fresh raspberries
pecans, coarsely chopped
This is like a whole dinner salad that you
would maybe have crackers or rolls with and
a beverage.  It is wonderful for summer.
Easy,  no heat in the kitchen,  and
did I mention yummy yum!!

Anyway, after preparing and cutting or
tearing the lettuce,  I put it on, however
many dinner plates of salad you want
 to make.  Then I add all the rest of the
ingredients in the order in which they
are listed above.

Now you will need to make some poppy seed dressing.

Poppy Seed Dressings Recipe

click here for Poppy Seed Dressing recipe
I know it says Country French Chicken,
and that recipe is on there too,  but scroll
all the way to the bottom and you will
find the Poppy Seed Dressing recipe.
The salad that I modeled this after was
a salad from Bob Evans called a cranberry
Chicken salad with feta cheese,  they used
a sweet Italian Dressing, and it was delicious
but since I already had a poppy seed dressing
recipe I just decided to use that,  and we
loved it!!

Well,  Hope you enjoy this recipe,  I will
be totally shocked if you don't!!
Course,  you have to like fruit and some
sweetness to your salad or you might
not like it.

See ya tomorrow!!

Blessings and Hugs,


    We have one about 4 times a week--as the meal--especially during summer, so thank you for this recipe! :)
    I enjoy the way you write-it's just like you're sitting there and we're talking :)
    I am so glad you came by my home-it's so nice to meet another sister in Christ!
    Hugs and many blessings to you as you make your home!

  2. Hello my Nellie!!!!!
    Had a salad simular for lunch today after weighing in at W/Watchers!!!!
    Yours looks WONDERFUL.
    I bet there will not be a morsel left!
    Thanks for stopping by today,
    love hearing from you.
    We are busy with all this crazyness right now and in the middle of making some big decisions.
    Will post soon when we have some answers.
    Love and hugs,
    xoxo~Kathy @
    Sweet Up-North Morningas...

  3. Love the salad! Looks yummy! I've been adding fruit to my salads also lately. They make them so delicious! My son is even eating salad every night now with his dinner. And he only likes a little dressing and sometimes just eats it plain. Can't say I'll ever do that!

    Your table top looks really pretty. I love the pitchers. Very nice!

  4. It looks delicious! I would have to leave off the poppy seeds, it makes my divers' tick!

    Wasn't that a great rain yesterday! I was in my chair and soon had Gracie in my lap, Zena laying on my feet, Dolly against my chair with her head hanging over my arm, and Sam trying to squeeze between my chair and the wall! I guess they didn't like the lightening, ha!

    My pictures were from Nemo!

    I got my new glasses today and whoa, I didn't know I was blind! What clear vision I have now!!

    My answer machine is working again.

    I made a (I guess you could call it a stew) dinner last night that had the beef chunk meat, macaroni, seasonings, and spinach with fine grated cheese on top (all in one pot!) Yes, it did tasted good! I'm about to have some now for lunch. Do you think my cooking has gone downhill? Lol! If yes, don't worry, I won't bring it as a "potluck!"
    I love you all very much!

  5. This would be my idea of a perfect dinner - looks and sounds delicious!! I love salad...and I love chicken..and I love fruit on my salads - a winner!! Have a great day, sweetie!

  6. I love the idea of the dried cranberries and the fresh raspberries together. Yum.

  7. Off to find the dressing recipe now!


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

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