Thursday, July 8, 2010

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - July 8, 2010

Greetings Sweet Friends
Have are you this fine sunny day??
Course, it may not be sunny where
you are........but hope your mood
is sunny at least!!
Guess what we did at 11 P.M.
last night???
And it is all Bonnie's fault
(Bonnie from over at
one designing woman)
See.....she posted about her mother
in laws "Zucchini Pancakes" a few
weeks ago,  so I went and got the
Zucchini to make them,  but forgot
about it, 
 so while I was going thru more
 magazines to throw out, I
happened to see a picture of those
rascals and recipe,  and they looked
so good I decided to make them...
that was at 10 p.m.,  but then we
had to exercise,  and then my flour
and bisquick were out of date,  so
then I realized I had a Krusteaz
CornBread mix,
 So I mixed up the batter and 
hubby and I had separate
frying pans and fried our
lil hearts out.
They were delicious..... you
put some sour cream on them.
Next time I will put some diced
up tomatoes on top of that.
We also split one and tried it
with a lil honey,  good that
way too!!  lol
Then we had frozen yogurt
with strawberries.
Do you ever do crazy things
like that???
If not, you should, it breaks
up the routine of life. 
We certainly couldn't do that
 everyday,  but it is just fun to do 
something different and out of 
the ordinary every so often!!
So guess that would be my
I am thankful 
for simple, out of the ordinary
 things we can do to have good,
clean, fun that will,
spice up our lives a bit!!
I am thankful
that I have such an easy going,
fun loving hubby.  He is usually
game for most anything, and he
is my best friend!!  I am teasing
him that he has become my new
best girlfriend!!  I saw that on
these videos we have been
 watching, another empty nester
wife said that about her hubby
and he beamed!!

I am thankful
for a sweet unexpected visit
from a dear friend  this week,
and she brought me these
adorable lil candles.  They
even smell like chocolate.
Made me want to eat them!! LOL
 Aren't they adorable.  I am
in search of just the right place
to display them!!

I am thankful
that my daughter let us hang out
at her place last Saturday and watch
cable even tho she wasn't gonna be
at home (nice change of scenery)
and then she wound up coming home
early and making us dinner.
The Lord is really developing such
a servant heart in her and it is
a joy to see!!
I am thankful
that the Lord continues to show
us how well He is able to take
care of us.  This week a girl from
 our church who works at an optical
place took my frames and was gonna
get an estimate for me to get new lenses,
cause she said she could probably get
me the best deal.  She called on Tuesday
and said they had my lenses in stock
and that she can bring my glasses to
me on Sunday,  and that they will be
No charge!! I really couldn't believe it,
God is just so amazing how he uses
people to do things for us.
 Can't get a much better
deal than that!! 
I am thankful
for another old and dear friend of
30 years,who lives in Gainesville she
 and her hubby call us often to see how
 we are, and to let us know they are 
praying for us.  They have been some of
 our best friends and mentors for years.
They are priceless friends!! Am hoping our 
mansions in heaven will be right next door
 to each other!! lol
I am thankful
for these really neat marriage dvd's we 
received this week and have been 
watching.  They are really great!! and
they are very inexpensive as that type
of dvd goes.  Only $25.00 ,  well worth
the $$$ spent. They are by a hubby and
 wife team named John and Stassi Eldridge.

In case anyone is interested go to 

I am thankful
that the Lord is teaching us more
about praying about everything.
He says to pray without ceasing,
and if you look at the times we live
 and love in,  it really is necessity
to pray about everything,  and when
we is simply amazing!!
I am thankful
we have the opportunity to
house a young lady who is going
into missions and who will be in
our area for a conference this 
weekend, and needs a place to
stay.  We are looking forward to
meeting her.We already know
her boyfriend, and he made the
arrangements with us.

I am thankful
that another friends daughter
who had outpatient surgery
today is doing fine.
I am thankful
for u tube videos like this, that
make such an impact.  Get your
kleenex out!!  Very touching!!

I am thankful
to know Jesus and the power
of His resurrection.  He is a faithful
 savior, and friend.
Well,  Sweet Peas,
Hope you have a lovely evening
of summer fun
with your friends/family or pets.
Love, Blessings, Hugs
and summer fun galore,

SO TELL US.............
                  THANKFUL FOR!!!


  1. Hi Nellie

    Once again I am thankful that God lead me to your BLOG. I really appreciate all your kind words and prayers. You will never know how much your words need to me.

    Blessings & Hugs

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  4. This has been acting up crazy again!! It posted twice, Then I went back to delete and it wouldn't delete the last one, so I deleted the first one. Guess what, it deleted both!!!!
    I need some of those zucchini pancakes!
    #1. I surely enjoy simple things too, especially when the computer works right, ha!
    #2. Tell your "girlfriend" I said he's good for you too! lol!
    #3. You had better find a good place for those chocolates or they may disappear right away!
    #4. DeeAnna is really getting some good practice with her cooking! I know you both enjoyed it.
    #5. What a blessing. Maybe I need to go see her for my yearly eye check-up.
    #6. Now, let me see here...if we all EACH get our own mansion, that means we won't be sharing it with anyone else(?) The LORD says there is no marrying or giving in marriage. I'm really curious about this mystery.
    #7 & #11. This is another great expression for you tube. I think we also need to look at the increasing "war" on our own homefront: crime, corrupt politicians, irresponsible parents that severly harm their children's perspective on live and their responsibilities...God help us to reach them. Charles Stanley has us started on a great path, beginning with ourselves.
    #8. I pray with all of my heart. The mystery of God has me wonder why there are prayers I have prayed all my life that have not as yet been answered. I guess my time-line is not His.
    #9. What a joy the missionaries have when they share the Word of God to people who have never heard and they accept with jubilee! It seems it is much easier for them to understand than those who have heard it all of their lives, yet reject it.
    #10. Praise God for His Blessings and answered prayers.
    #12.I can't thank the LORD enough for His blessing on me. I am rich beyond my greatest imagination.
    I love you all,

  5. Hi Gal! I am so thankful for how God orchestrates neat things in our lives. Nothing is by chance and that just makes me smile! I'm thankful that part of my health issue is feeling better. I'm thankful that our home is full of humor and fun...the list could go on and on!!

    You guys are hilarious! I know those pancakes were delish!! That and your fun doing laundry! LOL!!

    Have a great weekend, sweetie!

  6. Oh and I love this photo of roses you posted too!!

  7. Hey Nellie,
    You and Jim continue to be such an inspiration to me! I love how you both do little spontaneous things to "spice up life." I also, appreciate how you both trust in our Faithful Heavenly Father. May He continue to provide and bring Jim the perfect position.
    Oh, and I am so thankful for the following:
    1) That my daughter skyped me today and I was able to see baby Jeremiah up close. Today is his 1 month birthday!
    2) For air conditioning!!! The heat keeps me inside and sometimes I feel like a prisoner, but I am COOL. Yeah!
    3) For a sweet friend who visited today. I was able to help her with her FB page and then we looked through a jewelry catalogue together and I showed her some clothes I'd purchased that I wasn't sure of. Without my daughter or mom nearby, it was sure fun to have some female companionship!
    Blessings to you tomorrow and always. =)


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday March 27, 2025, and pictures of Charleston SC

I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in ...