Tuesday, July 27, 2010

It's Table Top Tuesday

Hello there Sweet Friends
Welcome to Table Top Tuesday.
Hope this day finds you well and happy!!
Thought it was time for a fun day!
 The above picture is my before shot, 
 rather simple and unexciting,  but worked in
 between times, of other table centerpieces
 that have been there this spring.
Decided to switch a few things around
 for Summer,  so this is what I did in the 
dining room.
The 2 end pitchers were on the hearth of
the fireplace,  but I had seen on someone
else's blog where they had 3 beautiful
pitchers  on their table with nothing else.
So loved how it looked and decided to
give it a try.

At first I had them on top of a large
square of fabric that matched my
curtains,  but the square was not
big enough and the pitchers were
too close together and just didn't
look good.
Then I decided they needed to be spread
out to look nice but didn't want to put them
on the glass top because it could scratch
the glass but didn't have a table runner
that would go,  so took the existing table
cloth and turned it upside down and then
folded it.  then had hubby help me turn
it over, and wellah........an extra long
table runner.  Works for me!!

The pitchers look so much nicer spread out.
Then I have been wanting to add some shells
for summer,  so I broke out all my shells and
looked for my largest and prettiest.
Which you have seen already..........
Loved this shot with a photoshop gradient affect.

Decided the one shell  on the left was just
not quite large enough so decided to
swap it out for this one below.

Think it  looks better because it is larger
and you can see it easier.

The  pic has a posterized affect.

Then I decided to take the roses out
cause I know some of you like a much
simpler look,  so thought I would let  you
see it like that as well.
It looks nice that way too,  but  with our
decor the romance and elegance
 of the roses in out!!
Don't you just love starfish,  they are
so cute!!

Just an extra shot with a photoshop affect,
this is equalized and posterized.
I love that it made the pitchers have that
irredescent look.
Be sure to click on the pic and enlarge
 it cause you can see the affect so much
Well Sweet Folks,
See ya tomorrow!!

Also, Please forgive me.... but, I totally
 forgot  yesterday,  
For those of you who are following the
pray for our nation challenge
our scripture reading for this week
is Psalm 73,  and we are to pray for
God to open the eyes of our fellow

Hope you have a Wonderful Tuesday,

Blessings Abundant,

Oh my goodness.......... Here it is 11 p.m. and
I realized forgot to tell you to go over and
 visit Marty at a stroll thru life to see all the
 other creative table top vignettes.
Click here

If I get anymore forgetful I just don't know
what might happen !!  lol


  1. Your tablescape is very pretty, Nellie. I too liked it better without the flowers in the pitcher. It made it appear too "busy" as a whole when looking at your wall background too. I liked the runner going the full length of your table. I think it gives more height to your pitchers than if they were on a short runner. The shell is perfect. Shells I have found always have some "crumbling" to the edges. Have a great day!
    I love you all very much,

  2. Hi sweet Nellie, Loved your tabletop additions...especially the roses(so glad you put them back in). What a delightful setting-and very romantic. Have a wonderful day my friend.
    Hugs & Love,

  3. Your table is so pretty - I love all the white pitchers. Thanks for the suggestion to change the hardware....that's an idea I hadn't thought of, but it surely would be easy! Linda

  4. Such a lovely table centerpiece. I love the pitchers, all three are gorgeous and so pretty down the center of the table with the starfish and shells. Looks so coastal. I love the roses too. Either way is just stunning. Thanks so much for joining TTT. Hugs, Marty

  5. Those are great pitchers Nellie and I love the shells with them.. I hope all is good in your world.. you are in my nightly prayers and meditations..Sending love and light to you and yours...


  6. Oh my goodness. Don't worry about it. I was just thrilled that you linked up. Thanks a bunch. Hugs, Marty. Thanks also for your sweet comments about my Goodwill finds. I had fun.

  7. Hi Nellie. Great idea to fold up the tablecloth. Love your pitchers! It looks great! I favor the roses in, myself. I'm lovin the painting on your wall, too.

  8. Hey Nellie!

    I ran by last night but didn't have the energy left to comment. But coming back and seeing it all again made me like it even more. I love the white pitchers, the shells are so summery too. White is just so restful. After working with lots of colors for a long time I find it very restful and crisp and clean. Many designers live almost exclusively with white. It makes you feel like you are not at work!

    I do not have a white room here at the cottage but I would like one someday.

    I hope you are doing well. It looks like your shoulder might be a lot better. I am hoping that is the case. Any prospects on the work Jimmy is seeking?

    I am still in the recovery mode from the trip but it is coming along and energy is starting to return. That is a good thing.

    Love to you and the family, Nel! Stay cool over there. We are at 78 degrees today....perfect!

    Hugs...and God bless....B


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday March 27, 2025, and pictures of Charleston SC

I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in ...