Monday, October 31, 2011

Monday Manna - Stories of God's Goodness #2 -Dee & Jerry's Reception

Good Monday Morning to you,
Sweet Friends,

So how was your weekend and how is
 your Monday shaping up???

It is raining and dreary here this morning, but
 there is sonshine in my soul.
We are still basking in the glory of how well the
 reception went..............and all the answers to 
prayer that we saw over any and all concerns
that we had,  how everything got done that
needed to get done,  and the ideas the Lord
 gave me, and the ideas and help from others,
was just such a blessing.
The peace we had through it all, cause this
 was a real stretch for me.  I can be very shy in
 a group of people when I don't know them, and
 basically, I did not know 10 of them at all, and
 only 2 had we met once, but the Lord enabled
 me to be more gregarious even than normal,
 which was so surprising to me..........
and such a blessing.

We kept Dee and Jerry in the bedroom till
everyone arrived and then announced them 
as Mr. and Mrs.
Our Dee looked so beautiful in her gown,
and Jerry so handsome in his suit. We just
 had to blow some bubbles on them, to 
that they are now, Husband & Wife. They
threw rose petals on them in St. Lucia.

All of Jerry's family said how nice they thought
it was, and how much they enjoyed it, they were
all very sweet, nice and encouraging.  It was so
 nice to meet them all.

 The wedding video was way beyond what we
 even imagined or expected, and the videographer
 did such a good job with the music he added to it,
 as well, and it is such fun to be able to watch it 
all together.  Also nice to have it and the pics
so we can see them anytime we want.

The photographer we had for the reception
 took lots of neat pictures of each family with
 Dee and Jerry, and then lots of candid shots,
am hoping he got some good ones of the
tables, cause I took some,  but they weren't
complete, as I added embellishments and
rose petals afterwards and forgot to take a
picture of them. Don't know when we will
get those back yet.

It was mostly all family, with just a few
friends that were able to make it, as my
guest list was limited since we were doing
it in our home, but it was a truly a most 
delightful evening.
Memories that will last a lifetime.

Other than the issue with the  cakes and 
the flowers for her and Jerry, wich I was
able to fix, thankfully!!

 Things really could not have gone any
 better than they did. About as perfect
as it's gonna get this side of heaven.
So we are so gratetful to God, and to
all of you who felt led to lift this event
and us up to the Lord in prayer.

  He heard our prayers...........
 and answered them exceedingly, abundantly,
more than we could ever think, hope or ask!
That is the Lord we serve..........
All praise goes to Him who loves us so 
graciously and lavishly!!

Started not to share about the disappointments,
cause didn't want to take away from what all
the Lord did,  cause he moved in a mighty way,
  but just keeping it real folks. Things do happen,
 we just have to choose not to let them ruin
 things for us!!  Cause the enemy also wants
to disappoint and steal our joy,  it is our
job not to let him do that to us!!

Was going to share some pictures today,
  but forgot to ask Dee and Jerry if it was okay, 
 so once I get their approval, hopefully, I
will be sharing them. 

Come back tomorrow and I will share some
sort of pictures whether it be from the
reception progress or the wedding.

Thanks for coming by, appreciate your
visit and your comments as always,

Love,  Hugs,
and Praise Worthy Blessings,


  1. I surely felt GOD's blessings at your reception for DeeAnna and Jerry! It went so well! The number of people was just right! It wasn't over crowded at all! I also enjoyed the cakes! I cut a thin slice of each and placed one on top of the other! They both tasted really good! I thought the cakes looked very nice, Nellie, expecially on their little pedestals!

    I gave you a hug for Bonnie and told you she wished she could have been there to help. You were in the middle of doing something, so I don't know if you remember me doing so or not!

    I can hardly wait now, until I can see the pictures!

    It was so good to see Becky and her husband as well as Al and Diane too!

    You did a great job!
    Love you,

  2. I'm so glad everything went so well! Sounds so nice that Dee wore her gown! You must have been in tears watching the video!!! I'm happy you were able to enjoy your day and not let other things get in the way of your daughter's happiness! Looking forward to seeing the pictures!!

  3. Oh Nellie...the evening was just wonderful. You did such a fantastic job with everything. I couldn't be more thrilled with how it all turned out, and I know you couldn't either! God is sooo loving and kind! I think everyone there had a nice time, too! There seemed to be a spirit of fellowship there which was just delightful!

    I know Dee and Jerry were truly blessed by all you did!!

    Love you! Pumpkins are done, so I'll give you a buzz tomorrow!

  4. It is so nice to hear you so happy and to know that everything went well. Such wonderful memories to last a lifetime!


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Such a great reminder of who is in charge down here.  Have a lovely Sunday. Hugs, Nellie