Thursday, October 6, 2011

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - October 6, 2011

Well.... Hello There Sweet Friends,

I really am alive and well...............
Just been quite busy this week, a lot 
going on here!

So how in the world are you???
Hope all is well in your neck of the
woods, have missed you this week.

(pictures of the Sunflowers hubby gave me last week)

I will tell you about my week as I go through my Thankful List, okay??

I am thankful
that although hubby fell off a ladder last Saturday, thankfully, he
 fell slowly and landed in the grass and was not hurt badly,  mainly
 scratches.  The aluminum step ladder twisted somehow and sort of
 threw him off balance, and I heard a noise behind me.....
I was mulching the flower bed, and saw the him and the ladder
 swaying and tried to run over there but didn't just couldn't get
 there quick enough. His leg got caught and he thought it might break
 his leg,  so praise the Lord, when he hit the ground he was able to
 roll, and it freed his leg. Scared the life out of me,  all I could think 
about was the wire in his chest from his open heart surgery, but
was so grateful when he was able to get up and was fine.
  He does look like he has been in a cat fight tho!!  lol   
  It also made enough noise that our neighbors across the street
 who happened to be out working in their yard too,  heard it
 and came running over!  They were very happy  too.....
to see he was okay too

I am thankful
all the boys liked the "Courageous" movie, hubby said it
was really great,  and very moving.  Hard to have dry 
eyes from what I heard from a lot of the men at church.

Posterized mums

I am thankful
we got to spend some time with Scott and Megan
on Sunday afternoon,  cause it has been a while
since we have seen them.


Normal picture

I am thankful
that I finally got an answer from someone who was 
suppose to come and reseal the floor on our porch.
Even tho,  it wasn't the answer I wanted,  but
I just needed to know so I can make other plans.
They are having a family crisis,  and I really don't
want to burden them with this right now, so think
we are just gonna clean it really well for now,
and we might even try to seal it ourselves,
will have to see.........................

Poster edges affect

I am thankful
that while we had to take all the stuff off our
porch for the fellow to seal it, that included our
 porch swing that my late father-in-law made for us
 30 years ago, so I started painting it white today. 
 Have wanted to do that for a long time now,
 and just never got around to it,  so since
it was out there,  and I had some spray paint
thought......might as well get her done.
Looking good so far!!

I am thankful
that we have our flower beds, should say our fern
beds really,  almost finished,  they needed weeding
and remulching badly.  We are half way done
with that.  We put in rubber mulch cause every
time it rains the other mulch floats away,  and we
have had wonderful results with the rubber mulch
in one of the beds out front.

I am thankful
that I finally made up my mind about what cake
I want to get for the reception.  Finally...........

I am thankful
that my sweet sister-in-law, Susan offered to go pick
the food up the day of the reception,  that was a big
load off my mind.  I am making 2 pans of Lasagna,
but I am gonna order some stuff from Olive Garden.
I sort of want to make it all,  but I also want to be
able to enjoy this, and not be all stressed out trying
to get it all done, especially since we have 7 people
coming that we never met before,  and 2 that we
have only met once.  So the Lord will use that to
stretch me plenty!!  lol

I am thankful
that Dee will be staying with us from Saturday until
Thursday morning when they leave for their destination
wedding.  We will also be keeping Rosie for them!
I am praying it will be all they are hoping for and more.

I am thankful
that I remembered some post cards that I was
suppose to make that are going to a Haitan orphanage.
I had completely forgotten,  and remembered yesterday, 
thankfully, so I got right on it cause they are leaving the 10th, 
 and I finished them today.  Shew.................
God was so good too,  cause we were very low on ink,  and
hubby had gotten some,  but when he went to put it in, it
wasn't the right one,  but thank the Lord,  I was able to
print all of them with no ink problems.  Amazing really!!

I am thankful
for a long awaited prayer that we are seeing answered
more and more over the last months. 
 It is very exciting indeed!!

I am thankful
that I finally got to post this week,  even if it is at 2 something
in the morning.  Couldn't sleep for some reason so figured
hey, might as well start my Thankful Thursday post, and
here I am finished ...................accept for pics.
I will add those in the morning cause I am finally getting
and I feel much better when I see all that the Lord has
done for me this week...........He really is so good to me,
and I am sure to you too!!

I am thankful
for the Glorious Fall weather we have had here
in Central Florida this week,  that is the reason
we have gotten so much done outside.
It has been a lil like Heaven around here!

colored pencil affect!

That's my list for this week..............

Hope you have a lovely weekend in
 store, we are helping Dee and Jerry 
move her stuff to their new apartment,
 and probably working on our porch floor.

Thanks for the visit, 
always love hearing from you!

Love,  Hugs,
and Sunflower Blessings,


  1. Hi Nellie,
    I am so grateful to see your sunflowers and the smile they brought me.


  2. Enjoyed your post! What program are you using to create the effects on your pictures? Such fun effects! I am so glad your hubby is okay. We also had an accident on Saturday. We were rear-ended for the second time this year and in our new car that we just got in January. Bummer. The gal that hit us was so apologetic and accepted full responsibility and her insurance will pay for all our medical and car repair stuff. We both got neck strain and my lower back is still bothering me. We happened to already have an appointment with our chiropractor on Monday and so they started a new case as a result of the accident. That meant new exam, new xrays and so on. Resulted in 4 appointments this week. Our car rear bumper will be repaired this next week. Whew! Just glad it wasn't worse.

  3. I have missed you, my sweet friend. I am SO glad to hear that Jim did not break any bones in his fall. Praise God for protecting him!! Scratches heal much more quickly than broken bones!!

    Your sunflowers are gorgeous!!! Did I ever tell you that my kitchen theme is sunflowers...has been since about 1996. They are such a perky flower and definitely add sunshine to a room.

    How exciting that Dee and Jerry's date has finally arrived. My very best wishes to them.

    My love to Jim.


  4. Hi Nellie,

    Your long lost friend for CA is here at last. I apologize for my long absence. I see I have missed much while away from the visits. I have been buried in stuff to do. I have been working on my Family History blog and gotten several posts done. Working extra hours on all of that.

    Our Jims have been keeping us busy! Your falling off the ladder! I am so glad he did not injure himself seriously. My Jim broke his rib on Friday and has been pretty uncomfortable. He is on the mend though.

    Steve is doing very well. The poison called chemo that nearly killed him over the summer has been a part of his complete cure according to his doctor. We all know where the real miracle came from. Last night we had them over for dinner to celebrate the doctor actually using the word "cured" not remission. They will continue to keep an eye on him but they were pretty confident. Talk about a Thankful Thursday over here!

    This morning we went to an eye appointment and sat in commute traffic for 30 minutes inching our way to the office. One exit before we got there we got a call saying their electricity is out and they are cancelling all the appointment for the day. Argh! Then we went to Walmart and took our Jennifer's Aunt-in-law to lunch. She is 87 and talks nonstop and not coherently. She is s sweetheart but both Jim and I were losing it after about two and a half hours.

    Tonight I have to go to a meeting for a Christmas party that we are helping on even though we will be in Rhode Island when it actually takes place.

    This is how my days have been going. Holy Cow I am exhausted and can't get to blogging like I'd like to.

    But in spite of all the hassles I am thankful! Life is good just a little trying some times.

    So somehow in all by craziness I have missed the information about Dee and Jerry getting married. I need to go back and check out what has been happening over there in Florida. It sounds like they are going away to get married and you are having the reception at home? Is this right? Wow! I must go back and see what is happening. I am so happy they are getting married, I did see awhile back that you had met the other parents.

    I have to go to that meeting right now so it will have to be later.

    Love you so~all of you. God bless Susan for her kind helping.

    Hugs, B

  5. Glad you were able to get on and blog about your week. Happy your hubby is okay and glad the Lord was watching over him! A few friends have seen the same movie and are going crazy over it as well! We will probably wait till it comes out on DVD. Hope the rest of your week finishes up well!!! Enjoy!

  6. Hi sweet Nellie! I love your blog background...sooo pretty! So thankful that your hubby is ok!!! Beautiful flowers and special effects :)

  7. Just had to stop by and ask you about your daughter's wedding. Are you not able to attend the actual ceremony? Can someone Skype it with you while it's happening?

    I think the Italian food is sooo good for a reception in your home. Like you said, it's easy to do before hand and everyone loves Italian food and it's easy to manage if not everyone can sit at a table.

    I'm so looking forward to seeing the pictures you take of the reception and of course whatever decorations you do, especially the table!!!

    Enjoy your weekend!

  8. Love your thankful list especially the Courageous one. Can't wait to see the movie!

  9. #1. The LORD difinitely had His guardian angel protecting Jim!
    #2. It really takes courage from us all with what the world wants to throw at us these days!
    #3. It's great when your kids live near!
    #4. George did a great job sealing my garage floor. (I know it's a different surface.) He just pour this sealant from a can into a paint roller pan and used a long pole roller. It didn't take him any time and it dried quickly!
    #5. Isn't it amazing how a fresh coat of paint can make things look new!
    #6. George sprayed some weed killer in mine. I need to go out, now that it's brown, and pull it out.
    #7. Now we can have the cake and will soon eat it too, ha!
    #8. DON'T FORGET TO REMIND ME, Ha! I'll be in prayer every day for our time to be one of great JOY!
    #9. The LORD's will be done for their happiness!
    #10. You have had "alot on your plate" recently, Nellie! You have done well in getting it all done!!
    #11. GOD is so Good all the time, All the time GOD is so Good!
    #12. I can't believe I sat up until 2 a.m. watching t.v.! I haven't done that in YEARS!
    #13. The rain is moving in. I surely hope it will not mess up tomorrow's Autumn Fest!
    Love to you all,

  10. What a sweet pumpkin! I'm glad your husband is ok. You must have been so scared. My rule around here is that all chores involving potential bodily harm will have to be done by insured professionals. That includes ladders! I always look at it as what it would cost you as missed paychecks versus hiring someone. We hire a lot!
    I loved the beach. The weather was perfect. The water gorgeous. We'll probably go back for Christmas. Since we don't have our house this year (we're in a rental) we figure it's a perfect time to try a Christmas vacation.
    Be good and keep that husband of yours off ladders!

  11. Your blog looks sooo festive! I ♥ those sunflowers.

  12. It was a blessing your husband did not hurt himself falling off the ladder. I broke my foot last year doing just that and it was really awful. I noticed that we have the same wallpaper in our kitchen! I used that print in the pantry and on the smaller runner and then the fruit on the main wallpaper. So funny that we have the same thing! I was looking and went, WAIT, that is my paper too!

  13. Your blog background is so cheerful, Nellie. I loved catching up with your week/life. So much going on. So much goodness. Perhaps things will settle down after the reception?


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Such a great reminder of who is in charge down here.  Have a lovely Sunday. Hugs, Nellie