Friday, September 30, 2011

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - September 29, 2011

Morning Sweet Friends,

Well.....I am a day late and a dollar short,
  but decided to post anyway.....................

I was out the whole day yesterday,  and was exhausted
by the time I got home,  had plans to do Thankful Thursday
when I got home,  but hubby and I made the big mistake
of sitting down to read and to rest, thinking I would get up 
and do it after our rest.....but we fell asleep, and just
couldn't get motivated, so just got up and went to bed!!
So that is the rest of that

I am thankful
 that I was able to accomplish a great deal
 yesterday on plans for the reception.  I went all 
over the place,  but got great info and sorta feel
like I  might know more about what I am doing,
so I can make some educated choices.
I sorta hope!!  lol

Similiar pic to the above one,  just posterized!

I am thankful
that we had such a lovely time with Jerry's 
parents last weekend and that we finally got
to meet them.  Always nice to meet the new
family and know things are good!

I am thankful
for these beautiful mums that you are seeing pictures of,
Jerry's parents brought them to us.  Funny,  cause I was
thinking I would love to get some for my porch,  and
here they are............have never had any like these
before,  think they must be a new specimen!  Did
see them on someone else's blog awhile back.
They don't even look real in most of the pictures.

No, that's not an affect, these were just a tad blurry.
These mums are hard to photograph cause they don't
look real in person, let alone photographed.

I am thankful
for a sweet lady in the bakery department that was
such a help to me and gave me lots of great ideas,
about the cake.  Cause I am not planning to get
a big Wedding cake,  just want a small cake that
they can cut..............and then have some other
desserts to go with it...............
she was going to have a dessert bar originally
with eclairs, cannoli's, chocolate covered straw
berries,  and petit fours.

I am thankful
that I located a tablecloth that I need to buy
so I can put the leaf in my dining room table
to make it bigger,  now am praying it will
go on sale or the Bed Bath and Beyond will
come out with a coupon

I am thankful
that I found some napkins at the party shop,that I can 
use if I don't find something I like better.  Trying to
find things for a wedding that have fall colors and 
that look Weddingish (don't you like my new word)
(Mr spell checker likes it too!! lol)  is no easy task.

I am thankful
that our neighbor gave us a rather large gift
certificate to Olive Garden because hubby has
been mowing his lawn for quite awhile,  but
we really didn't want him to.................
and he really didn't need to............
but it was very sweet,  and it will help pay 
for food that I plan to get from there for the
reception.  So a nice unexpected blessing!

I am thankful
that hubby and I decided to do a 41 day love dare of 
our own as a countdown to our 41st Anniversary.
We are doing something intentional every day to
show our love for each other.
We started this past Tuesday,  and it has been fun!

I am thankful
that hubby, Scott and Jerry are all going to see
the movie "Courageous"  on Sunday Afternoon.
If it is anywhere near as good as "Fireproof"
it is gonna impact many, many lives.

This has a gradient map affect!

I am thankful
that I finally got a card made for a friends
Anniversary.  Her hubby asked me to do it,  and
it is nice to have someone enjoy your creativity.
So that blessed my heart!

I am thankful
for Beef Stroganoff,  that is our dinner for 
tonight,  it is one of hubby's favorite meals,
so this is his special loved dare gift for today.
I learned it from his Mom as a newly wed,
I had never had it before............but I
totally enjoy it as well.  It is a wee bit
tweaked, like most of my recipes.

 Posterized affect.

I am thankful
for the beautiful sunflowers and Mums that hubby 
brought me this week,  one of his love dare gifts to me.
I will show them to you next week.

Well, Sweet Friends
Hope you have had a good week 
full of the Lord's blessings too~

Thanks for the visit..................
Be sure to say hello why you are here,
 always fun hearing from you!


Love, Hugs and
Fall Mum Blessings,


  1. Beautiful post and pretty mums. Isnt it great how the little things mean so much.

    I am soooooooo grateful this cold-turned broncitis has finally eased off a bit. I was getting concerned end of week 2. But I can light at the end of this kruppy cough tunnel and am getting my voice back..

    as always I am grateful for you my friend and your kind words and spirit.


  2. Those are pretty mums! I've done that before...falling asleep with good intentions of just resting for a few and getting up to do something! And I love the 41 day dare! Congratulations!! Enjoy your weekend!

  3. #1. Planning can be a joy even though it can be tiring! Alice told me to make a "bucket list" of things I want to do. I think in May 2013 we will be going to the Grand Canion. She has already been there. I'm thinking also of Washington D.C., other places. So the next three years will be filled up! (The animals will be housed at Pine Ridge Pet Hotel.)
    #2. Blessings galore on you all!
    #3. Can you plant them in the ground and they will contiue to produce?
    #4. Sounds good to me, ha!
    #5. Can I be that coupon and help?!
    #6. Yea, fallish for a wedding, lol!
    #7. Hey, hey, hey! I have 2 $10.00 gift cards.
    Can you use them?
    #8. I guess it's not "proper" to ask what.
    #9. I pray it reaches those in the community too that aren't Christian.
    #10. It will definitely bless the heart it goes to as well!
    #11. Was it chicken or beef?
    #12. So, that answers my #8 question!!
    Love to you all, Susan

  4. I love the idea of the love must be fun trying to think of little things to do! I'm glad things are coming together with your plans. The mum is gorgeous...I love that striped look!

  5. Hi Nellie

    I love the beautiful colors of the mumms. I have never seen those colors before.

    It is neat that you are doing the love dare. We had fun and learned alot when we did it. I have loaned the book and movie to a friend in need.

    It sounds like you are getting alot done for the reception. I hope it does stress you out.

    I have been busy this week and loving the fall weather. Our bible study class has been such a blessing and we are enjoying it so much. It is great to be around all Christians.

    I need to work on a post. I hope to get around to it soon.

    Have a great weekend!

  6. I was planning on stopping by here later today if I didn't see a new post from you to see if everything was okay. Glad you're okay and just busy! Hope the guy shows up today for your porch. Cannot stand workers who do things like this! I'm waiting for our furnace man to come today. Our downstairs furnace is not working. Our upstairs one is working. When we built our house we insisted on having two units installed so we would only run the unit we needed at the time and not have to pay to have the whole house cooled or heated. And yes, we need heat already, although it's suppose to be much warmer by the weekend, 80 on Sunday! Crazy. Hope you have a good day!!!

  7. Every day I arranging a flowers on this way, I really enjoy to do. Our garden is full of various flowers like rose, sunflower, lily, Acanthus, Bellflower and many more.
    printed coasters


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

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