Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Tablescape Thursday - My first Fall tablescape of 2011

Hiddy Ho Sweet Friends,

Hope your day has been a great one!!

Mine has been okay, cause I am feeling under the weather, 
and so hoping I am not getting sick.  Woke up with a
 headache, and body aches and a burning throat about 5 this
 morning,  so got up and ate some cereal and took some Alleve 
and went back to bed about 6 and slept till 9:00,  the headache
 never really went away although the Alleve took care of the
 other symptoms,  so am hoping it is just an allergy attack,  but as 
soon as the Alleve wore off it all started happening again, 
 sooooo,  if you think of me please pray,  cause we are having
 my son- in- love to be's, parents over on Saturday, and it
 would be very dissappointing for both of us, to have to cancell.

So...... on with my first Fall tablescape for the year!!
This was not one we have used because I was just playing
and looking for ideas for later use.

The tablecloth is really a neat weave afghan,
so thought hey, that would look cool, and built
a table around it.

Love these plates but I only have 2,  I happened one them
at Old Time Pottery a few years back.  Would have definitely
bought more if they had anymore.

Here is the same pic in what they call "Cut out"

The lil acorns are actually hand soaps,  but thought
they looked great,  and it could be a nice favor
to send home with your guests!!

Notice I added sunflower yellow salad plates
This pic is equalized!

This one is posterized

Gotta lights those pretty candles!

Same pic just posterized

This is an equalized affect

Love these lil leaves,  they are so intricate and pretty.

Love these candle holders,  they came from
Miss Becky over at Junk to Joy

along with the leaf salt and pepper shakers.

This is the regular picture.

and this is with a gradient affect.

Well, sweet friends I am going to
 lay down awhile.

Later, I will be linking up to Susan 
over at Between Naps on the Porch, 
 Click here to see
 more fun tablescapes.

Hope you have a great evening 
with your loved ones.

Love, Hugs,
and Fall leaf Blessings,


  1. What a cozy autumn setting for Nellie's Cozy Place!!
    Love to you all,
    prayers being lifted,

  2. Oh Nellie! I hope you aren't getting sick! I will say a prayer for you!
    That afghan is just wonderful, perfect for your Fall table.
    Feel better!

  3. Nellie, I hope you are feeling better.
    You sure put out a pretty table anyway. I love the plates, napkins and goblets. I love what you did with the pictures. It is so much fun to play around with them.
    The candles look so pretty with the leaf cut outs. I have the same salt and pepper shaker.
    Very beautiful tribute to fall. Now you rest and get to feeling better real soon.
    Blessings, Ginger

  4. Nellie, don't want to scare you but that is exactly how my strep throat started a couple weeks ago. It came on so suddenly. You probably should get to the doctor and have a culture done asap to be sure because I know you wouldn't want to expose others. The sooner you get on antibiotics the sooner you will feel better and won't be contagious. Saying a prayer for you dear...

  5. Hi Nellie...

    Your autumn table is just beautiful, my friend! I love your pretty place settings and I also enjoyed all the different photo effects! I love playing with photos like that as well! Thank you for sharing your beautiful autumn with us!

    Warmest autumn wishes,
    Chari @Happy To Design

  6. I love your table setting! Especially the candles with the leaves! Very nice. The breakfast idea you shared looks really good as well. I hope you're feeling better!

  7. Hi sweet Nellie, Loved your TT post and your grateful heart but so glad I read down and saw this post-love your fall tablesetting-it is so grogeous. You are such a ray of sunshine Nellie and I'm thankful for you!

  8. Hi, Nellie! I certainly do hope that you are feeling better by now (Friday morning) so that you are rarin' and ready for the future in-laws' visit tomorrow. Nothing worse than feeling awful when you have to put on a happy face. :-( Neat idea to use the afghan for your table covering!

  9. The afghan is great! Thank you for visiting me. I'm glad you enjoyed your visit. I hope to see you again. I also hope you are feeling better. This change of season can take its toll. Have a great weekend.


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

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