Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Tablescape Thursday - a casual pre birthday table for my daughter.

Greetings Sweet Friends,

How are you this fine day????

I just came back from mailing Bonnie's package,
(the winner of my drawing last Thursday).  Can't believe
it takes a week to get from Florida to California.  So
she will have a long week of anticapation, which hopefully
will make it even more fun when it gets there.

Told yall before that I had done a casual pre birthday
table for my daughter too,  just cause they happened to
be coming over that evening anyway,  So here it is......

I decided to use purple only because I have these napkins
 that depending on how you fold them you can use different
 colors,  so have never used them with purple or lavendar, 
 so decided to raid the house to see what I could find 
that was lavendar or purple.

  So.....I  found this lovely large glass,  think it is a
 margarita glass maybe,  that we had been given from the
 Wedding of my son's best friend.  He was also like a 2nd 
son, cause he used to be at our house so much when they 
were younger. So.... when he and his wife got married
 these were the centerpieces at their reception,  and they
 had candles floating in them.  Also, her aunt did all
the lovely hand painting on them that you see!
I think they are just beautiful!!

Found a lilac swag in the closet from some years back,  when I was making
floral arrangements to sell,  and it had yellow and several shades of purple
or lavendar.

You can now see the napkins,  and as you can see they have some green,
gold and brownish colors as well, so decided to use a tan tablecloth.

and thought I would use my white basket weave plates,
cause they seem summery and flowery to me!

This looks like it has white in it,  but it is really pale yellow.

Thought my smokey green wedding crystal would go nicely
as well......

Thought this just looked interesting............
a shot looking down thru the glass of water,
hadn't added the candles yet!!

I like that the napkins have petunias and grapes 
in the purple tones.

This is a swag,  but I just tied it together with pipe cleans to make it
a large candle ring, and at first I was going to use crystal candleholders
but then decided.................

on the birds since it matched the white dishes!

Loved these unexpected shots looking up thru the looks like writing on the walls,  but it is
really the writing on the glass that you are seeing,
It says "Count your blessings" on one side
and on the other "one by one".

This was suppose to be a blue hour photo,
but doesn't really look all that

A lil look down the table....guess you can
see where the birthday girl sat!

and here is a similar picture with a photoshop affect,
Gradient the colors!

Now with the candles lit!!

This is with a  posterized affect!

This has a  lens flare affect!!
I get a kick out of these affects,  don't you???

Birdie thru the looking glass!  lol

More  pics of the great painting she did and also with
the candles burning!

I cut out some flowers and the dragon fly from some
 pretty lilac wrapping paper I had and taped it on
the gift bag,  and made her a card with lilacs on it
as well.  This pic has a posterized affect too!

I love seeing candles or flowers floating in water,
Just so pretty!

This last one has a posterized affect!

I am linking up to Susan over at
 "Between Naps on the Porch"
for Tablescape Thursday,  so if  you 
would like to see more creative tablescapes,
Just click here.

Thanks for visiting with me, hope you
enjoyed your visit and I always
 so appreciate your sweet comments.

Hope you have a wonderful evening
 with your family,  friends 
and/or furry friends!!  

Love,  Hugs and Lilac Blessings.


  1. Okay, several things. I just responded to your comment, so be sure to check your email. Next of all, I'm not sure why I didn't see the next post below. This current one came through on my Dashboard, but I don't remember the other one doing so. Maybe it did, and I just missed it.

    Anyhow, the table is LOVELY. I LOVE the hand-painted margarita glass. It's beautiful, and it makes a perfect centerpiece. Your whole table looked lovely.

    You are very creative and always set a lovely-looking table. It's definitely a joy to dine in such an atmosphere.


  2. Lovely as usual! Did you receive the article I sent you via "snail mail?" I couldn't resist as I was thinking of you the whole while I was reading it. ;)


  3. Your table looks beautiful NelLie. Love the purple tones. what a lovely celebration this will be..


  4. I love following with you through the thought process you do when you create a beautiful table. It came out so pretty.

  5. I can see why you had a pre and a birthday for DeeAnna! It would have been too hard to choose which tablescape to have used in and of itself! Both are beautiful!!

    I was in Wal-Mart yesterday and met Jeanette there. She was excited to see me and invited me to our church's Bible study today! I was thrilled to meet with the ladies. It was mainly an information of what we would be doing the next 6 weeks! Afterward a group of us went to lunch.

    Well, after vacuuming the dust and bird down, I introduced them to GP! I was so surprised that they didn't go bonkers when my Mint started sweeping! (That was yesterday.) Today, I put it in and started it, then left. Wow, it didn't take them long to accept it! So, now each day GP sweeps their room and at night I have it do the house!!! I also got a new air purifier that I put on during the day in the bird's room. They don't seem to mind it either!!

    I'm slowly getting things done.
    Love to you all,

  6. So pretty! Happy birthday to your daughter!

    We are not going to Orlando. We are going to Watersound on the panhandle. White sand beaches!! We usually go to Florida 3 times a year. Sometimes to Tampa. I think Christmas we'll be in the panhandle again. I want to move to Florida soon. I'm currently convincing God to let me have a gorgeous shabby chic style house on the beach. LOL! He hasn't answered yet but that's because I know he's busy working on it. :)
    You're a lucky girl living there!

  7. What a lovely birthday table, Nellie! Love the colors!
    Come over and leave a comment for a chance at a 50 dollar Amazon gift card! Good luck!

  8. So lovely..and how sweet to spoil your daughter with a pretty birthday dinner AND a pre-birthday dinner:) I love the white favorite part. Hope it has been a good week for you - hugs sweet friend.

  9. What a beautiful table! I know your daughter must have felt so special and celebrated!

  10. Oh, Nellie! So nice of you to visit me at The Writer's Reverie - and I am thoroughly enjoying meeting you in your cozy place. How very creative you are! I am inspired by your painted glass centerpiece - and the lilacs - love them - they're my favorite! Hope you'll return as a regular - I'll be following you!
    Miss Kathy

  11. A very pretty table -- we don't see purple tables very often and I like those napkins and what you did to bring out the colors!

  12. What a fun and lively table! The centerpiece is beautiful, and I love what you did with the gift bag and the card!

  13. Thanks for stopping by my blog today . Yes I have been doing the multitude of blessings and thankfulness for over a year and it truly has changed my life and how I look at many things that I failed to stop and say thank you Lord. I love your post your pictures are beautiful lilacs are my favorite colors ...

  14. Happy Birthday to your daughter! Such a lovely table setting to celebrate her day. I can tell you had fun with the different photo effects. I need to play around like that with some of mine too. Might have some interesting ones that way. :). Thanks for visiting me the other day. I added more to my post to answer your questions.

    Love, Linnea

  15. Hi, Nellie! What a cool idea to paste the cutouts of the dragon fly and flowers on the gift bag!!!!! Gives it a cool 3-D look!

  16. Oh, yes! I have seen the clothes steamers! They are great! I can't believe how the wrinkles just disappear and the clothe's crinkles just relax!

    I'm helping Ron tonight with video taping the GLEAM program. I'm excited to help with the program in this manner!
    Talk to you later,

  17. Great job of shopping your house for elements to create a lovely birthday tablescape. The painting on the goblet really is beautifully executed. Thank you for sharing your charming design. Cherry Kay


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you all had a lovely Valentine' Day! Hugs,  Nellie Sharing with: