Thursday, September 15, 2011

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - September 15, 201l

Let them praise the name of the Lord,
for his name alone is exalted.
his splendor is above the earth and the heavens.
Psalm 148:13

Evening Sweet Peas,

Did you have a fun day today???
Sure hope so.....................

Mine was fun, fun, fun but now I am exhausted.
A good exhaustion tho!!  lol
I was gone almost all day.... and you will hear
about it in my post so without further adieu.......

I am thankful
is that I started a ladies bible study today,
and it made my day cause I was the youngest
lady in the class and many  ladies, said oh, it's nice
to get some young blood in here..........I died laughing 
cause in March I will be 60 ..........
So guess that tells you how old the rest of these
sweet ladies first, I was thinking,
Oh No, is there anybody my age??  and sure enough
there wasn't, but I have to say, I really did enjoy it!!
They are all great ladies in their 70 and 80's and still
going strong with the Lord even if some of them have
 to use magnifying glasses to see their bibles.
Can't help but love their determination

I am thankful
that the heavens truly do declare the glory of the Lord,
just as scripture says.  I have been really fascinated
lately with the beautiful skies that our Heavenly Father
paints for us each and every day, and all through the
day really,  cause they are constantly changing.
Always reminding us He is there,  and He cares
enough to show his sky paintings and
in numerous other ways.

I am thankful
that the evening and mornings are cooling off some, 
 it was 69 degrees yesterday morning at 8 a.m.,
course, it warms up fast,  but I will take  whatever I
 can get.  Am hoping we will be able to walk
 outside very soon.

I am thankful
that all my Fall decorating is done,  and
I am just enjoying it so much.............

I am thankful
hubby gave me a hair cut last night,  it  was getting pretty
 long.  My hair seems to grow so much faster in the summer.
Now it feels a bit lighter, course, takes a few days for my
hair to get adjusted to the hair cut,  so not behaving itself
 quite as well as I would like it to, but that always happens.
In a few days it'll be

I am thankful
for Sam's club and their rotisserie chickens and
 foccaccia bread,  and a sweet hubby who was
 willing to go by and get it.  That is what we are
having for din din with a nice salad. This tired lady
 needed easy,  and this fit the bill wonderfully well. 
 My tummy is feeling pretty full, I must say!

If you have never had either, and have a sam's
club card you must try them both.  We dip the
foccaccia bread in olive oil with dipping spices.
Sooooooo good!!

I am thankful
that we have picked a date for Dee and Jerry's reception,
 so now I can start planning.  It will be the end of October,  
after they get back from their destination wedding, and
 honeymoon.  We will get to view the video of the wedding,
 and see their  beautiful pictures in a tropical paradise,
   and they are gonna wear their wedding outfits as well, 
 so we can blow bubbles on them!!  lol

Wearing the wedding outfits and blowing the bubbles
 was my idea,  so they are humoring Mom........course
I kinda think she likes the idea!

Now I have to come up with some new ideas for
how to decorate for this, cause what I originally 
thought I would do,  will not look great with my
Fall decorations.  Never thought of that until today!

I am thankful
that a young woman we know of,  that overdosed,
looks like she is gonna make it............
it was pretty touch and go there for awhile, as
she has really bad lungs from having asthma her
whole life,  and she wound up on a respirator,
 but just heard she is now home from the hospital, 
 and we are hoping  and praying that there will be
 changes forthcoming in her life.

I am thankful
for a really fun day out by myself.................
After bible study I went shopping and looking around,
and it was really fun,  I found some cool goodies too.
Got a cute surprise for my daughter for next week when
 she comes to do my hair,  found some cute lil bowls for
 dipping spices for bread and herbs that I need for Scott's 
birthday, and a few things that I can use to make something
 I saw I wanted to try for Fall.  So I am excited......................

I am thankful
for scented candles and oils.  I love that they make our
 home smell so wonderful,  just adds some extra
 fun spice to life.

I am thankful
that Bonnie,  my drawing winner, finally got her package 
and loves everything.  That makes my heart happy!

I am thankful
that I was able to find the herbs I need to put in pots.  
I have always wanted to grow some cilantro,  so now, 
 I will be,  along with some parsley and basil.
  Already have some basil but I have special plans
 for all of  these.  I will show you in November...................

Well,  Sweet Friends,  that concludes
 my thankful list for this week.

Hope you have
 plenty of thankfuls yourself!

Glad you dropped by,
make sure to say hello and tell me
 how you are.................

Hope you have a Funtastic Friday
and a
 Wild and wacky weekend.!!  lol

Love, Hugs,and 
Beautiful Painted Sky Blessings,


  1. Sounds like you have been really busy. Love the ladies in your Bible study, so sweet. Take care.

  2. #1. Isn't it a JOY!! I have really been enjoying my Bible study too! Age wise, most are older than me, some are my age, and a few are younger! Many knew mom well. It is so exciting to here their joyful memories of her!
    #2. This is so true!! I love to look at the night sky. I wish I had a nice observation deck on top of my house to observe in the cool of the night (away from the mosquitoes) the wonderful heavens above!
    #3. AMEN! Our "summer" this year started so early with the heat.
    #4. As will all others when they come to visit!
    #5. You have quite the resources! I'm so glad Jim can do that for you; as well as DeeAnna being able to help you with all "other" nice things!
    #6. OH, it is so good! Thank you for picking me one up! The flavors are like no other. Publix's does not even come close!
    #7. Let me know if I can help (going out to pick up things, moving "stuff" for you, assisting in the decorating!) I could be your handywan (short for handy woman, I just thought of that, ha!) I know, you other friends of Nellie, she really doesn't have a crazy SIL! I have found out JOY can tend to make me silly sometimes!
    #8. I shall surely keep her in prayer.
    #9. I think it's the little things that are the surprises for others, because they aren't expecting it.
    #10. I have quite a few that have been given to me from over the years. I'm surprised they still have their scent. I need to start using them this fall through next winter.
    #11. I am so happy for her. I want to thank you for introducing me to Bonnie and Janet. I have grown in love for them and their families.
    #12. Guess what? I just bought some fresh parsley and cilantro to use in my cooking. When I'm finished here, I plan on fixing me some eggplant and butternut squash. I'm going to experiment with the flavors! I'll let you know what happens!
    I love you all so much,

  3. That was a sweet list! Glad you had fun at the Bible Study. I love the pictures you posted. When we were driving home from Florida, I spent a lot of time looking at the sky and kept remarking to my hubby how beautiful everything was, truly beautiful. Hope you have a great weekend!

  4. Hello Sweet Nellie. I have posted my photos of your treats to me on my blog. Love everything so much and wanted to thank you again!

    Love you tons!


  5. Your gratitude posts are always so sweet. I think it's so important to make a list of what we are grateful for every day. Your Bible study ladies sound delightful. Thank you so much for stopping by my blog and for your sweet comments.
    :) CAS

  6. Hi Nellie. Oh how I agree with making the list for things we should be thankful for Ÿ

    I have sent you an email. If you don't get it please let me know. Hugz, Diane

  7. Beautiful post. We all have so much for which to be thankful. Ginger

  8. Nellie, I am a new follower. Please come follow me. Ginger

  9. I got as far as your husband cutting your hair...then I imagined my husband cutting mine and I am so horrified at the thought that I could barely keep reading:) You are a brave woman! So, the wedding is back on?? This is what happens when I have trouble keeping up with my reading!


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you all had a lovely Valentine' Day! Hugs,  Nellie Sharing with: