Thursday, September 8, 2011

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - September 8, 2011

Praise the Lord from the heavens,   praise him, in the heights above.
Praise him, all his angels,  praise him all, his heavenly hosts.
Praise him, sun and moon,  praise him, all the shining stars.
Praise him,  you highest heavens,  and you waters above the skies.
Let them praise the name of the Lord, for he commanded and 
they were created.
Psalm 148:1-5

Evening Sweet Friends,

Hope you have been having
 a very nice week!

Mine has been good,  a lil rainy,  and some cooler
mornings, so that is great! and speaking of weather
I just thought of  another thankful for this week.

I am thankful
that it looks like we are going to dodge two
more bullets by having the latest 2 storms pass
 us by.  Nate and  hopefully, Maria, she is a
lot closer than the last time I looked tho!  


I am thankful
that Scott and Megan returned safely from their
Labor Day get away to Key West, Florida,
and that they had a wonderful time.  

I am thankful
for a new steamer we got,  cause our old one 
wasn't working too well anymore.  The new one is
 working way better than the other one ever did. 
 It is call "My little Steamer" and we got it at 
Bed Bath and Beyond,  just in case you are interested, 
 and if you decide to get one, make sure you try and get
 one of their 20% off coupons,  which makes it $25.00
 including the tax.

Note:  It is a clothes steamer,  someone asked so
thought I should clarify, I forget they have tile
steamers and steamers for cleaning all sorts of things.

I am thankful
that my first fall looking flowers are blooming.
They are yellow lantana, and they really attract
the butterflys,  so that is an added bonus. Have
been seeing lots of pretty butterflies lately.

(All my pics are from magazines and have been
enhanced with photoshop affects for fun)

I am thankful
that Dee let us keep Rosie for a few days as we
enjoy her so much,  Molly our cat, not so much!!  lol
Gives us a chance to practice our grandparenting
Am also thankful, that we have not seen hide nor
 hair of those big dogs every since hubby talked
 to the owners,  guess I was reminded of that since
 it happened was when Rosie was here last!
Still put her on the leash everytime tho, just in case!

I am thankful
that something that has been troubling a loved one,
is over and turned out pretty well.

I am thankful
for christian stations on the TV and the radio.
It is so nice to be able to turn on something that
is uplifting and encouraging rather than something
that has a bunch of cursing, sexual innuendo's,
 unclad individuals, chaos,  or negative news.
Not that we don't ever watch the news, but
we don't think a steady diet of it is good for

I am thankful
that I got all my spring and summer stuff taken
down, still need to pack it up tho.

I am thankful
that I have now unpacked all my Fall things, and
that I get to redecorate my family room, dining room,
 and kitchen.  Really love this time of the year,  and
look forward to the change in the house and in the
weather, course that will be awhile yet.........
and just feeling so ready for Fall.
More so than usual........................
don't really know why!! lol

I am thankful
that I finally got Bonnie's (my drawing winner)
package packed up and mailed yesterday,  that
was my definite priority for yesterday since I didn't
think about Labor Day weekend coming right after
announcing it, or I would have waited another week,
to pick the winner, cause it is gonna take a whole week
 to get to her, so that made her have to to wait
almost 2 weeks,
 Sorry Bonnie!!
Hope the anticipation makes it all the better!!

I am thankful
that we had a sweet time with Dee and Jerry
again this week,  and that we get to go over
and lend a hand on Friday evening with some
lighting fixtures, in the new apartment.
Someone put track lighting in the kitchen and it
 has very low ceilings, don't know what they were
So hopefully, hubby and Jerry can remedy that!

I am thankful
that my hubby is such a jack of all trades and
can do just about anything he puts his mind
or hand too,  and that he is able to do electrical
 work as well.  These things he does save us a fortune!

That's it for today!

Thanks for dropping by...........
and for your sweet comments....
Love them!!

Have a Fabulous Friday
A Wonderful Weekend,

Love, Hugs,  and
Pretty Floral Blessings,

What are you thankful for????


  1. I'm thankful for all the blessings and reading yours makes me want to be thankful for even more.

  2. So great to count our blessings! I'm thankful for a healthy pregnancy thus far! :)

  3. So much to be thankful for! Such a blessing to read yours Sweet make my heart glad! :)

  4. Praise the LORD, Praise the LORD, Praise the LORD! Thank you, Nellie, for reminding me of the LORD's blessings!
    #1. Yes, the LORD has answered many prayers about these hurricanes. I have also prayed that they stay away from our northern states as well!
    #2. I am so thankful that Scott had you and Jim as a great example of spending exciting time with one another with the trips you went on as a family! It now is displayed in him!
    #3. What's the steamer for? If it does as well as the Mint sweeper you gave me, I need to get one!! (You are such great examples of how to do things!)
    #4. I only have spring bloomers. However, George did cut down the old dead orange tree (closest to the house) and removed the stump as well as the concrete borders around it! Now it will be ready for him to mow across it!
    #5. Rosie loves you both so much! You can see it when she reacts to your talking to her! I have prayed for the neighbor dogs to be kept responsibly! Praise the LORD for His answer.
    #6. The LORD said to His disciples,
    "Therefore, I say to you, 'Don't worry about your life!' "
    #7. Yes, yes, yes! I have been watching the Christian networks, cooking networks (with my mouth watering, ha!) and I especially love to watch Marc Morrone on PBS with his pet program. He has just about any pet you can think of, knows the full care of them all, and they all let him handle them while they are all in the same area at the same time: dogs, cats, birds of all kinds (parrots, crows, doves, pigeons), rabbits, gerbils, turtles, snakes, iguanas, just to mention a few. They all are like a family!!!
    #8. I am thankful that I am slowly getting things straightened up. My kitchen counters are cleared (wow, how great it looks), the birds room is spotless of dust (now with an air purifier and GP even mops the floor every day now! The birds don't give it a mind!)
    #9. With each day I'm adjusting to not working and getting involved with joyful things that I couldn't when I was working. Praise the LORD for retirement! Bonnie's been a great help with her encouraging me with this too!
    #10. The LORD had His timing in your decision!
    #11. They will be happy to have it ready when they come back from their honeymoon. Scott and Megan were great examples for them!
    #12. Dad was that way, good with his hands. However, Jim's much neater and cleaner without getting grease, etc on things, ha!
    Love to you and all of our family!

  5. I agree with all of your Thankful things. I will be even more thankful when the weather cools down some around here. When it is too hot, I have no energy to do anything. I have lots I could be doing instead....


  6. Love your thankful heart. Today I am thankful for a house filled with love, an opportunity to speak about Jesus and bring hope and encouragement to a room filled with women and the cooler temperatures which warm my heart.

  7. Hi Nellie,
    I always enjoy your TT posts, I am so blessed when I read your very thankful heart. I am so with you about TV programs, there is nothing fit to watch, we mostly watch Family videos, and since we don't have satelite we don't get Christian stations. I miss them.
    I have got my fall decorating 80% done, and have been enjoying them along with fall temps. so glad to have this relief.
    We have been blessed by dodging the storms, and have been praying for those who have been hit hard with the flooding. It has been a very unique summer.
    Thanks for sharing.

  8. Hi Nellie

    A great list of thankfuls. There is always something to be thankful for and your thankfuls make me see more and more that I have.
    I am so ready for fall. It is supposed to be 100 here today. My daughter and sil are at the Duck football game and it is going to be a hot one.
    Within the next few weeks I will be getting my fall decorations out. I am so excited.

    Have a great weekend!
    Blessings & Love

  9. I am so thankful for the cooler mornings and evenings. It has been beautiful here. I bought my mums over the weekend and I hope it stays cool enough that they don't burn up!


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you all had a lovely Valentine' Day! Hugs,  Nellie Sharing with: