Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - April 26, 2012

Hello Sweet Peas
Welcome to Thankful Thursday!

Hope you have had a great week!

It has been a great week for me, and as always
so much to be thankful for!  So guess I will get

I am thankful
for all the work I have accomplished in my
back yard over the last week or so.  

I am thankful
for the great time we had with both our kids
 and their spouses last weekend.
Such joy filled times!

I am thankful
for friends and cyber friends as well.
They are all such an incredible blessing.

Dry Brush affect on my white roses.  This is an old picture,
cause I no longer have them, they died a few Winters back.  Poo!

I am thankful
for the beautiful cool weather we had this week
 because of the Noreaster that went through.

I am thankful
for a neat movie we watched on Monday
night called "Wide Awake", it was truly an
adorable, heartwarming and funny movie,
with a few sad parts. Hubby and I both thought
it was really  terrific, and enjoyed it so much.
  It is about a 10 yr. old boy (who is truly adorable)
who lost his beloved grandfather to cancer, and he
 is on a mission to find God.  I am not one for
 watching movies several times,  but this one
would qualify.......................

I am thankful
for reconnecting with a dear long time friend as
 prayer partners once a week.  This is great cause we
are really like sisters, but have lost touch in latter years,
for one reason or another, so this should help
 keep us reconnected.

I am thankful
for Mango/Key Lime pie from Publix,  It is a
delectable tropical taste sensation and just so yummy
 and perfect for spring time or summer!

I am thankful
for the heart health of dark chocolate and for the
yummy candy bars they have that are dark chocolate,
we try to eat a small piece every day............
Such a chore...............lol

I am thankful
for the sweet surprise of the day, that  I spent with a
really sweet lady from my church.  She was coming
by today to pick something up and we wound up
having lunch together and talking for about 5 hrs.
It was great to get to know her more,  and just a
delightful day for both of us. A girl day for sure,
and we have soooo much in common.............
kindred spirits for sure!

Posterized hydrangeas

I am thankful
that I was able to not only find what I needed,
but loved the find...... as it is to finish a project that
 will be a gift for someone, but that is all I can say
 for now cause I never know who might be

I am thankful
for 45 solemn, quiet, refreshing minutes sitting on the
 lounger in my backyard, as the sun was going down
 and peeking thru the trees, while I poured over a free
 Veranda magazine, and drank in the scenery of both.
Another God given delightful time!

I am thankful
that all the shrubs we cut back rather drastically a few
 months ago, in our backyard, have all filled in and look
 so lush and green. You would never know we cut them!

Well, that is it for today..................

So glad you could stop by,  and really
 looking forward to hearing from you............

Hope you have a Thankful or Two
 to share with us!

Love,  Hugs,  and
Sweet Surprise Blessings to you!


Warm Fuzzy Tuesday # 7

Our Pink Bougainvilla

Afternoon  Sweet Friends,

Hope you are having a wonderfully
 cool day like we are...................

It was 50 degrees this morning, here in central
Florida and feels pretty chilly, but delightful,
thought these days were gone for the year,
and suspect this is the last we will see of it
at least till the latter Fall months.

I worked out in the yard again yesterday
and again today,  it is coming along nicely.

Our Hot Pink Bougainvilla

Which leads me to my Warm Fuzzy for today!

It is working in my yard and enjoying seeing
the ongoing results every time I am done, and
just knowing it is shaping up and looking better
and better every time I go out there,  and then
seeing the results of  fertilizing existing things
and especially when I put in something new.


Haven't planted any new flowers yet this year,
but am enjoying seeing my cilantro and parsley
doing well, and the new plant Scott and Megan
gave me that I put on the porch, and of course,
 all of the established plants and shrubs we have had 
for years that are blooming, like the bougainvilla,
knockout roses, jasmine, gardenias, small mums
 and cuban buttercups.  Scott grew the cuban butter
 cups for me years back.  I have lilies that are about to
 bloom, and some  hydrangeas, small that they are,
 but exciting since I didn't even think the plant would 
survive Winter.  So many of my plants are a reminder
 of the people in my life, because so many of them
 have been gifts from family and friends, and so
many of them were planted with help from some-
one in the family too.

So all this brings Joy and 
Warm Fuzzies to my heart!

So......What gives you a Warm Fuzzy??

A  lone Hibiscus that was blurry, so added a paint daubs affect

Hope you have a truly Wonderful Day 


Thanks for droppin in..................

Always great to hear from you!

A  lone gardenia that was blurry as well, so added the equalized
 affect to it!  When I went out to take pics this morning I forgot
 about our heavy rains over the weekend and that most of the 
flowers were knocked off or beat up unfortunately..............

 Special Warm Fuzzy 
 Blessings to you all..........


Monday, April 23, 2012

Happy Monday!!

Happy Monday Sweet Friends,

Hope you had a fun weekend!!

Our's was quite fun, I have to say!  Our's was
pretty much all relational, my kind of days......

Friday nite we got invited over to Dee and Jerry's
for burgers and fries,  and I left our house just in
the nick of time,  as we had a deluge of rain and
high winds and some hail (supposedly).  We had
a great time seeing the new things they have done
to the house and eating and playing cards and just
catching up.

  Saturday we worked on doing a
 marriage survey from a Sunday School class we
are taking .... where we are doing a book called
"The second half of marriage", by Dave and Claudia
Arp.  It is for empty nesters,  and looks like it is
really gonna be good.  So we are excited about
the class and the book.  

Saturday night we spent with Scott and Megan,
they came over for pizza and we played some
new games on the Wii and of course, caught
up on what is going on with each other.

When we ordered pizza they got the New
buffalo chicken pizza from Papa Johns,  and
we got the veggie,  but we tried a small pc.
of theirs.........and oh my......It is really really
good,  so if you haven't tried it you might
want to.................
It isn't horribly bad for you...........it has about
17 gms of total fat,  and 6 gms of sat. fat and
no trans fat,  per slice!
Had to look up that nutritional stuff ya know!
Thank goodness you can now!

Sunday was our usual day,  Sunday School,
Worship Service then ran to get our fav smoothie 
then home to read the Sunday paper, a nap,
  and watch some fav pastors on TV.

Hope you enjoyed your weekend 
as much as we did!

Glad you came by and thanks for all
sweet and encouraging comments.

Have a great week........


Thursday, April 19, 2012

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - April 19, 2012

Told you I would show you my change of pictures
in the kitchen area.  This is the old picture taken in
August last year,  and below you will see the
other picture I chose for a new look!

Welcome to Thankful Thursday!

So what sort of week did you have???

Mine has been a mixture of yard work, relation
 building, emotional pain, reading and the usual
every day stuff.

Been out working in the yard  this morning and yesterday
 morning and it has been fun and the weather was perfect
 for it, overcast and breezy altho it did get pretty warm
after a bit.  Still enjoyed it!  Which leads me to
my first Thankful.

# 1
I am thankful
for my backyard,  it is such a place of peace, solace,
beauty and joy to me,  and for the most part private,
I love that too!!

Remember the new look was inspired by the lilies.

I am thankful
for weed pulling - it is a great way to do some deep
thinking and pondering, and love the results.  My
flower bed looks so much better too!  lol

I am thankful
for faithful friends that are full of wisdom to share
at times when we need it.

It is a very nice change and looks a lil more stately.

I am thankful
that I found some very important paperwork on Tuesday
that was lost, I looked everywhere and was constantly
praying for the Lord to find it!!
Find it He did,  can not tell you what a relief that was!

I am thankful
for answers to prayer,  and for those who pray.
Called hubby and my Sil Susan on Tuesday and asked
them to pray I would find the paperwork
and as I said  I found it,  Such a blessing!

With posterized affect!

I am thankful
for food from Tropical chicken grill,  it is pretty
healthy and delicious,  and  we got it as take out
Tuesday evening and then were able to have it for
 lunch on Wednesday..............a nice quick lunch
after all my weed pulling............sweet!

I am thankful
for the scripture in the bible that is so encouraging
for the day and time we live in.

Romans 8:28
And we know that all things work together for
 good to those who love God, to those who are 
 called according to His purpose.

Can you see there is just one lily left to open!

I am thankful
for the results I have seen from doing these breathing
exercises the Dr. gave me.  My back is pretty much
normal now and it has also helped my neck problems.
My neck used to be tight all the time,  and it is no longer
 that way, in fact, I was suppose to go for my routine
 visit to the chiropractor this week and I moved it back
a few weeks, cause I am doing so well.
It is also helping my IBS, which is the real reason he
 had me doing this in the first place.
 Tuesday was 4 weeks from when I started, plus I had
 somewhat of a set back during the time I was sick,
so I am truly amazed at the results and would highly
recommend it to anyone.  I know it sounds just too
easy,  but if I had not tried it myself I would never
have believed it...............

Colored pencil affect.

I am thankful
for a short but sweet and encouraging email from
 my Dee today.  It blessed my heart!

I am thankful
one of my blog friends came by and told me they
thought all the gapping in my last posts were from
the new blogger changes,  so hopefully,  they will
get it worked out soon.  Think I might be going
to another editor soon anyway,  when hubby has
time to help me.

Just had to come back once I posted this and
say yeah,  it looks like blogger fixed the problem.

 Well,  here is the last lily to open up!
Isn't the color change amazing.......

I am thankful
for a sweet surprise phone call yesterday from a dear
 friend of many years.  She is always such a joy to talk
 with, and was a wonderful distraction.

I am thankful
for the results of being obedient to God even when
He asks us to do really hard things!
Obedience brings blessing...............

This is the last of the lilies,  I threw them all away 
yesterday but that last one,  stuck it in a bud vase and
 it is by my sink in the kitchen.

Well,  that wraps up some of my blessings
 for the week..................

Hope you will share a few of yours.

Thanks for coming for a visit, 
 look forward to your sweet comments.

Have a Fruitful Friday and
 a Winsome Weekend,

Love,  Hugs and
Relation Building Blessings,

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

TableTop Tuesday - From Easter to Spring, before and after coffee table

 Happy Tuesday ...............

Hope you had a very nice weekend!

Our's was very nice, I was particularly happy that I got
 to attend my daughter's best friends wedding.
 So mad at myself tho, cause I forgot to take my camera! 

Heather (the bride) looked stunning, and the wedding
 ceremony itself was simply lovely.  The reception was
beautifully decorated too.  Chocolate brown tablecloths
and chair covers with candy pink  (the color of pepto
bismol, in case you don't know what color candy pink is)
bows on the chairs and napkins, white basket weave
dishes, with a tall glass cylinder with roses, then filled
 with water and a floating candle on top. Very pretty!

Our girls looked very pretty in there candy pink long
 flowing gowns,  if I am able to get a picture of them,
I will show you later.  We all got to sit together which
was nice,  so it was a most enjoyable evening.

Hubby got the taxes finished on Friday night and
sent them off.  We both actually forgot all about
it with me being sick and Easter and all.  Thank
Goodness for Turbo Tax!!  lol
Gotta start pressing my list into gear,  cause if
we don't write it down we just forget all about it,
and seems like we do remember it will be at a
time when we can't do it like bedtime, or we
are going somewhere or something like that.

Well,  was sitting watching our Pastors on TV
Sunday evening so decided to light the candles
on our coffee table as I knew I would be taking
down the Easter stuff yesterday,  so thought
I would enjoy it one more time,  then thought
oh,  you should take a few pics,  and then you
can show your before and after shots!
So actually remembered for a change!  lol

Anywhoo..................hope you enjoy them!

These were all taken at night!

Love these lil bunnies, trying to remember where I got them,
cause I got them last year or the year before, don't  remember
 where for some reason!

So now for the changes or After Shots

Kept the floral and the candlestick the same

but changed out the bunnies for birdies

and a lil nest of eggs

changed the towel on the tray from pink and white to
blue and white cause the birds just didn't show up on the
the pink and white!

These pics were all taken in the daytime.

I am linking up to Marty over at
A stroll thru life,  click here to
see other pretty vignettes.

Thanks for your visit, come again soon!
Love to hear from you!

Love,  Hugs,
and Birdie Blessings,

Friday, April 13, 2012

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - April 12, 2012

I rec'd these lilies last Thursday or Friday, and as you can see they 
weren't open yet, so I have taken pics several times a day to show
 their progress and make it sort of seem like time lapse photography.
  Hope you enjoy the pics, as much as I have enjoyed the lilies.

Hello Sweet Peas,

Hope your day and your week has
been a good one.

Several starting to
open up!

My day was good......and

I am very thankful
to be feeling so much better, even tho this
virus is still taking it's sweet time going away!

The first 2 still opening up!

I am thankful
for these beautiful lilies my sister in law
brought me when I was sick.  They brought
some cheer to me,  and also got me to finally
do something I had been thinking about, change
the pic over my kitchen table.  I will show you
that next week sometime.

Fully opened,
and I moved them 
around to the front
of the vase to see
them better.

I am thankful
that we were able to get together as a family
for Easter,  and praise God no one else has
 gotten sick!!

2 more opening on
the left side.

1 open, and 1 still

4 left to open!

I am thankful
that the wedding for Becky's daughter turned
out so well,  that would be Becky from over at
 Junk to Joy!  She said it was just so enchanting!
So glad for all those great memories for she 
and her precious family.

Fully opened!

Four fully

I am thankful
that we are getting a new couple to work with,
this time it will be for premarital counseling,
which we have never done before,  but think
after 41 yrs. and with the Lord's help we should
certainly be able to come up with something!!  lol

Notice  the color difference
of the first ones that opened
vs the new ones that opened.
the white edges turn pale
pink,  and the flower more
plum colored.

I am thankful
that a mistake that I made when I was paying our
bills last week, while I was feeling my worst, turned out
 to be not as bad as I first thought.....Shew!
Somehow,  I got the wrong envelope and sent our ATT
 check to our local Water Co. and at first I thought oh no,
 that means ATT has the check for the Water Co.,
  Fortunately,  our water bill wasn't do yet,  so that meant
 it was the last bill I wrote,  and it was only for the
water company.  Yeah.................

done in watercolor affect!

An overall look
at 7 blooms.

I am thankful
I am going out with a dear friend to Olive
Garden tonight as a belated birthday celebration,
it will be great to see her cause it has been over
a month now.
Well, went and I am back and we had a great
time, always so fun to connect with friends.

I am thankful
fpr Publix subs,  they are so good.  Bought one
for hubby for dinner since I was going out and
he has a meeting,  so decided to get one for
me for lunch,  sure hit the spot after grocery

I am thankful
for all the buy one get one free deals at 
Publix every week.  Cause we stock up when
we see things we use a lot.  Today I stocked
up on Vann's gluten free waffles,  every tried
them,  they are great,  and I really love them
with fruit and whipped cream for breakfast
or a fun snack.

I am thankful
we get to go to a wedding this weekend (Lord
Willing) for one of my daughter's best friends, Dee
 and Megan are in the wedding as Bridesmaids,
So it should be really fun............to see them all.

This was taken with the flash on,  and it made them a lil different
in color.  Brighter!

I am thankful
it has been sunny all week and I have been able
to get out and get a lil bit of sun especially on
my arms since I am planning to wear a sleeve-
less dress to the wedding.  You always look
better with some color!!  lol

Shot  from the other side.

I am thankful
for a really neat movie we watched on Wed.
night called "What If?" .  It is a very thought
provoking movie, about a man's life and the
choices he made and what if he had chosen
differently.  Has a good ending and a very
good message.  Netflix has it!!

Sorry for all the gaps in here,  it looked nothing
like that before I posted it......don't know why or
how that happens,  so wierd!

Well, hope you have enjoyed
 the Lily Delight!

Hope you have a great weekend
with lots of fun and rest!

Thanks for stopping by,
always love hearing from you!

Love, Hugs, and
 Delightful Lily Blessings,

With posterized affect!

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you are finding rest for your soul today!! Hugs, Nellie