Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - August 29, 2013

Just figured I would use some pictures I haven't used before.

I Praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
your works are wonderful and I know that full well.
Psalm 139:14

Greetings Sweet Friends,

So what kind of week have you had??
Lackadaisical, busy?? or both??
Know a lot of you sent your children
back to school this week or last.  

I remember those days: Call me crazy, but I hated
 to see my kids go back to school,  yet I loved and 
longed for the idea of being on a schedule again, 
cause we had very relaxed and fun summers, and 
didn't accomplish much of anything but shopping for 
school clothes and rearranging and/or organizing 
their rooms. lol    Anyone, know what I mean!!
  Oh, how you miss those times when they grow up! 
 But, then there are other fun things to watch and 
do with them, as they grow into awesome adults. 

My week has been a good one, a bit busy and wishing
 for some......... lackadaisical (ness)! the dictionary
 said, that was not a word), but it is for me!!  lol
 Maybe tomorrow, I can kick back with some coffee
 and really peruse a Fall magazine I told you about....
So looking forward to

So.....without further ado............
I will just get on with it!!  lol

Same pic as above but with a Gradient map affect

I am thankful
that my my hubby and son both work in 
a career field doing what they love to do,
and my son-in-love is about to do what he
has always wanted to do as well.
In fact,  I think most all of the people in
my family including myself,  love what
they do as their life's work.  It has got
to be the worst thing in the world to go
to a job daily,  and hate what you do,
especially if you are the breadwinner 
of the family.

I am thankful
that we are getting to have Dee, Jerry
and Rosie with us just a lil longer.......
as the buyers did not qualify for the FHA now they are just in the waiting 
mode to see if the people can find another way
to get financing or if they are gonna have to put
 the house back on the market.

Update: Talked with her today and looks like

the buyers found another way and they will be 
closing on Sept. 23rd, or maybe even sooner,
 if all continues to go well.

I am thankful
for Iron's,  ironing boards and steamers, cause 
I don't like wrinkled clothes.  lol  

I am thankful
for a good check up at the dentist on 
Tuesday, and what a nice hygienist I had.
They are all the sweetest ladies in that
dentist office, they are all christian
women and they pray together every
morning,  how cool is that!

Breakfast with a friend....Does anyone else like Apricot bear claws
as much as I do???? 

I am thankful
for a fun day out shopping on Tuesday as well.
  Needed to get a baby shower gifts for this 
weekend, and exchange those tan placemats
 for more blue ones, go to Sam's and of course,
 reward myself with a smoothie for being a 
good girl at the dentist office!  lol

I am thankful
for 2 fun and unexpected finds on my shopping 
expedition.  One was a white ceramic silver-
ware holder,  that could also be a nice flower
holders as well,  and a $25.00 pillow I just
happened to see at Bed Bath and Beyond.
It was originally $25.00 and it was on sale for 
just $5.99 and in mint condition...........
so she came home with me.

same pic as above but with posterized affect

I am thankful
that we were able to get together with the
couple we will be working with in the young 
marrieds class,  cause we are working on
details and getting to know each other.

I am thankful
that I am just starting to get the feeling of
Fall even tho it is still so hot out,  but am
seeing the long shadows and just a sense of
excitement about all the fun and wonderful
celebrations that Fall holds.

film grain affect

I am thankful
for the nice fellow (that we have never 
even laid eyes on before) that was mowing 
our neighbors yard at the same time we were
doing ours. The fellow finished over there
 then came over and blew the grass off the 
street in front of our house and then blew 
off our front porch and sidewalk and the 
driveway.  We just couldn't believe how
nice and thoughtful  he was. Just gives 
you a warm fuzzy feeling.......that there
 are still a lot of  really nice people in the
 world. Hope the Lord blesses him real 
good for his random act of kindness.

I am thankful
for the Fall Cottage Magazine I got on Tuesday
at Sam's.  I love this seasonal magazine, it is
 just the neatest.  A great curl up with a cup 
of coffee and read this fun magazine type of 
enjoyment,  also great decorating inspiration,
which I need for starting my Fall decorating.

I am thankful
for the fun time we have been having with
our lil darling today.  Haven't seen her since
last Wednesday, so seemed like ages since
we have seen her.   lol
Had Rosie since last week,  and Megan dropped
 Brooklyn off and Scott picked her up,  and Dee
 picked up got to see almost the 
whole family today accept for Jerry and Susan,
 and did talk to her on the phone.
So it always makes it a good day when I get
to see my family members especially so many
in one

I am thankful
I just realized it was Wednesday, not Thursday,
somehow lost a day in there, which means I could
have posted, but since I had been working on my
Thankful Thursday Post already decided I will just
 be early or at least on time for a change!  lol

same pic with colored pencil affect

I am thankful
for this great thought that just came to me, con-
cerning those apricot bare claws.
Hubby had gotten me some gluten free almond cookies
 a few weeks back and think I told you they reminded
 me of almond bear claws from Publix, and I just thought 
what if you put apricot preserves on top of the cookies
ahhh the taste of apricot bearclaws without the gluten 
or the bad oils. Oh yum,  and hubby just told me this
 morning he is going to fresh market today to get 
some coffee he discovered there and loves....
and guess what he is gonna get for me!!
So will tell you soon.........if it actually tastes like 
apricot bear claws or

Update: No... they don't taste like Apricot bear
claws, altho they taste good, but the almond
cookies seems to override the apricot.  Poo!

Well,  that's it folks, another week
 in the life of
Nellie's Cozy Place............

 Hope you enjoyed your time here.

Always glad when you can stop in 
for a visit

Have a Really Great.........
 Rest of the Week!!

Love Hugs,and the Last of August 
Blessings to you all,


Thursday, August 22, 2013

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - August 22, 2013

So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, 
continue to live in him, rooted and built up in him,
 strengthened in the faith as you were taught, 
and overflowing with thankfulness.
Colossians 2:6 and 7

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope it has been a nice sunny week
where ever you are.

Cause it has done nothing but rain here most of
the week,  and my mood today has matched the
weather!!   Altho not gloomy but rainy!   lol

So will let the post do the talking!!

I am thankful
to be feeling so much better after being sick most of
 last week.

I am thankful
that we have been asked to start a Young Married's
 Ministry at our church.  We love to teach on marriage
and we love working with young couples so it is a
perfect fit.  We are suppose to start in September
sometime,  I think.  Still working out the details.

I am thankful
that the Lord knows our concerns and our needs
before we do even.  This class had been in the
talking stages for a few months now, but now that 
Dee and Jerry are moving we were concerned
about it maybe being hard to take off to go see
them when we wanted to,  but the Lord has
raised up another couple to work with us,  and
they are at the same station in life and have the
exact same concerns as us,  so this way there
will always be someone here to teach.
So nothing to worry about!!  What a Blessing.

We also found these lovely hydrangeas for my kitchen table.
I am thankful
for the great time we had for Dee's birthday
on Sunday, and thankful for the ideas and the
 green mini carnations the Lord helped us find.

Birthday table decorations reconfigured for a new centerpiece
for our dining room table for a nice change.

I am thankful
for shrimp and scallops,  they are one of Dee's favorites
and mine as well, and what we had for dinner on Sunday
marinated in a lime, garlic, cilantro sauce.  Think every-
one really enjoyed the seafood.

I am thankful
our Senior Pastor is back.  He was gone for 5
weeks in July and August as he is studying for
his doctorate degree.  Everyone did a great
job of filling in but we really missed his great

I am thankful
for the nice time we had with Megan and Brooklyn,
on Wed. Evening, they stayed and had dinner with us
 since Scott was out of town, and thankful he arrived
home today safe and sound from Maryland.

How could I resist putting a pic of our lil darling..........

I am thankful
for a sweet day with Dee today.  We had a big
breakfast and just talked and talked till she had
to leave for work at 3 p.m.  We are gearing up for
 the big day......They are leaving for N.C. on
the 4th of September,  and we got to keep Rosie
for a few days too.  So loved that too.

I am thankful
that a lady that showed them some houses and
apts. in Asheville,  that Dee really hit it off with
 called her today and told her that when she comes
 up to call her so they can go to lunch and hang out, 
 cause she said she would have a lot of time on her
 hands soon with her children going back to school,
  and that she was having a hard time as she just
moved to a new place too.   I really believe this 
is the Lord making Dee feel like she at least has
one friend up there.  
My Mother's heart was so happy about that!

I am thankful
for Marty over at a stroll thru life,  who told me
where to find some buffalo check tablecloths
that I was planning to cover my dining room
chairs with, but now think I might use them for
curtains in my computer/work area.  Thanks
Marty,  for sharing your information with me,
this was an awesome deal!  So appreciate it.

I am thankful
for that precious christian lady at the school in Georgia,
that had the gunman on campus on Wednesday.
The Lord really used her to head off  what could have
 been a huge catastrophy. God really poured out his
 grace of courage on her for sure.  She is like a hero
of the faith...............

May the Lord Bless Her Immensely!

With Posterized affect

 I am thankful
that I have been crying most of the day, but for all really
 good and sweet reasons. The Lord has been doing some 
really neat things...............and I am so grateful for that.

Well Sweet Peas.................that is

 my list for today!  Bet you might
have a few of your own,  so why
not share them with us.

We'd really love to hear them.

Hope you have a lovely Friday

and weekend with those you love.

Love,  Hugs and

August Blessings,


Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Birthday Table for my Daughter DeeAnna's 29th Birthday!

Happy Tuesday Morning to you
Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds you feeling well 
and full of vim and vigor............

I am feeling so much better today.....
Yesterday I felt like I was getting a relapse, so was
not to thrilled about that but today I do feel like I have
 some vim and vigor.......which is very exciting to me!!!

We had a great weekend......went to Dee and Jerry's
on Friday  then Sat. we  were just getting ready for
her birthday celebration most of the day,  other than
the 3 hr. nap we took in the afternoon,  which made
me stay awake all night (the reason 
for my relapse on Monday, I think)
Then Sunday was church and  her birthday celebration 
so the whole family was here,  and we had a great
 time and some good eating........

So thought I would show you her birthday table today.
Since I was sick and couldn't get out,  this was 
do with what you have on hand table.  Hoping to
 get some white carnations if hubby and I could
locate them.

I try to find a theme if possible that the person
likes, color scheme or whatever.  I know that
Dee has said lately she likes topiaries,  so
thought okay what can I do with that.  So put
one in a pretty white planter and did a sign
on printmaster to hang on it.  She also loves
this shade of green too.

Then I remembered I had these 2 lil  green urns
I bought several years ago at Old Time Pottery for
$2 each,  then stuck a yankee candle lid (repur-
posed as a candleholder) inside them to use
them as candles for the table.

If you would like to know how to repurpose 
your candle lids....just click here!

See the empty egg cups.....I was gonna put a
white carnation in each one for the girls.

This was a girl place setting.  I remembered that I had 
played around with some napkins some time back and 
made lil clutch bags but had never used the idea yet,  
so decided to do that..........then I found these adorable
lil plastic shoes in my china hutch drawer....I had gotten
3 of them at someones wedding reception, so that made
me really excited cause a purse and shoes,  what girl
doesn't like that.................and it look like a glass slipper,
so Cinderella comes to mind.............

Then decided I should use these silver banded dessert
plates, for salad plates,  to add a lil bling.  So coming
along fine,  had the table mostly set,  but still looking
for white carnations.........

 Then Sat. we had to go to Publix to get food items
so they have a fairly nice floral shop so looked
there and they didn't have white carnations either, 
 but they did have green mini carnations in the
 perfect shade of green.  The Lord always helps,
and the green probably looked better than the
white anyway................

This pic was taken the morning after with the 
lights out,  just thought it was a neat picture.  lol

So this is the birthday girls place,  I decided to put her
flowers in a silver punch cup and then gave all the girls
 goblets and the guys reg glasses.

Looking down the table from the end,  our special
person always gets to sit at the head of the table.
Just another way of honoring them on their
special day.....................

Now did you notice that the lil green urns are not
being used for candles now..........I did lil florals
with the green carnations.  Looks so much

These were the guys place settings.  Made some ties 
for them,  and put candles at their place setting. 
Also got the andes mints for the candy of the day!!  lol

I sort of wishes I had not put the candy in the shoes cause
the shoes were so much prettier without it,  but oh well!!
Live and Learn.........that is why taking pics is a good thing,
you learn from

 Only had 3 shoes,  so gave my SIL Susan the swam since
 she loves animals so..................

 A look from the other end of the table.

A over view

 Overview with posterized affect.

 Liked how the candles and the egg cup with 
the flower lined up so nicely.   lol

 Dee's lil bouquet

View from the other end of table.

Sorry about all the pictures I always take
so many cause some don't come out, then
it is very hard to decide which ones to post,
and I always have too many.
But hope you enjoyed them anyway!!  lol

Thanks so much for dropping in,  always
great to hear from you.

Hope you have a Totally Terrific Day!

Sharing over at:
Cindy's for Amaze Me Monday
Click Here

Marty's for Inspire Me Tuesday
Click Here

Ivey and Elephants for What's it Wednesday
Click Here

Kathleen's for Let's Dish
Click Here

Style Sisters for Centerpiece Wednesday
Click Here

Hugs and Blessings,

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you are finding rest for your soul today!! Hugs, Nellie