Thursday, August 1, 2013

Welcome to Thankful Thursday -August 1, 2013

Pictures all compliments of

Glory in his holy name; let the hearts of those 
who seek the LORD rejoice.
 Look to the LORD and his strength; 
seek his face always.
Psalm 105:3-4

Hello Sweet Friends,

Hope your week has been going
 well,  and that you really enjoyed 
July,since it is behind us

Really hard to believe it is 
August 1st.........

Well, my week has been going well.............

worked in the yard some, tweaked some
 things in the kitchen and did some playing,
 took care of our lil darling. Did a lot of cooking
 including making gluten free peanut better 
cookies. Ummm.  they are so good, and that
is all I can remember right now,  lol 
 that isn't on my list already.

So here goes my list for the week.

I am thankful
for the 105 children that were rescued
from Sex Trafficers on Monday,  what
a wonderful  thing that was to hear........
Glory to God!  and grateful thanks to
these FBI agents that pursued it.

I am thankful
for a nice visit with a good friend this morning, altho, 
it was shorter than we would have liked it was definitely
 better than No time.  It was really great to get to see her,
as it has been a while now..............

I am thankful
that Dee and Jerry have a contract on their home at full 
asking price.  Now this one is what they call a sacrifice 
of praise,  I am really fine with it spiritually cause I truly 
believe this is the Lord's will for them, and I know and
 believe their is no safer place for them to be than in the
Lord's will and I know that it is gonna be worked together
 for the good of all of us that love the Lord,  but,  my heart
 is wishing it wasn't his plan!!  lol  So I am having heart
 trouble with it. 
 Oh these emotions....sometimes you  would just like 
to rip them out an stomp on

If you feel led....please pray that their house appraises
 for the same amount as the selling price, cause
 sometimes it can differ.................which can cause

I am thankful
for a fun day out shopping by myself to drown my sorrows. 
It  actually did help some.  lol  Bought some things for the
baby, and a couple of things for the house and did some
food shopping as well.

I am thankful
that at least Dee will be here for her 29th birthday 
which is just a few weeks away.

I am thankful
to have had the priviledge and blessing of having Dee
 live near us for 29 years, we knew this day might come 
one day and that is why we savored every minute of it,
and we believe the Lord has great things in store for them.

I am thankful
that we have seen the Lord answer prayer in this situation,
 mercifully in the ways that we asked, so we could be assured
 it was Him..........and we have NO doubt of that,
which is a huge comfort.

I am thankful
that I found some cute towels to go in my newly rearranged 
kitchen.  and thankful that hubby and I are really enjoying 
the fresh and clean new look.

I am thankful
that we live in a day and time where we have email, and
texting and best of all skyping which will make it easier
to keep in touch with each other. One person told me
skyping was so great cause you actually feel like the
person is in the room with you.  So we will definitely
be getting that..............

I am thankful
that Dee will not have to work outside the home when
 she gets to North Carolina, accept maybe one day a
 month, I think it keep her liscense, or unless
 she wants to work more.  That was one of the pluses
 to this move..................cause when or if she has
 children she wants to be able to be home with them.

I am thankful
for the nice time we had with Megan and Brooklyn last night.  
Scott was out of town so she stayed and had dinner with us.
We really had a good time...........

I am so thankful
that I have a good relationship with the Lord, and my 
hubby cause it does make having your children move 
somewhat less painful.  Cause if I didn't have that....
 I think this would be really excruciating..............
cause I am not just losing a daughter I am losing a 
best friend as well.  We have to keep reminding 
ourselves that we are only a phone call away.
and then there is Rosie too........we are really 
gonna miss her too.  Hubby and I are looking
forward to traveling adventures in Asheville.  lol

Well, this is it .........

Thanks for coming by for a visit,
 am glad your are here and hope you 
say hello, so I know you came by.

Love, Hugs,
and Blessings Galore,



  1. Nellie,

    Your blog is adorable. And what lovely photos! I'm following you now :)


  2. Hi Nellie,

    Thank you so much for popping in to visit my blog. I really appreciate the time you took to leave such sweet comments. Our homes are a work in progress (just like we are) right? I say we are never done. Like you said, sometimes just picking up a pretty dish towel can take our minds off our sorrow and make us appreciate the simple things. I love your adorable blog and your home looks nice and cozy. Love the open concept of your kitchen and family room and your french doors! I hope you'll stop back by for a visit.

  3. Nellie,

    I forgot to tell you I'm following along now.

  4. Our son is with us just for the summer break and then he is back in school ( a second time around in school after being laid off from teaching at UCLA) and our daughter is a good 6 hour drive away. Even flying it is 2 hours with the drive to the airport and the flight. I so wish we were closer, but her solution would be for us to move to her and that isn't happening.

    I pray that all goes well for the sale of the house.

  5. Well, it is easy to see where your head is after reading this. My daughter will be 29 in a few weeks too. As you know, I certainly know how you feel, although mine left at 23 and left all alone. She literally left the day after she got out of college and went alone from a very small town to the big city. It was hard then and it is hard now and some weeks (this happens to be one) it is just darned painful. But, I take great solace in the fact that she is happy. I think you will find that as well. We want them to be happy and sometimes, it seems to be at our expense. The phone makes it much better and texting. We don't Skype much, but we do text, send pictures and talk every day at least once. You will adapt, but you won't ever like it! I am glad for them that their house sold...yay!

  6. Hi Nellie!
    #1, when I think of the heinous act I get sick to my stomach....such great news!
    #12, if you are ever there visiting I'd love to catch a peek at you...maybe we could head that way for a quick hello!

  7. Hi Nellie,

    I'm so happy for Dee and Jerry. I hope all works out for them in North Carolina. You will have a place to visit now.

  8. Oh yes being thankful... Never too much never too often... Just now being thankful not having broken my other wrist when falling avoiding my sweet little poodle, and being thankful not healing her.
    xoxo from PARIS

  9. #1. Praise be to GOD when He helps people rescue "the perishing" to bring them out of such wickedness.
    #2. It is such a blessing to be in the fellowship of family and friends.
    #3. My prayers have been for their success with selling their home. I'm praying for you and them as they leave their loved ones here to move to their new "home."
    #4. Keeping ourselves busy when we want to think on "other" things helps very much. I remembered when mom died, I just started painting! When I look at all of the walls I painted in the house, I can't believe I did all of it on my own!
    #5. It will be an extra special time!
    #6. That's how we felt when you and Jim went to Germany!
    #7. The LORD is so Good to give us such comfort in His will.
    #8. What joy when we find things that assists with these things that make us happy :-)
    #9. The joys of communication!
    #10. There will be many things to keep her busy!
    #11. What a blessing to be grandparents!
    #12. I'm here for you to take care of Molly!
    Love to you and yours, Susan


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a lovely Sunday, Hugs and Blessings, Nellie